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  1. nasirrich
    Last few seconds of the episode before the credits I was all like...
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 18, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. nasirrich
  3. nasirrich
  4. nasirrich
  5. nasirrich
  6. nasirrich
  7. nasirrich
    Windy- Joe... W-Wait JOE!!!*Is about to jolt up, however something is stopping that from happening.*
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  8. nasirrich
  9. nasirrich
  10. nasirrich
  11. nasirrich
  12. nasirrich
  13. nasirrich



    Favorite word from this episode ^..^
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. nasirrich
    When can it be that I am able to speak without adding the hint of misery?
    Its a mystery, but leaving the foolish ignorant is bliss you see
    Nothing said means no way of getting the response for a plea
    To stop, but you can't since you need more then a simple victory
    Knowing the outcome yet you still want more contact than just 3
    Voice, text and... Wait the third is me...?
    Talking in third person is confusing wouldn't you agree?
    You want me to let you in even though you aren't part of my destiny
    Tell you what I'm thinking is what you want in reality
    If this happen will I finally be set free?

    I can see my friends... turn Green with Envy
    (Lyrically I'm Untouchable, Uncrushable, to underestimate his craft you better be prepared to fight)
    I can see my friends... turn Green with Envy
    (This is just me messing around, could you picture me mad?)
    I can see my friends... turn Green with Envy
    ( Lyrical Hitman who could possibly rival)

    It's supposed to be about respect, but no one else wants to be apart of the set
    If money was involved then the attention would only be focused on the check
    Money is cool its just disregarding feelings from another individual is a major upset
    When you are in need of the same participation and get treated the same way hoping they are stuck deep in debt
    Owing something to everyone so you don't have to feel that sense of regret
    The reoccurring question comes into play what's next?

    I can see my friends... turn Green with Envy
    (Lyrically I'm Untouchable, Uncrushable, to underestimate his craft you better be prepared to fight)
    I can see my friends... turn Green with Envy
    (This is just me messing around, could you picture me mad?)
    I can see my friends... turn Green with Envy
    ( Lyrical Hitman who could possibly rival)
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 9, 2013 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  15. nasirrich
    This is a style I haven't come by in a while. You pull it off, but I really wished you put more down for each of your works. Its sucks when you stop at some good parts since its too short Dx
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 9, 2013 in forum: Archives
  16. nasirrich
  17. nasirrich
  18. nasirrich
  19. nasirrich
  20. nasirrich
    Fav line

    You know I really will break his leg c:

    They put that big bully in his place stupid jerk can't wait to see him get his ass kicked n,n
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media