http://www.teefury.com/ Don't say I'm not good to you. It ends today.
Not a cloud in the sky where I live. >: Dammit! I want snow!
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pe...d-begin-construction-death-star-2016/wlfKzFkN Just borrow the money from the Chinese.
Spoiler Spoiler
And it occurred to me. Wouldn't this place him in a position between the Admins and S.mods in this staff sandwich?
I would take this guy more seriously if he didn't sound so crazy.
Did you manage to find our run away staff member?
Aka Premium Primetime. I'm not going to wow you all with my amazing music taste, cause as some of you know I have no taste in music. So! I put together a mixture of some of my favourite game soundtracks that I have on my computer. And rather than having me tell you what to expect I want you to guess the name of each song. There's 19 all together plus a special message from me at the end. http://www.kh-vids.net/pages/radio/ If anyone gets any wrong I will publicly ridicule you. >:3 Edit: Starts at 7pm GMT (2pm EST, something something)
Haven't a scooby where to find anything. D:
Went out for a quick walk and I come home to find everyone's out. :| Dunno if I should climb up the pipe and try to open a window, cause it looks like its about to pour. Thank goodness I can get the wi-fi on my iPod lol.
Just after 10pm. Figured I'd get enough sleep, get up early and give myself plenty of time for studying the next day. Couldn't sleep - head buzzing with KNOWLEDGE. So I grab the pillow, cuddle it like no tomorrow and force myself to sleep. Wake up at 3am, cheating with my blanket, completely wide awake. Thing is I can't even start studying cause my dad could wake up and be all, 'GETOFFTHEFLIPPININTERNETITS4AM!'. He wouldn't believe me if I said I was studying. Wut do I do? D:
http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/01/03/report-new-sony-patent-blocks-second-hand-games?utm_source=Targeted Blasts&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Breaking News: Sony Discs Patent_11145_587933_587940&utm_content=15528678 It's not confirmed, but if Sony is in the process of developing a system that bounds a game disc to a console account then they should say goodbye to those fans who have supported them. It's only speculation and rumour at the mo, but it'd be a horrible move on Sony's part. Second hand games are big sellers for game stores and if Sony bring this out then they've not only sealed their own failure, but it'd do a lot of damage to stores.
But its awright, I found a replacement. Spoiler I'm thinking we should do this every year.
Come play Wolf Pack with Nate and myself.
Cause I'm looking to get a new one and need some ideas.
I'm not feeling it.