Spoiler Not eating dinner and running the next morning aren't a good combination!
Well no in my class! Ye can never get the guys to wheesht n' get oan wae the work. Its like they're afraid of the silence. There's literally never 2 minutes of peace and quite when they're in the room. They make giggling schoolgirls sound like mutes. ...I want to cut out their tongues and stick them to their foreheads. :|
For some reason I still have my desktop as the windows 7 default (Dunno why) and I wanted something different (Plus its so hard to find a decent Fang background). So khv, I want you guys to draw me something. Anything related to yourself, this site or something you'd think I'd like. If enough folk are willing to draw something I'll make (attempt) to create a collage of it and use it as my background. If not...I'll take Fang wallpapers - 1920x1080. Cheers me dears. PS - I meant something in paint or other drawing apps. xD PSS - The funnier the better. PSSS - Please sign it as well so I don't have to add your name. xD
You have a horrible day at work and you want nothing more than to come home and just cuddle with someone. Then you realise there's no one waiting for you. And that you'll be And the only company you'll have later in life is your 36 cats who want nothing to do with you cept when they're hungry. I wish I still had my tamagotchi. D:
Kashimashi: Girl meets Girl. And if you switch a few things... IT ALL FITS PERFECTLY! It explains why he's Dahlia now.
But it takes 25 different members or 100 posts to open. Go on, open it. :3
The best way to reject any woman. You have to be direct about it. As soon as you notice that she might be interested in you, let her know that you are not interested in her. Do not beat around the bush until you've friendzoned her and she's fallen madly in love with you. GETTING A GODDAMN BAND-AID RIPPED OFF YOUR SKIN IS A HELL OF A LOT LESS PAINFUL THAN HAVING YOUR HEART CRUSHED INTO A MILLION TINY PIECES.
Real simple game. Poster above asks for a wish and the next person grants it, however they must corrupt the outcome. For example; 1. I wish I had a nicer figure. 2. Granted, but you're 6 inches tall and made of plastic. Then the poster that granted the wish must create their own wish and so on. I wish I was taller.
Welp, I better start working out again.
I'm calling it now! That bunny is up to no good!
But not the one it deserves right now. That, and I can't be bothered writing one, so I got the next best thing! Warning: Came up with this idea after waking up at 5:30am and standing on my feet for 8 hours. Pretty sure my brain dissolved into my feet. Well, here you go! kekekekeke
You just can't be honest with some folk.
SE's new online service where you can play games in your browser for free... for a limited period of time before you have to watch some advertising. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-19409211 http://beta.coreonline.com/ Its an interesting idea. Good for those folk that want to play games for free but I dunno. Folk hate adverts. xD Might be a good way for folk to try before you buy approach.
Making me buy a new chair and stool with money I shouldn't spend and with no space in my room to keep them in a permanent place. But at least my gaming is a lot more comfortable now! *has her priorities in order*
...what am I playing? I was embarrassed to listen to the English voices but the Japanese ones are almost as bad! I'm afraid one of my parents will walk past me room and ask what I'm playing! D:
...in like a year. xD But I'm wanting to start saving now, and wanting to save up a considerable amount (About £1k, maybe a wee bit more, which will take me a while since I'm a poor student). However, I'm a terrible saver and I need something to aim for. Saying I want a new PC won't help me so I figure making a list of components that I want and ticking them off once I have enough saved will make it more real to me. I can easily build a PC but I've never bought components for myself, so I'm looking for suggestions of manufactures, models etc. I know you have Asus and Nvidia but I would like to know if there are any other good companies out there. It'll primarily be a gaming/media PC so I want it to be a beast of a machine. The components I figure I'll need are; Case Monitor Power Supply Motherboard Processor Memory Hard Drive (Thinking SSD and a standard HD) Blu-Ray Drive Video Card Maybe Network card if it isn't built into the motherboard Things like the motherboard, processor, memory and video card are what I'm really interested in hearing suggestions from. I know a year from now new components will be out, but I'm trying to get a picture of what to look for. Also, would like to hear of things to watch out for when buying components, and compatibility. Cheers me dears, SENSUALLY.
http://www.teefury.com/ I kinda want to get this one, SENSUALLY.