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  1. kitty_mckechnie

    The Hobbit

    It does not disappoint. <3
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 14, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. kitty_mckechnie
    So I can use it for a custom ipod touch case. Preferable something cute.

    Image needs to be 900 x 1500 or higher.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 4, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. kitty_mckechnie
    Found my mum standing over me saying something I couldn't hear.

    Wuuf! These earplugs are amazing.

    Now instead of folk moving around or shouting for me waking me it's folk shaking me. Not sure if I like this change.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 2, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. kitty_mckechnie
    Advent Calendars.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Dec 1, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. kitty_mckechnie
    All Stars was sent out on Tuesday.

    Several items from Japan were posted the day before. One free international, the other two EMS.

    Got the free shipping item this morning. Still no All Stars. :|

    So much Fanger.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 24, 2012, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. kitty_mckechnie
    I don't want to go to college. I'd rather huddle under my layers of blankets and sleep the day away...

    Winter should be for hibernating. Not for studying.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 19, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kitty_mckechnie
    Are looooooooooooooooooooong.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 16, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kitty_mckechnie
    *just outta bed *
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 15, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kitty_mckechnie


    A request from HoT. Which is weird.


    So much love was put into this story. So much love...

    Friendfic was written in good spirit - no harm intended. It may not be to everyone's tastes so be careful.


    The pizza takeaway was quiet. It was shortly after midnight and the only noise in the takeaway was the sound of a sleepy worker grumbling to himself – probably complaining about being open till two in the morning. He was an exemplar cashier - slouched behind the counter, his head resting on the till, fast asleep. He hadn’t noticed the customer waiting to be severed. Not that it mattered; HoT hadn’t decided what to order. His mind was a jumble of thoughts, so something as simple as which pizza to order was a like deciding which pair of shoes looked better – flats or heels? He usually went for the heels – he liked the extra height and he thought his legs looked leaner.

    After staring at the menu for a few minutes, not taking any of it in, he looked at the cashier. Sleep sounded pretty good so he resolved to head home hungry. It was better than eating a full pizza by himself, letting all that fat and grease go straight to his buns and thighs. He worked hard to keep his figure and he wasn’t about to let a moment of weakness beat him. No, comfort eating wasn’t the answer! He turned to leave, turned to head home and cry himself to sleep, till his shoulder bumped into something. No, a person. How dare they bump into him! It was completely his fault for being a space cadet but he was in no condition to realise his own mistake.

    He marched after the ‘culprit’, a boy by the looks of it, ready to deal out justice. HoT was furious, his face burning with rage. This boy was going to get it! Then the boy spoke, ‘I’ll have the mozzarella! With lots of bacon bits on top!’, and all that rage and fury died. The cashier woke startled, mumbling incoherently. ‘MOZZARELLA. WITH. BACON. ON. TOP! LOTS. OF. BACON!’ the boy slowly yelled impatiently, making sure the cashier understood his order perfectly. This only succeeded in annoying the cashier.

    ‘WOULD. YOU. LIKE. A . DRINK. WITH. THAT. SIR?’ the cashier mimicked mockingly.

    ‘YES. COKE. PLEASE.’ Replied the boy, not picking up on the cashier’s sarcasm. He thought English wasn’t the cashier’s native language.

    The cashier went off to prepare the boy’s ordered, his face showing his annoyance. He was going to get extra in his pizza.

    HoT had being watching the exchange with wide eyes. He recognised the boy’s voice. He’d heard it before. A LOT.

    ‘A-Amaury…’ he whispered under his breath. Everything that had fogged his mind that evening had cleared. There was nothing but Amaury. Nothing else mattered.

    HoT’s heart began pounding wildly in his chest. The thumping was deafening and he was sure the others could hear it. His breathing was rapid and coarse. He wanted to be closer. No, he needed to be closer! His body craved it! He moved towards Amaury in the queue, slowly inching forward. HoT’s heart pounded harder and harder the closer he got till he was mere inches away from the boy.

    ‘No…’ he thought, ‘a man!’ The thought made him blush deeper. He bit down on his lower lip, trying to regain his composure. His hands wrapped together in an attempt to control himself. His breathing was loud and heavy…washing across the back of Amaury’s neck. Amaury, confused by the hot air on his neck, turned to find the source. He was surprised to see someone standing so close to him, but quickly change to a friendly smile when he saw the horrified expression on the boy behind him.

    ‘Please read the rules when ordering - it makes it easier for the staff when they prepare your meal.’ Amaury informed the boy.

    ‘Th-thanks…’ HoT replied, his expression settling to a sheepish grin. ‘Umm…you’re Amaury, right?’



    Amaury looked like the happiest guy in the world at that moment.

    ‘YOU’RE A FAN?!’


    ‘Your order, sir.’ interrupted the cashier. He looked as if he’d given up on life.

    Amaury took his order and looked back at HoT, ‘Do you want to share my pizza? It’s bigger than I thought it would be.’

    HoT clutched at his chest to keep his heart from bursting out in bloody bliss.

    ‘I’d…I’d love to…’ he couldn’t keep his face from turning beet root.

    ‘It was $12.99 but you’ll only need to give me $6.’

    The pair walked and sat at one of the empty tables – which wasn’t difficult since they were all empty and clean.

    ‘Your face is bright red. Are you okay?’ Amaury asked concerned before taking a bite out of the pizza in his hand. HoT could only nod, unable to look at him. ‘You can have some. Go ahead and eat.’

    HoT reached for a slice of pizza, careful not to let the mozzarella spill over. He was about to take a bit till his eyes gazed over at Amaury. He couldn’t move. He could only stare as cheese dribbled down Amaury’s chin.

    ‘Opps!’ Amaury giggled.

    HoT’s heart almost stopped when he saw Amaury lick his own chin. His mind was racing; thoughts of Amaury flooded his mind. ‘No!’ he thought to himself. ‘Everyone has a tongue….a tongue so long…so slender…so powerful…’ he was fixated on it, watching intently as Amaury lapped up the cheese. ‘I wish it was me licking off that cheese…’ he thought to himself. What? Lick Amaury? It was ridiculous! Impossible! Disgusting! And yet, the thought excited him. The image played over in this mind. It was so vivid, so real. He wanted to lick the cheese off of him. By this point he had completely forgotten the slice of pizza in his hands and its toppings had dripped over his fingers.

    ‘Urgh, I better go wash this off’ said Amaury, waking HoT from his trance. He stood, taking a sip from his coke, and headed to the toilet.

    HoT watched him go - his eyes locked on Amaury’s rump. It looked tender and succulent - the perfect size to fill his hands.

    He placed the pizza back down on the plate and licked his fingers clean, making sure to pick out the cheese between his nails. He stopped when he noticed Amaury’s drink… the straw he had drunk from just seconds ago. A burning sensation swelled in his chest; his lips grew dry. His body grew hot – blood pumping fast through him. He shouldn’t! It was wrong! But his hands moved on their own, lifting the cup to his lips. His body shook with anticipation, the cup visibly shaking. His tongue reached out for the straw and drew it into his waiting mouth. The taste was so sweet and warm!

    He sat there in bliss for a few moments savouring it till the taste and warmth of Amaury’s mouth cooled. Then he got up, placed the drink down and walked towards the bathroom, each step long and purposeful.

    Amaury had just finished in the toilet cubicle and continued over to the sink to wash his hands. He had washed himself when he came in but after some careful thinking he decided nature called and it was only polite to answer. He had just finished drying his hands when he noticed HoT standing at the door.

    ‘Did you spill cheese on yourself too?’ Amaury asked chuckling. ‘That cheese was really runny! Got it all over myself…’

    HoT didn’t say anything. He stood there, his expression unreadable.

    ‘Are you-‘ Amaury began but was cut short as HoT rushed at him. HoT’s arms wrapped around Amaury’s body, squeezing his body to his own, his lips slamming against Amaury’s. Amaury panicked. He tried to break loose but the younger boy’s grip was too strong. The greedy lips sucked and nibbled at his. Hot’s hands roamed ravenously across Amaury’s back. Then he loosened his grip. Amaury thought HoT had had his fill but he yelped as the boy forcefully pushed him back into one of the stalls. The door banged against the side as Amaury collided with it, flung backwards with HoT quick to follow.

    HoT was eager to continue. He grabbed the man’s arms and pinned them up against the side of the stall. ‘NO STOP! I LOVE MISTY!’ Amaury yelled, struggling as much as he could to break free. HoT moved his head closer to Amaury’s neck – his smell was intoxicating, a drug to his senses. His hands slowly moved up the man’s chest, feeling and tugging at his puppy fat. His lips gently caressed Amaury’s neck, taking care to cover each inch as he worked his way up; his neck, his chin and finally his lips. His tongue slipped out and licked Amaury’s lips, thoroughly tasting his flavour. He prodded impatiently, looking for permission to enter.

    Amaury was in shock. It happened all so suddenly; here he was being violated by a younger boy…a fan no less! He felt dirty, robbed of his innocence; his pure body was being mutilated by this beast! Worst of all he felt like he betrayed Misty. He wanted to save his body for Misty but there was no way she’d have him now – his body tainted by lust of another. He’d yelled out her name, wishing she could hear and save him but the boy’s mouth had silenced him. He felt like he was going to cry; tears began spilling from his eyes. He forced them shut, hoping to stop the spillage but something gently wiped at his eyes. Tentatively, he opened them.

    HoT stood there, smiling lovingly at him. His hand reached up to Amaury’s cheek and gently stroked it, whispering, ‘Shhh, it’ll be alright.’

    Amaury could only stare at him – his feelings a torrent of confusion. He hated this boy for what he did to him but another feeling was making its way into his heart. No one had ever shown him compassion like this before. His love for Misty was great, but not once had she ever shown any love for him. He knew his love was unrequited but he clung to the false hope that one day his love would be met. But now, right in front of him, was someone willing to love him for who he was, someone he didn’t have to long or chase after. Someone who loved the essence that is Amaury.

    He was like a cub that needed to be coaxed out of his den – out of his safety. It was slow at first, but Amaury began to embrace his feelings for HoT. First it was a quick peck on the lips, then a kiss, till the kisses became deeper and forceful. Tongues danced with each, each one desperate to explore the inside of the other. Their hands feasted hungrily on the other’s body – feeling and squeezing any part they could wrap their hands on.

    HoT was in heaven. He didn’t think about what he was doing but let his body take what it wanted. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted more. He wanted all of Amaury. He wanted everything there was to take. He broke their kiss – something Amaury mewed about. He looked long into Amaury’s eyes, staring into his being. His hands had stopped moving in that instant, just holding his lover close. Then his hands travelled south. Amaury gave a sharp gasp as HoT’s hand reached its destination. He tugged playfully at Amaury’s belt, a looking of pleading in his eyes. He needed this. Slowly Amaury nodded, giving his consent. HoT slowly began unbuckling the belt, his eyes never leaving Amaury’s. Amaury thrust forward as the belt came undone and HoT’s hand slipped in…


    Any mistakes, please quote them and I'll fix them.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 9, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. kitty_mckechnie


    Written by demand (Mainly from Claw and Mish). More than likely the only Clawsaken friendfic I ever write. Even though they are the best couple ever!

    If you see any mistakes plus quote it and I'll fix it.



    “So,” Claw asked, working to be casual. “How was your day?”
    “Great. Went for a drive. Hung out in the park.”
    “Sounds nice.”
    “Sure, sure.”
    Suddenly, Claw made a face. “Ienzo?” he asked.
    Mish heard the posh one chuckle. “Again?”
    “I think I’ve drunk two gallons in the last hour,” Claw explained.
    Forsaken and Mish both got out of the way while Ienzo came to lift Claw from the couch and take him to the bathroom.

    “Can I walk?” Claw asked. “My legs are so stiff.”
    “Are you sure?” Forsaken asked.
    “Ienzo’ll catch me if I trip over my feet. Which could happen pretty easily, since I can’t see them.”

    Ienzo set Claw carefully on his feet, keeping her hands right at Claw’s shoulders.
    Claw stretched his arms out in front of him, wincing a little.
    “That feels good,” he sighed. “Ugh, but I’m huge.”
    He really was. His stomach was its own continent.
    “One more day,” he said, and patted his stomach.
    Mish couldn’t help the pain that shot through her in a sudden, stabbing burst, but she tried to keep it off her face. She could hide it for one more day, right?

    “All righty, then. Whoops—oh, no!”

    The cup Claw had left on the sofa tumbled to one side, the dark red blood spilling out
    onto the pale fabric.

    Automatically, though three other hands beat him there, Claw bent over, reaching out to catch it.

    There was the strangest, muffled ripping sound from the center of his body.

    “Oh!” he gasped.

    And then he went totally limp, slumping toward the floor. Ienzo caught him in the
    same instant, before he could fall. Forsaken was there, too, hands out, the mess on the sofa forgotten.

    “Claw?” he asked, and then his eyes unfocused, and panic shot across his features.

    A half second later, Claw screamed.

    It was not just a scream, it was a blood-curdling shriek of agony. The horrifying sound cut off with a gurgle, and Claw’s eyes rolled back into his head. His body twitched, arched in Ienzo’s arms, and then Claw vomited a fountain of blood.

    Claw’s body, streaming with red, started to twitch, jerking around in Ienzo’s arms like
    he was being electrocuted. All the while, his face was blank—unconscious. It was the wild thrashing from inside the center of his body that moved him. As he convulsed, sharp snaps and cracks kept time with the spasms.

    Ienzo and Forsaken were frozen for the shortest half second, and then they broke.
    Ienzo whipped Claw’s body into her arms, and, shouting so fast it was hard to separate the individual words, she and Forsaken shot up the staircase to the second floor.

    Mish sprinted after them.

    “Morphine!” Forsaken yelled at Ienzo.

    “Jayn—get Chev on the phone!” Ienzo screeched.

    The room Mish followed them to looked like an emergency ward set up in the middle of a library. The lights were brilliant and white. Claw was on a table under the glare, skin ghostly in the spotlight. His body flopped, a fish on the sand. Ienzo pinned Claw
    down, yanking and ripping his clothes out of the way, while Forsaken stabbed a syringe into his arm.

    How many times had Mish imagined him naked? Now she couldn’t look. She was afraid to have these memories in her head.

    “What’s happening, Forsaken?”

    “He’s suffocating!”

    “The placenta must have detached!”

    Somewhere in this, Claw came around. He responded to their words with a shriek that clawed at Mish’s eardrums.

    “Get him OUT!” Claw screamed. “He can’t BREATHE! Do it NOW!”

    Mish saw the red spots pop out when his scream broke the blood vessels in his eyes.

    “The morphine—,” Forsaken growled.

    “NO! NOW—!” Another gush of blood choked off what Claw was shrieking. Forsaken held his head up, desperately trying to clear his mouth so that he could breathe again.

    Jayn darted into the room and clipped a little blue earpiece under Ienzo’s hair. Then
    Jayn backed away, her gold eyes wide and burning, while Ienzo hissed frantically
    into the phone.

    In the bright light, Claw’s skin seemed more purple and black than it was white. Deep
    red was seeping beneath the skin over the huge, shuddering bulge of his stomach.
    Ienzo’s hand came up with a scalpel.

    “Let the morphine spread!” Forsaken shouted at her.

    “There’s no time,” Ienzo hissed. “He’s dying!”

    Her hand came down on Claw’s stomach, and vivid red spouted out from where she
    pierced the skin. It was like a bucket being turned over, a faucet twisted to full. Claw
    jerked, but didn’t scream. He was still choking.

    And then Ienzo lost her focus. Mish saw the expression on her face shift, saw her lips pull back from her teeth and her black eyes glint with thirst.

    “No, Enzy!” Forsaken roared, but his hands were trapped, trying to prop Claw upright so he could breathe.

    Mish launched herself at Ienzo, jumping across the table without bothering to phase. As she hit Ienzo’s stone body, knocking her toward the door, Mish felt the scalpel in Ienzo’s hand stab deep into her left arm. Mish’s right palm smashed against Ienzo’s face, locking her jaw and blocking her airways.

    Mish used her grip on Ienzo’s face to swing her body out so that she could land a solid kick in her gut; it was like kicking concrete. Ienzo flew into the door frame, buckling one side of it. The little speaker in her ear crackled into pieces. Then Jayn was there, yanking her by the throat to get her into the hall.

    And Mish had to give it to the posh one—she didn’t put up an ounce of fight. She wanted them to win. She let Mish trash her like that, to save Claw. Well, to save the thing.

    Mish ripped the blade out of her arm.

    “Jayn, get her out of here!” Forsaken shouted. “Take her to Plums and keep her there! Mish, I need you!”

    Mish didn’t watch Jayn finish the job. She wheeled back to the operating table, where Claw was turning blue, his eyes wide and staring.

    “CPR?” Forsaken growled at her, fast and demanding.


    Mish judged his face swiftly, looking for any sign that he was going to react like Ienzo. There was nothing but single-minded ferocity.

    “Get him breathing! I’ve got to get him out before—”

    Another shattering crack inside Claw’s body, the loudest yet, so loud that they both froze in shock waiting for his answering shriek. Nothing. His legs, which had been curled up in agony, now went limp, sprawling out in an unnatural way.

    “His spine,” he choked in horror.

    “Get it out of him!” Mish snarled, flinging the scalpel at Forsaken. “He won’t feel anything now!”

    And then Mish bent over his head. His mouth looked clear, so she pressed hers to his and blew a lungful of air into it. She felt his twitching body expand, so there was nothing blocking his throat.

    His lips tasted like blood.

    She could hear his heart, thumping unevenly. Keep it going, she thought fiercely at him, blowing another gust of air into his body. You promised. Keep your heart beating.

    Mish heard the soft, wet sound of the scalpel across his stomach. More blood dripping to the floor.

    The next sound jolted through her, unexpected, terrifying. Like metal being shredded
    apart. The sound brought back the fight in the clearing so many months ago, the tearing sound of the newborns being ripped apart. Mish glanced over to see Forsaken’s face pressed against the bulge. Vampire teeth—a surefire way to cut through vampire skin.

    Mish shuddered as she blew more air into Claw.

    He coughed back at her, his eyes blinking, rolling blindly.

    “You stay with me now, Claw!” Mish yelled at him. “Do you hear me? Stay! You’re not leaving me. Keep your heart beating!”

    His eyes wheeled, looking for Mish, or Forsaken, but seeing nothing.

    Mish stared into them anyway, keeping her gaze locked there.

    And then his body was suddenly still under her hands, though his breathing picked up roughly and his heart continued to thud. She realized the stillness meant that it was over. The internal beating was over. It must be out of him.

    It was.

    Forsaken whispered, “Misty.”

    So Claw’d been wrong. It wasn’t the boy he’d imagined. No big surprise there. What
    hadn’t he been wrong about?

    She didn’t look away from his red-spotted eyes, but she felt his hands lift weakly.

    “Let me…,” he croaked in a broken whisper. “Give her to me.”

    Mish guess she should have known that Forsaken would always give him what he wanted, no matter how stupid his request might be. But Mish didn’t dream he would listen to Claw now. So she didn’t think to stop him.

    Something warm touched Mish’s arm. That right there should have caught her attention. Nothing felt warm to her.

    But she couldn’t look away from Claw’s face. He blinked and then stared, finally seeing something. He moaned out a strange, weak croon.

    “Mis… ty. So… beautiful.”

    And then he gasped—gasped in pain.

    By the time Mish looked, it was too late. Forsaken had snatched the warm, bloody thing out of his limp arms. Her eyes flickered across Claw’s skin. It was red with blood—the blood that had flowed from his mouth, the blood smeared all over the creature, and fresh blood welling out of a tiny double-crescent bite mark just over his left breast.

    “No, Misty,” Claw murmured, like he was teaching the monster manners.

    She didn’t look at him or it. She watched only Claw as his eyes rolled back into his head.

    With a last dull ga-lump, his heart faltered and went silent.

    He missed maybe half of one beat, and then Mish’s hands were on his chest, doing
    compressions. She counted in her head, trying to keep the rhythm steady. One. Two. Three. Four.

    Breaking away for a second, she blew another lungful of air into him.

    She couldn’t see anymore. Her eyes were wet and blurry. But she was hyperaware of the sounds in the room. The unwilling glug-glug of his heart under her demanding hands, the pounding of her own heart, and another—a fluttering beat that was too fast, too light. She couldn’t place it.

    Mish forced more air down Claw’s throat.

    “What are you waiting for?” Mish choked out breathlessly, pumping his heart again. One. Two. Three. Four.

    “Take the baby,” Forsaken said urgently.

    “Throw it out the window.” One. Two. Three. Four.

    “Give her to me,” a low voice chimed from the doorway.

    Forsaken and Mish snarled at the same time.

    One. Two. Three. Four.

    “I’ve got it under control,” Ienzo promised. “Give me the baby, Forsaken. I’ll take care
    of her until Claw . . .”

    Mish breathed for Claw again while the exchange took place. The fluttering thumpathumpa-thumpa faded away with distance.

    “Move your hands, Mish.”

    Mish looked up from Claw’s white eyes, still pumping his heart for him. Forsaken had a syringe in his hand—all silver, like it was made from steel.

    “What’s that?”

    His stone hand knocked her’s out of the way. There was a tiny crunch as his blow broke her little finger. In the same second, he shoved the needle straight into Claw’s heart.

    “My venom,” he answered as he pushed the plunger down.

    She heard the jolt in Claw’s heart, like he’d shocked him with paddles.

    “Keep it moving,” he ordered. His voice was ice, was dead. Fierce and unthinking. Like he was a machine.

    Mish ignored the healing ache in her finger and started pumping his heart again. It was harder, as if his blood was congealing there—thicker and slower. While she pushed the now-viscous blood through his arteries, she watched what Forsaken was doing.

    It was like he was kissing Claw, brushing his lips at Claw’s throat, at his wrists, into the crease at the inside of his arm. But she could hear the lush tearing of her skin as his teeth bit through, again and again, forcing venom into Claw’s system at as many points as possible. She saw his pale tongue sweep along the bleeding gashes, but before this could make her either sick or angry, she realized what he was doing. Where his tongue washed the venom over Claw’s skin, it sealed shut. Holding the poison and the blood inside his body.

    Mish blew more air into Claw’s mouth, but there was nothing there. Just the lifeless rise of his chest in response. She kept pumping his heart, counting, while Forsaken worked manically over him, trying to put him back together. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men…

    But there was nothing there, just Mish, just Forsaken.

    Working over a corpse.

    Because that’s all that was left of the boy they both loved. This broken, bled-out, mangled corpse. They couldn’t put Claw together again.

    She knew it was too late. She knew he was dead. She knew it for sure because the pull was gone. She didn’t feel any reason to be here beside him. He wasn’t here anymore. So this body had no more draw for her. The senseless need to be near him had vanished.

    Or maybe moved was the better word. It seemed like Mish felt the pull from the opposite direction now. From down the stairs, out the door. The longing to get away from here and never, ever come back.

    “Go, then,” Forsaken snapped, and he hit her hands out of the way again, taking her place this time. Three fingers broken, it felt like.

    She straightened them numbly, not minding the throb of pain.

    He pushed his dead heart faster than Mish had.

    “He’s not dead,” Forsaken growled. “He’s going to be fine.”

    Mish wasn’t sure he was talking to her anymore.

    Turning away, leaving him with his dead, Mish walked slowly to the door. So slowly. She couldn’t make her feet move faster.

    This was it, then. The ocean of pain. The other shore so far away across the boiling
    water that she couldn’t imagine it, much less see it.

    She felt empty again, now that she’d lost her purpose. Saving Claw had been her fight for so long now. And he wouldn’t be saved. He’d willingly sacrificed himself to be torn apart by that monster’s young, and so the fight was lost. It was all over.

    She shuddered at the sound coming from behind her as she plodded down the stairs—the sound of a dead heart being forced to thud.

    Mish wanted to somehow pour bleach inside her head and let it fry her brain. To burn away the images left from Claw’s final minutes. She’d take the brain damage if she could get rid of that—the screaming, the bleeding, the unbearable crunching and snapping as the newborn monster tore through him from the inside out. . . .

    She wanted to sprint away, to take the stairs ten at a time and race out the door, but her feet were heavy as iron and her body was more tired than it had ever been before. She shuffled down the stairs like a crippled old man.

    Mish rested at the bottom step, gathering her strength to get out the door.

    Ienzo was on the clean end of the white sofa, her back to Mish, cooing and murmuring to the blanket-wrapped thing in her arms. She must have heard Mish pause, but she ignored her, caught up in her moment of stolen motherhood. Maybe she would be happy now. Ienzo had what she wanted, and Claw would never come to take the creature from her. She wondered if that’s what the poisonous blonde had been hoping for all along.

    She held something dark in her hands, and there was a greedy sucking sound coming from the tiny murderer she held.

    The scent of blood in the air. Human blood. Ienzo was feeding it. Of course it would
    want blood. What else would you feed the kind of monster that would brutally mutilate its own mother? It might as well have been drinking Claw’s blood. Maybe it was.

    Mish’s strength came back to her as she listened to the sound of the little executioner feeding.

    Strength and hate and heat—red heat washing through Mish’s head, burning but erasing nothing. The images in her head were fuel, building up the inferno but refusing to be consumed. She felt the tremors rock her from head to toe, and she did not try to stop them.

    Ienzo was totally absorbed in the creature, paying no attention to her at all. She
    wouldn’t be quick enough to stop her, distracted as she was.

    RvR had been right. The thing was an aberration—its existence went against nature. A black, soulless demon. Something that had no right to be.

    Something that had to be destroyed.

    It seemed like the pull had not been leading to the door after all. She could feel it now, encouraging her, tugging her forward. Pushing her to finish this, to cleanse the world of this abomination.

    Ienzo would try to kill her when the creature was dead, and she would fight back. Mish wasn’t sure if she would have time to finish her before the others came to help. Maybe, maybe not. She didn’t much care either way.

    She didn’t care if the wolves, either set, avenged her or called the Staffs’ justice fair.
    None of that mattered. All she cared about was her own justice. Her revenge. The thing that had killed Claw would not live another minute longer.

    If Claw’d survived, he would have hated Mish for this. He would have wanted to kill her personally.

    But she didn’t care. He didn’t care what he had done to her—letting himself be
    slaughtered like an animal. Why should she take his feelings into account?

    And then there was Forsaken. He must be too busy now—too far gone in his insane
    denial, trying to reanimate a corpse—to listen to her plans.

    So she wouldn’t get the chance to keep her promise to him, unless—and it was not a wager she’d put money on—she managed to win the fight against Ienzo, Plums, and Jayn, three on one. But even if Mish did win, she didn’t think she had it in her to kill Forsaken.

    Because she didn’t have enough compassion for that. Why should she let him get away from what he’d done? Wouldn’t it be more fair—more satisfying—to let him live with nothing, nothing at all?

    It made Mish almost smile, as filled with hate as she was, to imagine it. No Claw. No killer spawn. And also missing as many members of his family as she was able to take down. Of course, he could probably put those back together, since she wouldn’t be around to burn them. Unlike Claw, who would never be whole again.

    She wondered if the creature could be put back together. She doubted it. It was part Claw, too—so it must have inherited some of his vulnerability. She could hear that in the tiny, thrumming beat of its heart.

    Its heart was beating. His wasn’t.

    Only a second had passed as Mish made these easy decisions.

    The trembling was getting tighter and faster. She coiled herself, preparing to spring at the blond vampire and rip the murderous thing from her arms with her teeth.

    Ienzo cooed at the creature again, setting the empty metal bottle-thing aside and
    lifting the creature into the air to nuzzle her face against its cheek.

    Perfect. The new position was perfect for her strike. Mish leaned forward and felt the heat begin to change her while the pull toward the killer grew—it was stronger than she’d ever felt it before, so strong it reminded her of an Alpha’s command, like it would crush her if she didn’t obey.

    This time she wanted to obey.

    The murderer stared past Ienzo’s shoulder at Mish, its gaze more focused than any
    newborn creature’s gaze should be.

    Warm brown eyes, the color of milk chocolate—the exact same color that Claw’s had

    Mish’s shaking jerked to a stop; heat flooded through her, stronger than before, but it was a new kind of heat—not a burning.

    It was a glowing.

    Everything inside Mish came undone as she stared at the tiny porcelain face of the halfvampire, half-human baby. All the lines that held her to her life were sliced apart in swift cuts, like clipping the strings to a bunch of balloons. Everything that made her
    who she was—her love for the dead boy upstairs, her love for her father, her loyalty to her new pack, the love for her other brothers, her hatred for her enemies, her home, her name, her self—disconnected from her in that second—snip, snip, snip—and floated up into space.

    She was not left drifting. A new string held her where she was.

    Not one string, but a million. Not strings, but steel cables. A million steel cables all
    tying her to one thing—to the very center of the universe.

    She could see that now—how the universe swirled around this one point. She’d never seen the symmetry of the universe before, but now it was plain.

    The gravity of the earth no longer tied her to the place where she stood.

    It was the baby girl in the blond vampire’s arms that held Mish here now.


    From upstairs, there was a new sound. The only sound that could touch her in this
    endless instant.

    A frantic pounding, a racing beat…

    A changing heart.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 8, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. kitty_mckechnie
    Site breaks down.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 7, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kitty_mckechnie
    [18:55:08] beau: HOW OLD DO YOU THINK I AM?
    [18:55:18] beau: obvs im 22
    [18:55:40] Kitty: hmmmmm
    [18:55:48] Kitty: I want to say...45
    [18:56:16] beau: Dammit
    [18:56:20] beau: I've been found
    [18:56:58] Kitty: brb, telling everone
    [18:57:22] beau: Dammit kitty
    [18:57:25] beau: Whyyyyyyy
    [19:00:52] Kitty: The kids gotta know the trouble you are

    Hide yourselves, kiddies! Beau is coming to get you! O:
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 6, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. kitty_mckechnie
    Brought back a souvenir...not sure I like this English lass stealing my bed space. :|
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 4, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. kitty_mckechnie
    ...but why am I up at 4:30am? :|
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Nov 2, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. kitty_mckechnie're no getting those 2 minutes back.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Oct 24, 2012, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. kitty_mckechnie
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Sep 22, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. kitty_mckechnie

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Sep 20, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. kitty_mckechnie
    How long do you think it'll take me to reach 5,000?
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Sep 18, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. kitty_mckechnie
  20. kitty_mckechnie
    Which colour should I get?
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Sep 12, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone