I am EXTREMELY excited for these two! 8D *Lightning Spazz*
Thank you Misty :333
Well, this is for a friend who just got into Gimp and she wants to use some cooler brushes. She has 2.4.6, will it automatically recognize them?
hey Misty, I was wondering if you knew how to convert Photoshop brushes to Gimp?
RotF? >..> I live my Xbox, even if it cost me an arm and a leg ^^; But ya, the PS3 is amazing! Totally save up and get one, they are way beyond...
ME TOO!! Don't get it for wii D; There aren't enough good ones to actually back it up..and DS is bleh. Is it for xbox? Because that would be...
Then, are you also excited for the Transformers War for Cybertron game? 8DDD
Okay, so I just got an email for some coverage on E3 and the main topic was on the upcoming "Kinect" it is a new "Controller" without the cords!! I don't know if it is completely wireless (hookup to the xbox) or not yet :\ This entire event was inspired by the famed "Cirque du Soleil"... anywho, here is the video unveiling at E3 for the Kinect: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/kinect Scroll down until you see a box that says "Kinect World Premier" Just to warn you guys, it is about 30 minutes long but it is totally worth it. and about 15 minutes in, I went 'WTF" just saying xDDD
this game looks f-tastic 8DDD I can't wait for some more info on it.
I heard this game was going to be a "what riku was doing in KH1" kind of game. *go misty!* And uhhh SpazticFantaztic :3, ya, there were nobodies in KH1, the organization was around, we just didn't hear very much about them until CoM.
lulz xDDD It seems like a fair compensation! And I would call it even lol
Hey DP, you still a Transformers fan?
OMG I hated the cards and the panels were alright but I am with you on the wanting it to be back to KH1 and 2 gameplay. However, I am extremely excited for the upcoming games, thanks Mike :]
When does it come out??? Maybe sometime in the near future I hope? 8D Only 20???!?!?!
I need to get some money now >8D
Okay, I just got an email from square and I found this, http://na.square-enix.com/e310/games.html there isn't much but it is something ^^
Mike, was there any news about Re:Coded at E3 yesterday? I have been looking all morning but I haven't found very much. :\
^^ Alrighty, never mind, thanks though
Excuse me, but how did you make your avvy?
Thank you :3