...Oh...Errm yah I'm new...Is ther little black creachers running around her by any chance?
Did you get anything? -Rikka asked-
So its bad and good...Are you going on holiday? Just there seems to be alot of people packing
Hiya...Nothing much being bored college and stuff...you?
...-Riku looked to Reaper- I gathered that
Riku...who are you?
So is being in the orginization any good?
OOC thankies BIC -Riku randomly walked up to darka nd reaper and said- Hey
-Kayleigh took the bottle and drank it- That dosn't taste nice I'll pass I'll be ok in a bit any way...but thanks anyway
Thats cool -she smiled-
-Kayleigh almost fell over after Zexion had finished the spell- -Rikka fell to her knees- I'm ok -she said as she sat there-...What about Daisuke?
...Thats your Somebody name?
XDDDD Youtube when I've got it up lol
Oh...I thaught the heart had memorys too...oh well
XD yah oh Demyx and Zexion make an apperance too ^_^
-Kayleigh felt her self getting weaker but she kept herself holding on to Zexion and Rikka-
^_^ its about Roxas and Sora...Its actuly my first Amv about them
What if they regained their true heart?
-Rikka felt her energy going but did as Zexion advised-
-They both nodded-