No. No. Stop it. Go away. It is not Christmas yet. Christmas doesn't start until after my birthday. Stop it. If you want something else to celebrate, it's bonfire night tommorrow. Can we celebrate that? Are space fireworks a thing?
No. It is November. It is not Christmas. Stop it.
I regret to inform my pack of biscuits cannot check in today as I have just eaten all of them.
I may or may not be here right now
You are amazing~
If you ever find perfume that doesn't seem to work, don't look directly into the nozzle while trying to push it down. Can end painfully.
Relief filled Hannah as the other pair introduced themselves. She'd actually done it. She'd introduced herself and successfully found out their names. She really hoped this would lead to them all becoming good friends. She smiled and carefully listened to what everyone else said, thinking carefully about what it would be best to do. "I have an idea! Why don't we make a game out of it? So we use arrows with either suction cups or paint on them and you guys start a reasonable distance away from us and have to come towards us. We win if an arrow touches Matthew, you win if Mikio touches Chaol. You are allowed to use Mikio to block or deflect arrows. Likewise I can be used to block Mikio. This should increase your dodging and reaction times. At the same time it should help Chaol's draw speed and firing under pressure. I still want a little bit of time beforehand to practice seperately though. I want to make sure Chaol's technique is all correct and he's comfortable with static targets before we start. Does that sound like a good idea? It means we can train together." She smiled enthusiastically as she explained her idea. She just wanted a way to help everyone and make it work better when they were together. In truth, while she did like her idea she was a bit nervous. She mostly had added in the close combat bit for those two but that bit did still really scare her. Also she knew that suction cup arrows or ones with paint on would be heavier and less aerodynamic. That meant they wouldn't fly as well and how they went would be different to with actual arrows. That said soul wavelegnth arrows would probably also fly different to the wooden arrows. That said it was a good simulation for what it would be like in an actual battle where they have an enemy coming towards them. It should also improve their firing speed and she could hopefully still work on Chaol's technique.
I'm interested if my timezone allows me. I've played a few games of pathfinder before and it's actually really fun. Also may I suggest you use this site,, this site has an interactive full online version of the character sheet, which you can share with other people. It also does all the calculations for like CMB and AC automatically for you, when you've filled in what you need for it. This would allow you to do skills and stuff like that properly.
Are we supposed to check in every day now?
Looking around at the blonde guy, she seemed to have a look of intense thought on her face for a moment before suddenly smiling and saying to him, "Oh, um, hi? I'm Hannah by the way, what are your names?" Internally she was celebrating, she'd finally done it. She'd introduced herself to them and they could start talking, that was good. Taking a satisfied breath, she'd calmed down a fair amount now. "I apologise but I am a long range weapon. I don't feel comfortable yet with anything too close but if we work successfully as I team, I shouldn't need to fight like that. I'm not going to force you to just watch as that halts your training but how about you just move your training to next to us? That way we will both be able to see each other and learn what the other can do, additionally the biggest part of teamwork is communication. We could work on that and talking to each other while we are doing out separate training." She suggested, trying to think through their options the best she possibly could. After a pause, she added quietly, "I guess I could maybe try a bit of that if we feel comfortable with shooting but ughh go easy on me?" She had a feeling she might regret saying that but she knew deep down that what he suggested was a good idea even if it terrified her.
Hannah had been smiling quite brightly at the prospect of working together with the other pair, they both seemed quite nice and this gave her an excuse to be able to talk to them. Having a good group of friends here almost seemed like a dream to her. She could actually do this, this was a good time to introduce herself and everything could go great... Then her blades were mentioned and her smile dropped, then the blonde haired meister also joined in, getting enthusiastic about it and it was as much as she could do not to run away. "Um, um, I'm not so sure about this. Those are more like a decoration or a last resort, I'm not a close range weapon and I don't like this. Anyway you've not even shot a whole round yet, the target was really close and just that you've hit one gold doesn't mean you're proficient." Her breathing had got faster as she was clearly flustered. "Um we could maybe do that a little but you're not turning me into a melee weapon. I think we should practice with me as I'm supposed to be used, first and foremost. I don't want to accidentally hit our new team mates because we didn't practice enough. I think we could support them a lot better as a ranged weapon than in close combat. I-is that okay?" She was shaking a little as she finished talking. The sheer prospect of being used in close combat terrified her. What if her string got cut or she got snapped in half? She knew that as a bow she could do well and she knew exactly what she was doing but this was completely outside of her comfort zone.
Hannah smiled at the other two people standing by the board, she hadn't really talked to anyone yet so she wasn't too confident. Chaol on the other hand seemed to know exactly what he was doing. They looked fairly nice and the guy seemed almost as nervous as she was. She kind of wanted to introduce herself to them, having lots of friends here sounded nice, but how to go about that? She wasn't certain. Before anything else though, Chaol turned to her and asked for what mission they were doing. "I've already told you. Either Bonnie & Clyde if we can find a close range pair to join up with or the masquerade one. I don't particularly mind which, you choose but we're definitely not starting until we've spend the rest of the day training." She was well aware that Chaol had already agreed to this multiple times but she didn't see any harm in saying it again for good measure. It was strange but Chaol didn't seem anywhere as intimidating now as he did when she first saw him, at least in her eyes. Time would tell how good they'd be she guessed, she just really didn't want to fall at the first hurdle.
It's our anniversary!!!!!!!!!!1
At the mention of her being okay as a close quarters weapon, Hannah hesitated a little. "You think so? I'm not so sure..." The thought of fighting close quarters scared her a bit, ranged was good and it didn't involve the enemies getting too close to them. Close ranged had enemies right next to you and trying to hurt you. It meant she had to be strong and withstand their attacks. She tried to imagine that and could only see her body getting snapped in half. Close ranged was scary. She was quickly distracted from that though by Chaol's sudden eagerness to see the mission board. "Um okay?" She said, raising an eyebrow at his enthusiasm. "I have no issues with that as long as we don't immediately go on one. Don't get cocky after hitting gold once. We definitely need to spend the rest of the day training." Her body glowed white as she transformed back to her human form. "But I guess if we know what mission we're taking, we know what is most important to work on. Lead the way, meister."
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View attachment 45628 (click to make bigger)
In the reflection on the inside of the bow, Hannah smiled, happy with her partner's improvement and glad that he was actually listening to her advice. "A mission? You haven't even shot a full round yet." She laughed. "I'm excited for a mission too and practical experience is good. However, I hope you realise that the target we're aiming at is still really close, it gets much harder to aim accurately when the target is further away. We'd also be dealing with moving targets so you'll have to aim faster and even anticipate their movements. I'm not really a close combat weapon so we want to avoid that. Those can be helped with practice though." She paused, realising she was being quite critical but she was a realist and she did not want to get killed on her first mission. "The main thing I'm worried about though is the arrows, until we can figure out how to do the soul wavelength ones, we have very limited arrows and collecting them while on a mission is going to be easier said than done." She really hoped she wasn't coming across too pessimistic to her new partner. "I think we should practice for the rest of the day at least. I had a look at the mission board and I think the ones that suit us most are either the mafia one where we can hide and take out the targets from a distance or the team one where we can support a close range combat team."
"Stop. You're making a good attempt but you listen to what I say. First you need to have three fingers below the arrow. You aim by looking done the arrow and that doesn't work if you have fingers above the arrow. It should be the pads of the tips of your fingers touching the string, not your joints." Hannah calmly and clearly gave instructions, if he was going to use her, he was going to do it correctly. All the previous hesitation in her voice seemed to have vanished, she knew exactly what she was talking about and she just needed her new meister to listen. She waited calmly for him to follow her instructions before moving on to the next piece of advice. "Okay, next when you pull back the string, you've been pulling with your forearm muscles, this makes it unnecessarily hard. You should be using your shoulder muscles as they are much stronger. Try raising your elbow as that makes it easier to do that. Higher, a bit higher, that's good. It will naturally raise and lower as you pull back, it's a circular motion similar to like back crawl in swimming." "You need to bring the string back so that your middle finger touches the corner of your mouth. This is good so you can be consistent and should give you enough power." "Now look down the arrow and aim at the target. At this distance it shouldn't really arch so you can aim directly. But at long distances you will need to aim higher to account for gravity causing the arrow to arch. Take your time, there's no rush." While Chaol might not be the most natural, it wasn't like he had no potential, he just needed a bit of guidance to use her right. If he could follow her advice, this might turn out okay. Something about his clan name before, it seemed to ring a bell somehow but she couldn't remember how and right now she was concentrating on helping him hit the target. "Release when you think you're on target."
On the inside of the bow, Hannah's face appeared, smiling. She had been worried for a second that he would just let her fall to the floor. That was unlikely to actually hurt her but she still didn't like the way that felt. "It's fine, I still didn't hit the ground. I hope you're okay with this form" Her eyebrows raised for a moment as he mentioned not firing her without an arrow. That had been one of her fears that as soon as he held her he'd try to fire her as soon as she became a bow, before she had time to tell him not to. "You know about dry firing? I'm impressed. but yeah about arrows..." Without warning she suddenly changed back into human form. She was looking at the floor, seeming almost embarrassed. "So well the thing is, theoretically it should be possible to create arrows out of concentrated soul wavelength. It should be really good as you never run out of arrows. But well..." She pulled down her hat a little, "I've never actually managed that and it's really quite hard." She turned around and headed over to her large bag that she'd got on the ground. "So I guess until we master that, I have something for you." She reached into her bag and brought out a quiver with a belt attached to it. "This goes around your waist" She handed the quiver to him then next took out a tube from her bag. "Until we figure out the should wavelength arrows, we can use these. They're not as practical as there's a limited amount, so we'll need to collect them and obviously putting actual arrows onto me will take longer. However they'll do for now." She handed about 6 arrows to him to put in the quiver then brought out the final thing. "This is an arm guard, put it on the forearm or the arm you're actually holding me with. It's common for beginners to accidentally hit their arm with the string and that hurts a lot. This should protect you." Hannah stood near him, waiting for him to put everything she'd given him on before changing back into a bow. She made sure to give him warning so he was ready to catch her again.