So I'm thinking of running a new mafia game, this will be similar to the classic set up but with a few more roles that you haven't seen before (on khv at least). I need 13 players for this. So if you've completely missed the last two games, mafia is a game with two sides, TOWN and MAFIA. The aim of the game is to kill all the members of the opposing team or get to a point where they can't prevent you doing that. Spoiler: How to play in more detail (credit to Nova) Basics A basic game consists of two factions, Town and Mafia, each side trying to kill the other. The Town outnumber the Mafia significantly (usually 3-1 or 4-1), but they don't know who's who; only the Mafia know who their teammates are. The game is over when one or the other side is wiped out. For the Town, this means eliminating every last Mafiosi; for the Mafia, it means reducing the Town's number to equal their own, at which point they automatically overrun the survivors. Day and Night The game plays out in Day and Night phases. By Day, all players deliberate and choose a player to be lynched, casting votes for their pick. Once someone is lynched, their alignment is revealed and the Night phase begins, where the Mafia meets in secret and votes to kill a player. (Other actions may occur at Night; see Roles and Powers below.) Voting You may vote to lynch a player by posting ##Vote: [Player name]. (Those ##s are important! It helps the mod find your vote.) You may also retract your vote using ##Unvote (No player name needed, but it helps). Remember to bold these commands, or they won't count! The number of votes required to lynch a player is (# of living players รท 2) + 1. This is known as majority, or hard lynch. Once a player reaches this number, the Day phase ends IMMEDIATELY; no more posts may be made, nor votes cast. If a hard lynch is not reached, the person with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched. If there is a tie, it will be chosen randomly from people with the most votes (so randomly from everyone if no votes are made). Endgame The game ends when either all the mafia are dead or when town cannot prevent the mafia from killing them all (i.e. the mafia are the majority). The players will also be informed at Day start if lynching Town that Day will cause them to lose (Mislynch and Lose, or MyLo) or if they must lynch Mafia in order to avoid losing (Lynch or Lose, or LyLo). Roles and Powers For most players, the only way to affect the game is with their vote; but sometimes you may be gifted with special roles. These roles can have passive effects, such as protecting you from an attempt on your life; or they can allow you to take unique actions, like investigating a player's alignment. Power roles affect you even if you don't have one, so make sure you know which ones are which and how they work before you sign up! Links to previous games (if you want an example of how it works) Classic Mafia Lovers Mafia People Playing Marushi Mish Makaze Splodge Reserve Players (in case someone has to stop playing for whatever reason)
Impressions? How did you become a ghost? What's the scariest? For one day only you can go anywhere, do anything, meet anyone but the following day everything is back to normal. Describe your day. Day or night? Are you having a good day? How would you describe yourself? What would be your weapon of choice? White, milk or dark? Best way to make an exit?
....might need to un-sign up, I won't have internet for the next week or so. I'll join in again as soon as I'm back.
The Runaways is one of the few comics that I actually have a full physical volume of (the fact it's Volume 2 and I haven't read volume 1 is beside the point). This has the potential to actually be quite good so I'm looking forward to it. I imagine they'll just make Molly a meta-human though that said, meta-humans don't have the same level of discrimination that the mutants do.
I think now we've started it, we should continue but have we decided yet what we're going to find on their ship? Are we going to find any of that crew still there? Have we decided what happened to them? (I just added a paragraph to the doc)
That one is quite pretty.
Most hypocritical member?
First day of what?
I've now graduated from university with a first class master's in physics and now am trying to somehow find a job.
That was difficult but I did better than expected, definitely sign me up for the next one .
How about something like 'Most Proactive'? I was thinking about possible discord based ones and I was thinking that many non-official events have been set-up by members such as town of salem games, cards against humanity, watching stuff as a group, YGO duels, karaoke and then on khv itself stuff like mafia and Nova's sheep game. Due to this I was wondering if one for the most proactive person who goes and sets these up would be good. Also along the same lines maybe something 'Best non-official event/game' for things set up by non-staff or just 'Best forum game' and 'Best discord event'.
The only thing about it being moment is that it allows non-combat based rps to join in and doesn't restrict the options as much. The current name also allows like shocking reveals and romantic moments as well, not all rps have "boss battles". Just that all that were nominated last year were battles, doesn't mean always will. That said, I don't rp any more so your suggestion might be the best option, I just wanted to point that out. I suppose with how it is being used then maybe "Best/Most memorable roleplay event" might be more appropriate, without excluding the events that don't involve fighting. Also since discord is officially connected to khv, we could technically have discord related ones in the awards but other than a "Most active/Do you even sleep?" one, I have no idea what they could be.
Impressions!!! If you could have any superpower, what would you have? Are we gonna write the best story or what? Why are you so awesome? Describe yourself in one word? Shower or bath? Favourite murder method? It can be cracked, it can be made, it can be told, it can be played. What is it? Robots vs werewolves, who wins? Best way to make an exit?
The minimum you can get is 10 unless you leave answers blank, but yeah I think I'll get 10.
I would lie to join if that's okay~
It is also possible that it could be a mix. The fact I think Judge is town doesn't prove it, I'm aware that it is possible that I'm wrong and he's mafia, making us one mafia and one town. But you've just got to figure out which lynch gives us the best chance at getting the most mafia.
Just so you know it's impossible to lynch me and Judge separately. The way the lovers thing has worked out means that if you lynch either one of us, the other dies but nobody else. It's currently impossible to kill us separately. So looking at which one of us is more likely to be mafia is kinda irrelevant. The question is more, do you think there's a higher chance of hitting mafia with me & Judge or Nova, Karuta & Korosu. Remember we're in lylo so if both me & Judge are town (which I think is the case) and we get lynched, town loses. Likewise if all of the other three are town, town loses.
I was really hoping for some more activity today as my activity is going to be really limited tomorrow and the weekend. I may be able to still make some posts but don't expect anything from me that would take a lot of time as I'm going to be quite busy. Personally from my perspective, lynching Nova seems to be the best option. If I'm right in that Judge and Cal are town (and obviously I'm town confirmed to myself), then that would mean that lynching Nova would guarantee getting 2 mafia. (As with my assumptions it leaves 4 people left and there's 3 mafia, so by lynching 3 it guarantees at least 2) However that's from my perspective. If you say for example out of me and Judge, there was one mafia and one town (and still assuming Cal is town), lynching Nova would still guarantee at least one mafia member and the game not ending. (Judge did well at deceiving me in that case) Even in the case of both me and Judge being mafia (which I know is not true but am including for the sake of doing from your perspective), the chances of it hitting the remaining mafia member is still 75% (or 60% if you don't assume Cal is town).
@Mish @Karuta @Korosu Where are you guys? What do you make to all of this? Also Karuta, you never answered my question about how suspecting Cal originally made me suspicious. I don't suspect her now, in fact she's one of my biggest town reads but I still don't understand why me suspecting Cal earlier on in the game made me more likely to be mafia. It's not that relevant in the big scheme of things but I came under suspicion for the post where I asked you that so at the very least I want an answer to the question.