Well hello there, member I have not met before ;D
I was? By who???? I know! It has been like forever or so =D
You know what? Whenever we start talking, It always gets cut off and don't talk for awhile ;~; How have you been?
I found out that if I don't think about it, the date comes sooner....but either way, can't wait for this game!!! Thanks Mike for the great reporting as always ;D
Would you check this out by chance??? http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=3133607#post3133607
Well, I made these last night and I thought I would show! P.S- I really don't think I like how the red (Flames) came out, I tried mixing them with the smudged C4D but mehhhh :\
Ish you still an Okami fan???
So then how did you put it in your sig?
Okies...i understand (somewhat) xD
Really? And then you turned it into Java?
Oh, That would do it all right ;D What program did you run with it?
Hello sir, I do believe we have met before :3 Annnnnywhoooo, might I inquire as to how you made the button that made me laugh?
Okay, nevermind, sorry to bother :3
Well, one of my friends just recently bought it and he needs help with a new feature called "Reshuffling" but it is too new of a program that...
I mished you!!!! ;DDD How have you been?
That is my first one on CS4 xD Thanks <3 Oh, my bad...we have a Uni here in my state, and they have an excellent Archeology program...I knew...
Ohai Boss man! I haven't talked to you in forever ;D
Do you have CS5?
Misty Misty! I have an important question for you! Dooo.......you run Photoshop?