Like the entire continent? Not even a specific country. As a civilian in Europe, that's kinda scary. Going to war with America would not be good.
While I could and would be happy to do the recording, I'm really really awful at games so other people would probably be better at it than me and probably make the most of it more. That said I thought I'd post the trailer to the game It looks like a really interesting concept but it also looks so hard, I'd probably instantly fail but it does look cool. If you're struggling for people I'll put my name in the running. I'll probably fail though.
Yep, and it's left just long enough that you start to doubt if it is really dead this time...then nope. Ah. Oops. I either missed or forgot about that.
These threads have had a knack of pretty much dying then being randomly revived for the last however many years. It's just the nature of the threads. (Though I probably shouldn't have made this new thread and just left it at the last one but oh well)
We really need to decide how it's affecting me since we've started writing this. Also from what we've written are we having Marushi's thing as self-doubt and thinking she's useless as Captain instead of what we've said before. I mean that could kinda make sense if she'd always had small niggling doubts wondering if the choices she makes are the right ones considering all the crew follow her. Also you've said on here that she doesn't seem to do that much so it wouldn't be much of a stretch for her to occasionally thing she's a useless Captain and obviously this creature would make those feelings come to the surface. Also Loxare could see this indecisiveness and "for the good of the crew" coupled with how the creature affects her, decide to take over from the Captain. So Loxare's one would could through and she could be a lot stricter with the crew and this would in the mean time make Marushi's self doubt worse.
You really should have links to these threads in the OP. I think I missed 'Gather Round, Children' so I'd like to read it. Also INSVP is always recruiting new members if anyone wants to join.
Is that like spaghetti?
I didn't forget. Honest.
I can't, for some strange reason I can't find it. :P
According to google Whimsical means 1. Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way. 2. Acting or behaving in a capricious manner. (Capricious means unpredictable or given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour) I always kinda figured it was just someone who was likely to go along with their every little whim and fancy.
But despite that you are clearly the main character, with a lot of screen time (or whatever the book equivalent of that is) and the rest of the crew obviously respects you. And honestly, I'd say you do have a role as the crew looks to you for leadership - something's happened, what do we do Capt'n? I agree with that and that is how I kinda saw Loxare. She already has to do lots and look after us all, so I can imagine her being like "You're all useless, here let me do it! Now stand in the corner and don't move, you'll only cause more trouble."
I meant the game
Sooo what's guilty sheep about?
Yeah so out of what I said previously as you guessed I was figuring Glen: A little reckless -> a lot reckless and "saving the day" all on his own Pine: A little scared -> terrified (alternatively stemming from the reluctant engineer part -> a lot reluctant or a lot unhappy with her role) Loxare: Trying to keep the ship/crew orderly and keep into control -> bossy/controlling "Everything WILL be in order and you WILL do this and you WON'T go gallivanting around like fools. We will do this my way because you are all hopeless" Marushi: Fixate on goal maybe or overprotective or I dunno OC: a little evil - > a lot evil xD Though the one I'm struggling with the most is myself. I've considered a obsessive need to save and obsessing over every little injury (ie the over protective one). I've also considered a small self-doubt going to "I'm worthless and can't do anything." but I think my character was fairly confident in her own abilities unless that stems from her feeling useless in combat situations. I considered getting really childish and hyper but I'm not sure that works either. I'm not really sure what my main traits were to emphasise.
What if the telepathic bursts kinda emphasised our characters instead of changing them. Like if you were just a little bit protective of the crew goes to waaay overprotective and I'm going to wrap you in bubble wrap and never let you do dangerous anything ever; a little heroic goes to reckless and I'm going to defeat all the baddies and save the day all by myself; a little scared goes to terrified hide in a corner and never come out; feeling a little under-appreciated goes to "You never recognise anything I do! Well fine, see how you do without me!"; a need to be in control and everything in order goes to super bossy and controlling. You get the idea, you can see how those things would cause friction.
Why is 'For' capitalised on the only one with spaces? Surely it should be 'I fall for Autumn' or 'I Fall For Autumn' or even 'I Fall for Autumn'.
Hmm I see what you mean, who would it be though? I think personally I'd prefer it to be a crew member acting strangely then the oc to be the actual evil one but that's probably more predictable. Also out of those two it'd have to probably be the parasite because in context of what has already been decided, a clone would be very out of nowhere. That would work better in a context where we had a group of people as our enemies who had the capability to make clones.
I remember you!! Welcome back~
I'm not sure about making any of us evil. If this was going to be a long running thing with plenty of time to redeem themselves then perhaps but as this is currently just a one shot then I'm not so keen on that. Though I guess out of all of us you're already a "traitor" (maybe even a dark one sorry). It is in general a good idea, I just don't really want any of us to turn out to be evil.
Just don't put him in obviously evil clothes. We don't want him too look obviously evil and give it away. If we write it really well it'll be a complete shock to the reader. Then maybe have subtle clues only noticeable on rereading.