Just so you know, Nightmare is ****ing awesome 8DD
I hated getting the pearls D: I remember I couldn't beat a part on there and I decided to print off a walk through, I only meant for it to be a...
I am thinking about starting RPing again 8DD
Windwaker was the first LoZ I ever played!!! What part are you at? And I have never played Ocarina or Majora's Mask ;~; Twilight Princess is...
Twilight Princess???? Or Windwaker? Those are my favorites
I know I do ^.^ I have been wanting to as well, but I just don't have the incentive D;
:333 I think it is chapter 9 D; o.o' I haven't been able to play my Xbox for awhile, I want to soon though...
xDDD idk Of course!!! Ya, so do I, the last boss I beat was the big elemental turtle thing ;D
3x I twas' and lol It's because she is kick ass 8D
That is really inspirational :] I have never donated blood because I hate needles and all but if I had a life saving mutation, I would gladly. But 2 million babies!?! Wow, that is amazing and I am glad to hear that there are still people like this out there...Thanks for the article, even if it is a bit old ^.^
omnomnom :3 Still a fan of Lightning I see?
Not much, you?
Hey there :]
8D Guess what!!!!!!!!
Thanks :] And that's good xDDD I try to ALWAYS answer, but I must have moved to a different page ^.^
What!!?!? I totally forgot to respond to your first VM ;~; sorry, anyways, I am good, how about you?
O.O Oh wow! That is amazing!!! do you mind if I save it?
Sorry for the bump and all but I think it should be worth while, I remember this :] Anyways, ya, forumotion.com is one of the best free forum hosting sites around...and there are A LOT of things that you can customize and all and it is extreamely flexible with that...but if you already installed something, then nevermind :]
I like the theory of this, but I doubt it would be a good thing. Becuase if you are a part of multiple social groups, you are going to be getting messages from each of them. Plus, I don't even think that vBulletin has a mod that allows that, but RvR would know more about it than I.
I would love that x3