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  1. Midnight Star
    Why am I first? '~'

    That said I won't be able to be there on Saturday.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 15, 2016 in forum: KHV Chorus
  2. Midnight Star
    So I was flicking through my phone and I have lots of pictures of pasta, so figured I might talk about it on here. Please bear in mind I am terrible at cooking.

    So pasta in a tomato based sauce with sausage meatball things.

    1. Boil pasta
    2. Chop onion
    3. Fry onion in pan
    4. (when pasta is cooked) drain the pasta to remove all the water
    5. Put pasta back in pan and also add tinned tomatos and onions (when they are done)
    6. Season with salt, pepper, Lee & Perins sauce, ketchup, brown sauce, mixed herbs, garlic and a little bit of sugar
    5. While that is simmering, cut up two sausages into cubes/cylinders (defrost the sausages first)
    6. Fry the sausages, you can use the same pan you did the onions in
    7. Serve onto a plate, mix the sausage meatballs into the pasta
    8. Enjoy!!

    Please note: When simmering the pasta after the tinned tomato has been added, make sure the heat is high enough to actually boil off some of the liquid or else it ends up very watery. However when frying the sausages don't put the heat up too high or else the sausages instantly burn. See image below.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 14, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  3. Midnight Star
    Something felt off today on the Saber. A small frown had appeared on the forehead of the ship’s Captain Marushi. The ship was too quiet. Waay too quiet. Even though the actual crew of the ship only numbered 5, somehow the ship always seemed lively and there was always noise coming from somewhere. The sound of fighting as Glen beat up training robots, the sound of Loxare doing her rounds and making sure everything was shipshape, the sound of music and bad singing in the med bay or clanging as Pine did her best to fix the ship. There was usually some teasing or arguing or laughing going on. Today though, it was all quiet. The training robots were switched off and hanging lifelessly, the medbay was silent and empty, there was no clanging and the ship seemed to be going eerily smoothly, all the corridors seemed empty. In fact she hadn’t seen a single member of her crew around today. Where were they? Had something happened to them?

    Her hand went to her weapon and she gripped it tightly in front of her. She had to find her crew and protect them. She quickly checked their rooms but they were empty too, where was her crew? The food hall, which was normally a hive of activity was deserted without a sign of life. Wait, her head shot up. She thought she heard something from the helm, but it was so quiet it could have been her imagination.

    Slowly the Captain of the Saber edged towards the entrance to the helm, weapon held in front of her, dreading what she might find. She just hoped her crew mates were okay, she’d sworn to protect them and that’s what she needed to do. She nervously adjusted her pirates hat, her cloak swished out behind her before she took a final deep breath and…”RELEASE MY CREW IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE!!!” She yelled as she heroically leapt through the door…

    …to “SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!”, All her crew shouted and fired party poppers into the air. A huge banner said ‘Happy Birthday Cap’n!!’ behind them and colourful balloons filled the room.

    Have an amazing birthday, Captain Marushi!!
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 12, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Midnight Star
    I'll probably join though I'll need time to think of a character & alias
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Midnight Star
    Petting had never really been Hannah's thing, she'd never been that great with animals and she didn't really know what to do with them. In that aspect she was quite happy that the cat seemed far more interested in Mikio, she was content to stay back and watch. After a moment or two, Hannah took a brief glance at the small watch on her wrist and a small crease appeared on her forehead (though that was mostly hidden by her hat and fringe). "Umm, guys? I'm glad you're enjoying yourself but don't we have a mission to do? I mean it would be fairly bad if by the time we actually start, they had already left." She smiled at them, hoping she wouldn't be seen as a spoil sport or a nag, she just didn't want them to mess up their first ever mission.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Midnight Star
    As Glen entered and started talking Midnight's small back started shaking, and her hands came up to cover her face. Eventually after Glen had finished she eventually looked round at him, a slight smile vaguely visible beneath her hand. "What the hell are you on about? You're unbelievable sometimes. That said, you will have to show me this aquarium thing at some point." Glancing at Marushi but being careful to not look at the person stood next to the captain she added, "Don't you remember? Glen hasn't been allowed anywhere near the controls of this ship in a long time." She returned to steering the ship after her interjection. Trust Glen to break the mood, it wasn't like her feelings towards that guy had changed but she couldn't honestly say she had a problem with the random ray of sunshine in the middle of this. If anything, that had made her a tiny bit more determined to protect the crew.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 2, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Midnight Star
    The smallest member of the crew did not turn back around to look at him, instead choosing to stay firmly focused on the controls of the ship. When she spoke her words were quiet but clear, "Forgive me if I'm not completely convinced. You certainly didn't act like a mindless drone that day, you talked with us, you laughed with us and you actually came across as a fairly likeable guy, then you went and betrayed us. Your actions did not appear like that of a mindless puppet to me." Midnight paused taking a deep breath. "But say, even if you were controlled that doesn't automatically make you a good guy. We know absolutely nothing about you, hell, we don't even know your name. Do you realise you're asking for far more than simple forgiveness? You're asking for more than on the ship when you just looked around with us? You're asking to join us, to stay on this ship, to be one of us, what gives you the right? This just could all be a big ploy to get close to us and get your revenge. How do we know the "big bad" isn't controlling you in more way than one? I don't trust you and I don't want my friends to get hurt. I won't let you hurt us any more."

    Honestly, it wasn't actually too unusual for Marushi to invite random people to join the crew and most of the time she was actually fine with that but this was different. They'd already been hurt and betrayed once after trusting him, she did not want that to happen again.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 1, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Midnight Star
    Midnight's entire body froze as she saw who was coming in. "Captain." She said slowly, her eyes not leaving the guy who had walked in with Marushi. "This had better be a joke and it's not a very good one. It all sounds like a load of rubbish excuses to me. That guy took me out of action for weeks. I don't care if he claims he was controlled, why is he here?" She wanted to storm out and slam the door but she was currently steering the ship and that wouldn't be the best idea. Instead she turned away from them, back to looking at the controls. However for anybody eagle-eyed enough to spot it, her hands were shaking a little as she worked.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Dec 1, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Midnight Star
    The flight to Texas hadn't actually been that bad in Hannah's opinion. She'd been lucky enough to get a window seat so she'd really enjoyed the view out of the window. Plus, the flight was really short, it had been nothing compared to the one from England, that one had taken forever. That said, she had still been very surprised at the getting a flight at a moments notice. In her head flights were something that should be booked months and months in advanced and prepared for carefully. Matthew had just got them a plane like they were catching a bus or a train, it was ridiculous!

    However at this moment, that was at the back of the mind as she observed a talking cat. Initially she'd blinked a few times, rubbed her eyes and checked the other's reactions to check her mind wasn't playing tricks on her. "How curious" She muttered as she decided that this was really happening. Making up her mind, her smile broadened as she spoke up, "Well it is also a pleasure to meet you for me. Would you happen to have information regarding our mission?"
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 30, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Midnight Star
    Name: Midnight Star

    This is still under construction

      • What people imagine me to look like without a reference pic (I really love when people draw or describe what they imagine I look like without looking at a picture of me)
      • Dragons!! Maybe more the elegant type to the downright scary.
      • Magic
      • The Moon
      • Stars
      • My reality is just different from yours

    • Nightwing
      Harley Quinn
      Black Canary

    • Atsuki no Yona (Yoon)
      Nanatsu no Taizai (king)
      I don't want this kind of hero (Sasa)
      Black Haze (Dio)
      Noblesse (M-21)
      Dungeon Meshi (Chil-Chack)
      City of Dead Sorcerer (Han Ji-Yul)
      Magi (Alibaba)
      Magician (Enzu)
      Red Storm (Trekol)
      One Piece (Sanji)
      Fairy Tail (Gray) - not caught up no spoilers
      Kuroshitsugi (Finnian)
      Assassination Classroom (Karma)
      Pandora hearts (Gil)
      Norogami (Yukine)

      ...I might add to this list later. Why is it that all my favourite characters are male?

    • I'm a little behind on all of these so no spoilers!!

      Order of the Stick
      Snow by Night
      Gunnerkrigg Court
      Ava's Demon
      Girl Genius

    • Anne Stokes!!

      She can have a tab to herself.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Midnight Star
    Can I have shake up Christmas?
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 27, 2016 in forum: KHV Chorus
  12. Midnight Star
    I'll admit I am a bit curious~
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Midnight Star
    Thank you!!!! ^,^ You're all amazing too~
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Midnight Star
    I'm tired and there's probably a much better simplified version of this but:

    [your score] / ([total test is out of] / 100) = [percentage score]


    [score] = [percentage] * ([total test is out of] / 100)

    or something, this is simple maths but I'm tired and my brain isn't working
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 17, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Midnight Star
    I spy Harley Quinn 8D
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 16, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  16. Midnight Star
    I know!! It's an outrage, not only do we have much less chocolate, I bet the pieces won't snap as easily any more either :/
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 8, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Midnight Star
    Pasta (fusilli), using tinned tomatoes to make a sauce and chopped up sausages fried in a pan as meatballs. I tend to also put one onion (chopped and fried) into it and I season the sauce with salt, pepper, garlic, mixed herbs, a tiny bit of sugar, Lee & Perins sauce, ketchup and brown sauce but the seasoning is up to you.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Midnight Star
    My costume was a bit boring this year

    View attachment 45741 View attachment 45742
    I was also super glittery/shimmery but that doesn't show at all on the photos.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 7, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Midnight Star
    Hannah listened to Spirit tell them their mission with a smile on her face, taking a mental note of all the key details. This was actually happening, their first ever mission. She was really nervous, who wouldn't be for their first mission? She also had some reasonably big concerns, like they still hadn't succeeded in making a soulwavelengh arrow. That said it wasn't like the last couple of days had been wasted, Chaol had improved a lot, he had some talent. That said talent can only go so far, he was still an absolute beginner who had only been doing this for 2 days. They had a long way to go.

    As the conversation turned to transport, Hannah went thought about it before joining in, "Umm do we have to pay for our own transport and accommodation? That could get really expensive. How do students normally get to where their missions are. The missions seemed be spread all over the world." She looked at Spirit playing basketball as she spoke, wondering if it would be okay to interrupt his game to ask him. She didn't really want to annoy him or get yelled at though.
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Midnight Star
    21st of November and NO NO NO *plugs fingers in ears and shuts self away in room. Puts random non-chrismassy music on loud*
    Post by: Midnight Star, Nov 4, 2016 in forum: Forum Families