-she blinked- Yah that'd be the best bet -she smiled-
cool ^_^ I've been bored but its getting more and more fun ^_^
Well you need your strength -She smiled then kissed him on the cheek- eat up
-she portaled to the kitchen but kept the portal open. When she came back through the portal there were 10 Neo Shadows and her carrying food in their arms-
-she smiled- Yah what do you want? I'll just steal it from the kitchen
-Rikka blinked a little as she was shocked by the sudden kiss then kissed him back-
We'll get it checked out dont worry...So other then that your ok?
-Rikka looked over to Daisuke and shouted- Daisuke -Then she rand and hugged him- Are ok ok?...What did she do to you?
A witch named Maleificent kindapped him for some reason OOC by the way Dexnail Axelforever already has Maleificent sorry
Yah...I'll get Naminé to take me
-Kayleigh took the book and looked at the spells- What is she planning...Zexion -she said as she looked to him- Can you see if there is a tracking spell...You are better at this then me -she said handing him back the book- We've already got him back thankfuly -Rikka said pointing over to daisuke who was in the bed-
They are able to take your hearts so that you become one of them...and they can destry this world if they found the heart of it
cool -she smiled- Could I come too...Thats if its ok
OOC well he was ^_^ -Rikka turned to Rexejon- Hi errm Daisuke one of the elemnts had been kidnapped so we went to save him
OOC Ok ^_^ up to you
OOC huh? do you mean where should they be or where are we?
OOC well You could come check on them?
OOC Zexion, Colexin, Berxen, Kayleigh and Rikka are all looking after Daisuke as he was kidnapped by Maleificent
Oh ok I guess its safe here then
-Rikka looked over to Brexen- Thanks