Shall we take a goo'oll trip to Wiihaven???!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? lol xD Yes ma lord
lol Serge xDD We could have Reppy change the name of one of the perma banned members to Serge??? We should get Kay to be granny =]
Now we need bubble!!!!!!
Sorry RvR, I just kind of sprung that on ya xDDDD
Your entire xDDD
Everytime I look at your profile, it reminds me that I want it xDDD lol
O.O That is a great idea!!!!!! <3 I am a really competitive person, so I will be better off :] I doubt it xD I bet it is beautiful!!! ;~;...
<3333 Same Here!!!!!! I have been getting into the whole college thing lately, which everyone says is a good thing to start early on. ;~; Aw,...
It's done >=DDD
I am going to do it now!!!!! =DDD
Thanks Kay <3 I know! My mom is freaking out because she doesn't want me to graduate next year and leave the house xDDD But I can't wait now!...
I am thinking about a name change to Edina Monsoon xD
What is your username?
See ya dude, maybe when you get back we can talk again :]
Same here!!!
I know!! They make so much money and it is so much fun to do ;DDD <333 I can't help it!!!!! I am a sucker for a girl with an accent xD We had...
I can't help complementing greatness when I see it ;D
I had to watch the first season on youtube because of your profile xD She is such a role model
xD Just have to say, Patsy is the greatest.....
You are slow....but it's alright xD I be amazing, so IT is a priviliage to talk to me!!!!!