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  1. Midnight Star
    I can understand that as the game has really only just started but I just wanted people to post their gut feelings if they have any. On D1 gut feelings are usually more reliable than WIFOM. People being scared to post their suspicions only helps mafia. Last game I was quite scared to post my suspicions as I felt I needed to justify every little suspicion so I ended up just following what everyone else had said. But then after I died I discovered my gut feelings were right, though I had no evidence to back that up. People shouldn't be scared to post their suspicions of who is mafia and who is town even if they have nothing but a feeling to back it up. Also in this game it doesn't even matter as much townies if you get lynched as you could technically take 2 mafia members down with you. So don't be scared to post stuff without evidence to back it up.

    If possible I'd like everyone to post their suspicions of who they think is mafia (with or without evidence, gut feeling is fine) before the end of D1.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  2. Midnight Star
    Yeah guys I'm really interested into what everyone's initial gut feelings are on who they think is town and mafia. Don't worry about justifying your choices, I just want gut feeling, on instinct I think ____ is town and ____ is mafia. Don't be scared to be wrong.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  3. Midnight Star
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  4. Midnight Star
    You didn't but I could see the thread going that way leading on from your post, you said nothing wrong. It was more of a pre-emtive warning. Sorry if I wasn't clear what I meant.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  5. Midnight Star
    While this is probably true, getting into someone probably not voting for their own lovers is kinda WIFOM. I think at this point, we're actually best asking people about their gut feelings and who they think is mafia on instinct. Normally I would agree with lynching inactives but in a lovers game you could end up lynching two really active people just from one inactive.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  6. Midnight Star
    This only just started and there's already so many posts and votes and I can't keep up or multitask. Previous to the game started I was like I'm gonna be all organised and decisive and helpful. And now everything has kinda gone out of the window.

    I was going to say we need to get people talking and votes to get people talking and defending others but you've all already beat me to it so I don't know what to say now.

    Playing mafia and cards against humanity at the same time is hard.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  7. Midnight Star
    Personally, if possible I'd like it to start a little bit earlier by an hour or two but I think you've explained before that you can't do that, so it's fine.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Midnight Star
    Mhmm, I'm still in

    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Midnight Star
    That would be really helpful, thanks. If you have chance, it would also be good if you go onto the doc and help out with your description/key features down at the bottom so we can flesh out your character a bit more.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 26, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Midnight Star
    Anyone else please feel free to continue the story or edit what has already been done. I don't really want to completely take it over and do it all by myself. I'm quite nervous when writing about other people, especially their speech, what they do and how they react to things. I kinda want it to be as close to your reactions and the way you'd say it as I can, so please feel free to edit it if I make your characters do anything you don't think you'd do or say like that.

    Also Excasr is down on the roster as the ship's strategist, which I think could work as it is an actual role. I imagine by working with me (pilot) and Glen (Weapons), we should be able to get out of some bad situations. Not sure what to have him doing day to day though, when we're not being attacked or are planning an attack or raid.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 26, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Midnight Star
    Also I'd just like to say if you don't hear anything back from the jobs for ages (like months), it doesn't necessarily mean they've rejected you. I was just in that situation, I'd applied for loads and heard pretty much nothing back from any of them. However in the last two days, I've suddenly got three phone interviews and a face to face interview. I think sometimes it can take them a while to sort through them and decide who to interview, especially if the job is quite busy so they don't have much time to look at CVs or if they get a lot. Also some will wait until the closing date of the job before looking through them and contacting people about interviews. I'm also aware of companies that don't like giving out rejections as that mean if ones that have better CVs than you fall through or fail in the interview, they could still contact you and give you the chance.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 26, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  12. Midnight Star
    The trouble with introducing our characters is since we've already given them an appearance and described them, it'll be hard to find a picture on the internet that looks just like us. We've already established most of that don't have the artistic ability for that. That's not to say it can't be unrelated to your character. It might have an image of something that embodies your character or that they like or you could do fancy things with the text of the description and quotes of your character.

    It was why before I was more like it was an optional thing, if people want they can do things for it. Like if you can you could illustrate characters or scenes from it and afterwards someone could even do a dramatic reading of it.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 26, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Midnight Star
    ...I was actually thinking of giving you the role of combat and weapons specialist (So in charge of fighting, controlling the ship’s weapons and fighting when on planets). But that's only if you like the sound of that.[DOUBLEPOST=1469489853][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm totally not annoyed I'm not the shortest. Nope. Not at all. Also I kinda imagined you as more skinny and lean than bulky and a dwarf.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 25, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Midnight Star
    I know but this is for INVSP and that's what I've been since the start so I don't really want to change now. These don't have to be completely accurate to how we are irl, it matters more how we are on this thread.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 25, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Midnight Star
    That's great! Would you be doing it kinda reluctantly (you care about the crew but it's still a pain) or would you be more keen on your job? Also at some point if you could go into the document and help with your description at the bottom, that would be really helpful. That's describing your appearance and what you normally wear and other key features people may notice about you.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 25, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Midnight Star
    So I was thinking that you'd probably be best for that role. What would you think to being a reluctantish engineer? As in you're good enough to do the job but it isn't really what you want to do most. You want to be diving on the outside of the ship into space and not just diving to fix the ship. However you care enough about the ship that you're not going to let it break and you're the only capable of doing that job on the current crew. So until until we get someone permanently in that role, you're kinda stuck with it.

    What do you make to that idea? It's just a suggestion as we do probably need someone in that role as I imagine we're going to end up getting shot at a bit.

    In hindsight I think an engineer would fit me far better than my current roles (doctor & pilot) but I've been had those roles for the entirety of this thread and it seems a bit late to switch now.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Jul 25, 2016 in forum: Forum Families