What other site
I absolutely love it!
Who made you're sig!!!!
Gawd, I absolutely love your avatar and Sig xD
That is good (Somewhat) ;D Oh, have you been by GLNET lately?
Awwww, are you okay now??? :\
xD Ya, a bit
xD It's okay, I was just messing...I've been good, how about yourself?
Ohhh, well this is getting a bit intense!!! xD GO Mike!!!
Ohhh Mike....I think you are my new hero =DDD *lolwtf*
Where have you been ;[
Where have you been on GLNET? :\
Ohai! x3333
Oh wow, your sig is like sex! =D Whats it from?
We are good people on the inside!!!!!!
I have a fan club???!!!???
So, i am thinking that I want to go into a web design career ;] I absolutely love British and Irish accents!!!! They are soo cute <3333 I...
Want to see my psd? And it isn't that hard to make rounded edges :\
And who is this?
<33 Ya, xDD So, do you have an accent or is it just on the internet? That people mistake you? I think it is time to check google xD