Ashley-*Makes her aura seep within you slowly lifting you mid-air.* That's right CR brace yourself if you can.
Ashley- If you say so but just get over yourself.*Teleports in front of you.* Now if you would please do something besides throw weak attacks at...
Ashley-*Simply flips over you blasts off to Windy going for a Final Kick and is actual leaning on your back.* Well if you insist tough guy. Windy-...
Rosey DAMNIT!!!*Blasts off to Windy, but her attack sucks her into Ashley's Spiral cutting off her armor, aura, and life force.* Windy-*Teleports...
Ashley-*Beams herself to crush you deep within the ground.* NOPE!!
Rosey-*Dashes out of the vortex and sends it flying towards Ashley.* Windy-*Closes her eyes concentrating taking the Blood Beam underground...
Ashley-*Teleports above you and the actual slash cuts you deeply.* Crystal Wave*Pulses you down into a spike pit of ice and crystals.*
Ashley-*Has an Ice Bolt strike down onto you hard while she's charging an attack below.*
Windy- Yea I do watch this!!*Fires a Blood Beam and slams her hands on the ground making the sparks travel with the blood beam.* Rosey-*Some...
Ashley-*Keeps cutting away at your aura as she dodges and uses the bolts to slow you down slowly charging them up to make the pain that much...
Windy- Joe you dummy the mist is for us. Ashley made it thicker which wasn't part of the plan, but Rosey did some quick thinking. Alright but now...
Ashley-*Dodging and and cutting off your aura completely from each attack.*
Windy-*Taps into the her Enigmatic aura again and nothing but sparks is made from her.* Alright fine since that's how you want to do it tough guy....
Windy- JOE YOU IDIOT!!!*Shouting softly* Stop charging up this can be used as cover why don't you...*Gets charging up creating even more sparks...
Windy- W-Woo...*Keeps getting healed by you waiting to see Rosey's plan.* Joe stop healing for a sec please I can already feel the drop in your...
Ashley- Haruhi and Orihime? Who are they?*Sees you and Windy healing up allowing it.* Alright if you want this to continue fine by me....
Windy-*Coughs out a lot of blood holding her gut.* I never would have thought it be impossible to land a hit on someone. There's no way she can...
Ashley- *Looks at Windy's attack catching the blood spear and uses sparks around the spear to deflect Rosey's attack towards her as she appears...
Ashley- He's still holding back.*Sigh* Alright CR come and attack me show me something else please you're still not understanding the situation so...
Ashley- Wow CR this is new I guess, but still not what I wanted to see.*Just waiting until you really show her something.*