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  1. nasirrich
  2. nasirrich
  3. nasirrich
  4. nasirrich
  5. nasirrich
    I did say that it wasn't a lash towards anyone with what's already been said. What I said after that was poking fun at the person who won best poet because I know its a fact. I've said multiple amount of times you may have the top spot so be sure to fight for it. Also note I did answer your question meaning that was the only reply to your post before mine Marushi. The first part was to keep the train rolling I guess, the middle part was about peace to a degree and the 3rd was all towards the "Best Poet" poking fun at those in high places because I can. If they'd like to show me why they won go for it, but until then I'll be keeping an eye out for said best ~,^
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  6. nasirrich
  7. nasirrich
  8. nasirrich
    I've just had with people who aren't worthy telling me they'd like to battle with
    So very embarrassing to prove to you like its new that I'm talented
    Now you wanna keep me locked out because the of all the babbling
    Is it due to the fact you don't wanna sign into the hype and try to find some other comparisons?
    No its because what I say sets the bar so high its like building a roofs on palaces
    Pretty ill how I keep it fresh and open clogged wordplays like I'm a Claritin
    If I'm doing this for you why do you find me challenging?

    Can't answer the question its alright I'll keep you on board
    So if you want it I'll bring what you asked for
    Let this go on record to show I tear apart you cats which will increase anticipation so there's no more bore
    This is a thread to showcase skill yea we can be friendly just know I'll always be aiming for top score
    If I shout you out be proud because its like a chance knocking at your door

    I find it odd though when I battle individuals dread thee
    Wait I'm not hard you're a nightmare like that guy Freddie
    There's no chance in me winning I should've quit already
    Damn his words pop off like live shots coming like its a semi
    That's what you'll lame poets say when gotta spit against me
    Now we're in battle mood so your being consist of the lame poets Marushi

    We're gonna step this up very quick man
    Hope you're able to withstand
    The barrage of words that's a huge deterrent to the current ways of those in the high place damn
    I'll make you lose your top spot faster than sinking in quicksand
    Slit your wrist push you in a pool full of syphilis and throw you a life saver the size of a citronella wristband

    You having a duel with me might have boosted you up some, but still doesn't give you the right to challenge a pro, you And-1
    To talk about metaphors and punchlines when you have yet to show me some that shine out so do your best to find sum
    Add some cruel puns and punchlines that'll help make this battle that much more fine so the problem will finally be done

    In a class of lyrics man I sit all alone
    The darkness in my words got people wanting me to lower my tone
    I'm not even talking that loud bitch this is my zone
    Think I'm playing I'll kill you and pay for the funeral in its entirety with a card over the phone

    You clown don't even think you can mess with your boy
    I'm giving you poets work now tell me who's unemployed
    Can go off the top like I've been doing it for long like the girl Solty's boy Roy
    Never heard of that anime best believe you're gonna enjoy

    Marushi why is it that you're so fond of dueling me is something I'll never understand
    What you were taught hasn't prepared you for something like this, but I don't give a damn
    I keep holding back so the lames you think are good can be considered "The Man"
    Screw that they can go down with you as the reply back shows you're still in need of a plan
    Bring the best here I'll stick a stake in them so those bloodsuckers can only communicate with their hands

    Be clear when replying back because you are the one who wanted this
    If you think this makes you a super hero then what I said the last time might have cracked some sh**
    Yea you're a year older than me, but my old works are eons beyond what you could possibly put in this pit
    That's right now we're going on some raw rap so I'll make this beef with you showing anyone can get it

    Now think hard and well with the reply so we will see if this battle is for show or too really tell
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 24, 2013 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  9. nasirrich
    I should have done this quick
    Like the current flowing through electric appliances
    Wanna test me hope you don't coil around this iron so please.. I insist
    We can do any form of battle you'd like, however I'd like to duel over wits
    Knowing the outcome I'll just have to call it quits
    Something may slip out so please stayed tuned and keep reading this

    No time to cause up a stir to get some fame
    To answer the question above I've just been doing work... I know that's lame
    None of what has been said is a lash out towards anyone so let's stay sane

    Yea homie you might have won the contest, but we all know you can't really wreck someone when having to free spit
    When it comes to poetry Oda and I are pen perks executives
    I'll cal you a ________
    I drew the line so you can insert the expletive
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 23, 2013 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  10. nasirrich
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  19. nasirrich

    If it doesn't I think... I'll fill empty on the inside
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 19, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. nasirrich