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  1. Midnight Star
    Maybe he wants us to kill that creature so he can add it to his "collection" and will actively say things that make the creature sound really evil to lead us away from figuring it out?

    Maybe he's the reason why the creature is currently really agitated, he tried to kill it on his own before we turned up but failed. Now he wants to use us to do that.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 16, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Midnight Star
    Who is it?
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 16, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Midnight Star
    I wanna do this too.

    So when I first joined I was technically 15 though I didn't become active until after I turned 16 a few months later. At that time I was still in secondary school, doing my GCSEs and I remember going on khv during ICT lessons. I joined as a friend introduced me to the RP arena and it took me a while to find the other parts of the site.

    I am currently 22, I have since been to both college and then university and I have now graduated with a first class masters degree. I've also just got a job (which is physics related) and I am set to start in October.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 15, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Midnight Star
    Profile Post

    You're amazing.

    You're amazing.
    Profile Post by Midnight Star for Pinekaboo, Sep 14, 2016
  5. Midnight Star
    Well you are weird but that's what makes you awesome.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 14, 2016 in forum: 2016
  6. Midnight Star
    Wait what? o.0
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 14, 2016 in forum: 2016
  7. Midnight Star
    Deathnote Game was amazing, I loved it. Though I'd probably be not very good at it now as I've been much less protective over my name and I've lost my list of names and haven't been keeping track of people's names. @Fearless yours is about the only name I remember from that game because you were so so protective and careful about not revealing it yet I managed to discover it somehow.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 14, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Midnight Star
    Ooh you mean a babel fish!

    Yeah, I was thinking something maybe with tentacles, which is able to squeeze through the vents but it's whole body is actually quite large so has the strength to dent the wall or pull someone away. Maybe it has stuff in it's tentacles with anaesthesia that it can use to make people unconscious.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 12, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Midnight Star
    But any ideas as to how we can actually figure it out? I mean I imagine one of us could identify the pods as memory pods but in regards to the rest of the story and figuring out the creature isn't dangerous, I'm not sure. There's got to be clues somewhere.

    Also any ideas as to what this creature looks like?
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 12, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Midnight Star
    It may not be your favourite but it is one that is pretty much guaranteed to be asked at the end of any interview (both phone and face-to-face) so you know to prepare questions (my problem came when they answered all my prepared questions in the interview already and you don't really want to ask about something they've just told you xD). However that is also one question where saying you don't have any or that they've already answered all the ones you have won't mark you down that much, however having good questions ready does give a good impression.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 9, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  11. Midnight Star
    Is there training provided or do they just throw you into the deep end is a good one to know.

    A personal favourite of mine (though not necessarily one I'd advise you asking) is 'What is the worst part of your job/what is your least favourite thing about working here?' This is a good one to ask if you're left alone with someone who is currently doing a job that is similar to the one you are applying for as if they give you an honest answer, any problems they have are likely to be ones you have too. Alternatively if you ask it while their manager is in the room (like I did) then it's just kinda funny watching their reaction as you put them on the spot with their boss there. You won't necessarily get an honest answer in that situation though.

    Other things I've asked about before include how much pressure is there to reach targets, are the targets achievable, how strict is the dress code, what opportunities are there for career progression, ect. The Forbes list is probably a good guide to go by. Their questions focused more on creating a good impression where as mine were more things I wanted to know.

    Also as an update, I have since successfully got a job. It took applying to lots and lots of jobs, four phone interviews and 4 face-to-face interviews (3 of which progressed from a phone interview). I'm also still waiting to hear back from one of those face-to-face interviews but since I took this job, I'll have to turn them down even if I get offered it.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 9, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  12. Midnight Star
    If you're the one captured by the monster you won't have chance to xD

    You are our main combatant so would probably be the most helpful in a fight butt it could be interesting if you're taken out and all the non-combatants have to somehow beat it.

    And as for your suggestion, I don't know. It is an interesting idea but at the same time I like it being all mysterious. Hmm...

    Do we even know what kind of creature it is yet?

    Also Marushi, I think your original character you've brought in should either be a KHV member or turn out to be bad or both. Mainly because at the moment I really don't see the point in him being there.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 8, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Midnight Star
    Yeahhh let's not make it a horror.

    I only meant like alien in that there's an unknown creature loose on the ship, as we go investigate we could hear strange noises from it moving around and maybe catch glimpses of it out of the corner of our eye. I'm thinking for a bit we only see hints and odd bits of it before it is actually revealed in all it's glory and we have to fight it somehow.

    I was thinking it could put people it captures in cocoon like pods, putting them into a coma like state. I'm not sure if these cocoons transform the people inside or slowly digest/use energy from them but it should create a sense of danger without anyone actually dying. Because come on either someone being dragged away into the darkness or people randomly vanishing from the group one by one as we go around is a little scary but we're not going full on horror.

    It also explains what happened to the BAPU crew.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 8, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Midnight Star
    I'm suddenly really glad I managed to get a paid internship and a job not long after leaving university. Especially considering that in order to do the internship I had to relocate and rent a room for its duration, it would have been infeasible for me to do it unpaid.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Midnight Star
    That is kinda ridiculous. Pay back their "investment" in you? They don't even pay you and expect 40 hour weeks? Also they want people who already have degrees? I wonder how many people actually go for things like this.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Midnight Star
    • Are you still interested in role playing?
    Yes but I find it hard to have the time and commit myself fully to an rp, I don't want to get left behind and drop out because I can't keep up with the rate and quality of posts. But I would like to get back into it.
    • What attracts you to an RP? (story, the person who made it, layout, style)
    A good well written OP, that is easily understandable with a good OP thread with rules all set out with OC forms. The story has to be something that catches my interest and makes me want to join. However the main thing that currently decides it for me is the speed the rp moves at and the quality of posts required, ie the commitment needed. Personally I like slow moving rps (like there is one or two posts in the thread a day) with high quality posts as I don't want to commit to more than a few good posts a week, I may manage more but I can't guarantee it. In terms of the person who made it, an rp from someone I know and is a known good host is more likely for me to have a nosey at it initially and if it's borderline I may be more willing to put in the extra effort. However I will join an rp from someone I don't know if their story interests me enough and it's a level of commitment I can manage though an OP with a bad reputation may put me off.
    • What's your favorite theme/genere of an RP?
    Probably superheroes (or just powers) and fantasy, maybe action.
    • What annoys you about certain RPs?
    Some move far too fast for me and I'm not the fondest of ones where everyone has lots and lots of characters as it's hard to keep track of. I like people to put in more effort than simple one liners but some of the really high quality rps are just overwhelming and scary. That said that's not really annoyances, power playing, god modding, drama about the rp and bad grammar in the OP would really put me off. Additionally when the OP controls a Mary-Sue type character who is obviously the main character that everyone else revolves around can be annoying.
    • What do you look for in a Roleplay?
    A story I like and one that has me creating a character in my mind and getting ideas even as I read the OP, those are the type I want to join. Then I look for the style of posting, speed and quality
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 6, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  17. Midnight Star

    An oddity

    Hey!! Soo are you going to stay around this time? You should check out discord (See the chat on the top bar, click that).
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Midnight Star
    I guess I'll join in though I will be terrible.

    1930397 with KHV_Anguis
    Post by: Midnight Star, Aug 28, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  19. Midnight Star
    Sooo a lot of people currently seem either busy or they want to take a break from mafia for a bit as it can be stressful. Due to this I think we may struggle to get enough people. Therefore I wanted to get peoples opinions on if you think I should maybe delay the game for like a month or two or until people start missing the games. This wouldn't be cancelling it completely and I already have the OP prepared so at a later date I could easily set it up. I could still wait though and see if enough people join.

    Sooo thoughts, should I try really hard to recruit people to run it now or should I delay it for a while?

    If I end up delaying it, if sometime in the future several of you are itching for another game then please let me know and I'll set up another interest thread.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Aug 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Midnight Star
    No, sorry. Do you want to join regardless?
    Post by: Midnight Star, Aug 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone