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  1. Midnight Star

    "I'm sure you'll be okay but I probably should teach you a bit. I don't want you to hurt me just because you don't know what you're doing." Her voice remained quite quiet but seemed much less unsure than before. She was relieved he said that he'd let her teach him, one of the things she'd been scared of was if he'd tried to use her not knowing what he was doing and had broken her. Still she took a deep breath, nerves kicking in once more. "I guess I really should show you my weapon form now?" She still wasn't that used to transforming, back home she didn't really have anyone who could use her properly and she was a bit useless as a weapon without a meister to use her.

    She slowly placed her large bag down on the ground and moved towards her new partner. If he could she'd like him to catch her as she wasn't too fond of clattering to the ground but she didn't know how it would go. "Take care of me" Taking a few more deep breaths, light suddenly covered her body and her shape changed. What was there when the light faded, was an elegant silver bow. She curved in and out smoothly as a traditional bow and subtle swirled patterns covered her limbs. On the end of each limb, the point smoothly went past where the string attached to form a sharp blade.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Midnight Star

    Hannah's gaze had dropped to the floor as she'd been trying to figure out what to do but she looked up instantly as she heard her name being said. So this was her meister? He certainly had a serious look about him, quite intimidating but at the same time he did seem to be trying to make an effort. She guessed that it was always better for everyone for weapon and meister to get on. Well at least now she knew how to pronounce his name since he'd said it aloud for her, that could have been very embarrassing.

    "H-hi, that's me." She replied quite quietly, she smiled up at him (he did seem quite a bit taller than her) but at the same time her hand gripped her bag even tighter. "It's nice to meet you too, I hope you take good care of me." So this was the person that would be using her, she would be putting herself in his hands quite literally. That scared her a bit, to her trust was something that needed to be earned so allowing basically a stranger to use her was a bit of an off-putting thought. Still she should at least give this guy a chance, the school obviously thought they'd be a good fit and she'd never be able to get stronger if she didn't. She took a deep breath, she wasn't certain where to go from there. He'd probably want to see her weapon form. "Umm, I guess we should go outside?"
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Midnight Star

    Sat near the front, a small girl glanced around nervously. Was everyone else as nervous as her? She'd been fine earlier today, but the more it sunk in that she was actually here and doing this, the more scared she got. She just wanted to pull her hat over her face and hide. That would do no good though. She came her to get stronger and she wasn't going to do that by being too scared to even meet her partner. Her hands gripped tightly onto the strap of the reasonably large bag she'd brought with her, that had been fun in itself trying to get up all those red stairs outside. She thought she was fairly fit, obviously she still had a long way to go. Inside the bag was a present of sorts for her new partner, one she hoped they wouldn't end up needing but wasn't confident enough to not bring. She hadn't actually met her new partner yet, she'd seen his name, "Chaol Arroway". She'd been up to the board several times already and traced his name with her finger, but as to which of the several boys in this room matched up to that name she did not know. If she was honest, she wasn't even sure how the name was meant to be pronounced. Around her, already people were starting to get out of their chairs and move, some obviously heading to the list of names, others heading towards each other.

    She started to tentatively get up but honestly she didn't know where to go. She didn't need to go to look at the list of pairings, she knew her partner's name already. She wasn't going to try and call out a name that she didn't even know how to pronounce, that would be horrendous to get their name wrong. She also wasn't going to leave the room when the person she knew she needed to meet was here. This was a great start.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Midnight Star
    Quick question. Why is Teddy both on the BAPU crew and on our inactive crew roster?
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 18, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Midnight Star
    They are both really good. I'm not sure which one I prefer, I guess it depends if you want complete closure on everything or leave it open for us to have another adventure while helping the alien.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 17, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Midnight Star
    Weapon Character sheet


    Name: Hannah Swift
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Also she is actually really short.
    Weapon Type: Bow & Arrows (With blades attached to each of the limbs). The arrows are actually concentrated beams of soul wavelength (Look like arrows made of light), this may be hard to create initially.
    Weapon Appearance: (still looking for a good image) I'm thinking similar to a traditional bow so smaller than like a recurve but easier to shoot from all angles. The end of the limbs have blades on them for close combat. The limbs have swirling patterns on them.
    Personality: Usually quite calm (though may get a little hyper when she gets excited about something). She is quite caring and protective of those around her, though due to this she hates to feel useless and has a tendency to disregard her own safety if it means protecting someone else. While she doesn't dislike fighting, she doesn't like pointless fights and hates bystanders getting injured due to fights they are not involved in.
    Backstory: Hannah grew up in a rough area where there was a lot of fighting and as her mum was a doctor, she often saw the injured or dead people that resulted from the fights. It wasn't unusual for unrelated innocent people to get caught up in the fights and they were usually the ones to come out worst. She strongly disliked the fact that she wasn't able to help them and couldn't protect them. She sees DWMA as a chance to get stronger and actually be able to protect the things she cares about.
    Other: Has a bit of medical knowledge/good first aid skills due to growing up around her mum treating patients.
    Discord ID: Midnight Star#6910
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Midnight Star
    Yeah, strange is an old rp and probably my favourite rp that I've been in.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  8. Midnight Star
    You are still navigator?? Sorry!!!
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 11, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Midnight Star
    View attachment 45584

    That was all on one post.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 10, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Midnight Star
    Umm I've dated one person from khv properly (still feel guilty about how that ended), though several years prior to that I had introduced my "boyfriend" of the time to the site (I say it like that because I never ended up even kissing the guy, even though we were going out in person). I've also had a couple of other people on here tell me they love me or like me, nothing came of them mainly because I was in a relationship at the time.

    I used to write a lot of khv fanfics, most of which were based around LP2P but I have a few general ones as well. I don't think I ever posted most of them onto khv.

    I once played a tree in a school play.

    My activity level on khv is inversely proportional to my social life irl.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 9, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Midnight Star
    I was so happy when I figured out your name because you hid it so well, to the point I still remember it.

    Somehow loads of people knew my name back then and probably even more people do now.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Midnight Star


    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Midnight Star
    Me too, were you in Deathnote Game? That was awesome.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Midnight Star
    Nope, your theme may give a clue :P

    Discord is a instant chat thing like skype or voxli with a big khv group chat as well as you can do private chats. KHV has now got an official one (as in it's managed by khv staff) and it's actually quite active. Click 'chat' on the banner/menu thing on khv and it'll take you to it.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Midnight Star
    Btw Enzy guess what I'm currently rewatching from the start :P
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Midnight Star
    Have you already used your 300 post username change?
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Midnight Star

    You're amazing so please stayyy~

    (Also join discord if you haven't already)
    Post by: Midnight Star, Oct 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Midnight Star
    Yeah but didn't he even say in one interview that he would have sex with his daughter if she wasn't his daughter or something like that?
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 30, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  19. Midnight Star
    I find this funny as when Brexit happened all my friends were discussing where to move to. That said America was never one that was even considered.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 28, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  20. Midnight Star
    Post by: Midnight Star, Sep 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone