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  1. Fracture
    I am EXTREMELY excited for these two! 8D *Lightning Spazz*
    Post by: Fracture, Jun 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Fracture
    Profile Post

    Thank you Misty :333

    Thank you Misty :333
    Profile Post by Fracture for Misty, Jun 22, 2010
  3. Fracture
  4. Fracture
  5. Fracture
  6. Fracture
  7. Fracture
  8. Fracture
    Okay, so I just got an email for some coverage on E3 and the main topic was on the upcoming "Kinect" it is a new "Controller" without the cords!! I don't know if it is completely wireless (hookup to the xbox) or not yet :\ This entire event was inspired by the famed "Cirque du Soleil"... anywho, here is the video unveiling at E3 for the Kinect:

    Scroll down until you see a box that says "Kinect World Premier"
    Just to warn you guys, it is about 30 minutes long but it is totally worth it.
    and about 15 minutes in, I went 'WTF" just saying xDDD
    Thread by: Fracture, Jun 19, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Fracture
    this game looks f-tastic 8DDD I can't wait for some more info on it.
    Post by: Fracture, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  10. Fracture
    I heard this game was going to be a "what riku was doing in KH1" kind of game. *go misty!*

    And uhhh SpazticFantaztic :3, ya, there were nobodies in KH1, the organization was around, we just didn't hear very much about them until CoM.
    Post by: Fracture, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  11. Fracture
    lulz xDDD It seems like a fair compensation! And I would call it even lol
    Post by: Fracture, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Fracture
  13. Fracture
    OMG I hated the cards and the panels were alright but I am with you on the wanting it to be back to KH1 and 2 gameplay.

    However, I am extremely excited for the upcoming games, thanks Mike :]
    Post by: Fracture, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Fracture
  15. Fracture
    I need to get some money now >8D
    Profile Post by Fracture for Advent, Jun 17, 2010
  16. Fracture
  17. Fracture
  18. Fracture
  19. Fracture
  20. Fracture
    Profile Post

    Thank you :3

    Thank you :3
    Profile Post by Fracture for Korra, Jun 11, 2010