Ashley-*Giggles a bit because of how much you remind her of Windy when she saved her, Rosey, and Joe from Haruhi and Orihime. Has the bolts phase...
Windy-*Fakes her punch to the left as she teleports below Ashley.* Air Volt!!!*A spear of blood appears in Windy hand and she just beams it to go...
Ashley-*Sense a rise in power and strength from you still dodging, and countering every single attack.* Windy-*Her aura slowly turns into sparks...
Ashley- Don't worry about that no show me something already god I hate it when you do this. Stop wasting time and just do please.
Ashley-*Starts cutting down the aura levels from Windy first because of the Nova Flare she's encased in, and uses the scent of your blood so...
Ashley-*Dodges your kick like with ease pulsing off of you going sky high.* Windy- Thanks Rosey ow come on!!*Charges up in Rosey's arms.*...
Ashley- Well I suppose I will find out what's really in the back of that thick head of yours when the time comes. For now Let me see your control...
Ashley- Yep I'm A OK CAPTAIN n..n But quick question Zy if it isn't to much of a bother. Whose paying for all of this =,=
Windy-*Charges a blood beam and teleports towards Ashley gunning for her with it.* Rosey-*Goes in for a Final Kick, but really going to hit Ashley...
Ashley- That is of no concern to you alright. Please don't worry about things that's you aren't even supposed to be involved in that's how you get...
Ashley- Which is why I will help train you only because once he's out of the way I can get to my actual...*Stops herself shaking her head.*...
Ashley-*Grabs a hold of your elbow doing a hand stand on your arm and does an air flare on you.* Rosey-*Bounces off a tree to rocket herself back...
Ashley-*Simply deflects it with no problem appearing right behind Joe, but Rosey gets Final Kicked hard onto the ground.* Rosey-*Bounces back up...
Ashley-*Does a back flip to avoid your kick and a front flip to dodge Rosey's Aura Blast and teleports to dodge Windy's Wind Beam.* Windy-*In awe...
Ashley-*Can see you with no problem ignoring you and Windy.* Well you with the nature powers show me something. Rosey-*Points above Ashley.*...
Ashley-If you can land a single blow on me I'll tell you how's that? If you try to resolve this in a peaceful I'll just kill all three of you...
Ashley- First of the fact you feel the need to ask in such a ceremoniously is unnecessary so please just ask me what you need to. Windy-*Still...
Ashley- There really isn't anything I can answer for you with such a bleak plea for a question like that. Windy- Is it true you're know as the...
Ashley- Don't play dumb with me CR I know for a fact my sister trained you did she not?Did you want to become stronger to beat Tiamat and insisted...
Ashley- You say that yet I know for a fact you'll still do it know you CR. After all you have my sisters scent on you and its very strong I wonder...