Okay, here you go :] http://www.kh-vids.net/group.php?groupid=392
lol xDD I have many answers :3
It is because you are a god, that is the answer xDD
Why is it you always have the best avvy?
I was asking because I found a group of mine that has gone beyond dead and I thought I should ask if you could delete it for me
Hey DP, can you delete social groups or does an admin have to do it?
You are so true, The Four Seasons are amazing! But I too am a huge fan of Vivaldi, I have been listening to his masterpieces since I was about 5 or 6. But I must also agree with your liking of his Summer III. Presto, it is one of my absolute favorites!
So, have you been to the site recently?
^5!!!! xDDD
xDD That's good... and ya, but I am not just an admin anymore....I now be the Co-Owner
That's good....and Busy!!!! With Wiihaven and all ^^
Ohey :3 How have you been?
No problem xDD
>8D Okay, I got it right this time I think!! : http://www.kh-vids.net/member.php?u=44444 his/her sig is stretching my page, I should probably...
Okay, it is official, you are a god...because of Dr, fate >8DDD
Okay, thanks again x333
Was this the site? And thanks :} http://www.kh2.co.uk
xDD Okay thank you :] Time to do some lurking x33
Yes, that one :]
Can I ask where you got your profile picture?