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  1. jackdaniel0
    Only I could make discussions about limb severage switch to Star Wars canonity
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Aug 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. jackdaniel0
    Didnt see the movie, why IV?
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Aug 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. jackdaniel0
    But hwat if you took out the blood in that limb would you still bleed if yuo cut it off
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Aug 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. jackdaniel0
    But worms dont have limbs
    You foolish bolt
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Aug 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. jackdaniel0
    and then you cut off the limb
    would you bleed
    What circumstances are required to not bleed at all when a limb is cut off
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Aug 9, 2014, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. jackdaniel0
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Aug 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. jackdaniel0


    His eyes were locked on his opponent, only taking glances at his partner when there was no risk. Dodging the attacks wouldn't be too hard, his body was practically built for it, but he wasn't sure with Damion.

    Recalling the strategy of the previous team, he yelled to his partner, "We take them out! Between the neck and chest, a disguised gem that's their power source! But..." He watched the hulking mass walk towards him, arms ready to smash him in to the ground. "I doubt we've got a dragon to help us with that." His mind raced, speeding through idea after idea, tossing out ones that wouldn't work for sure and working with ones that perhaps might have a chance. "Alright, Damion! Try and see if you can find and break that gem with your guns! Shouldn't be TOO big of an area to shoot at, huh?" He honestly didn't think that it'd be easy as that. Added with the fact that it was disguised and quite small, it seemed like a practically impossible shot, but it was worth a try.

    Dodging another overhead smash, he jumped back, eyeing behind him now and then to maintain a comfortable distance from the ring while making sure that he had a tight grip on the cube. "If you can't find a gun that can crack the thing, well, I don't think a magic-fueled kick will do much. I'm better for distractions and running in this!"
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Aug 9, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. jackdaniel0


    Poke immediately understood what his power was. When he watched it in action, though, he just grinned in amazement. Even with all of the strange powers he'd seen, this one still managed to impress him. "Cool!" Giving a thumbs up, he made sure to keep the explanation of his powers in mind if he ever needed a specific weapon.

    Turning back towards the golems, he waited for the test to begin. Each second passed by rather slowly for him, his nerves yelling, Get on with it! What was taking so long? His patience was rewarded when the golems finally started to move towards the pair, each taking one for themselves. Poke glanced at him, his partner, the golems, and the ring, making sure to keep each's location as accurate as possible to avoid any accidental collisions or mess-ups.

    "Okay, let's do this!" He cheered, smiling as his golem raised its fist. He didn't even need to use his powers. All he had to do was sidestep the blow. The arm made contact with nothing but cold, hard ground, Poke already running behind the golem. He was near the middle of the ring, the giant automaton lumbering towards him. As it did, he tried his best to find the exact stone that had to be shattered to break the spell. Various methods went through his head as it was getting closer. Punch it? No, I'm holding the cube, and I'm not risking a power failure, not right now. Kick it? Sure, bui I might not get a clear shot, and holding the cube'll throw me off balance. Throw it to my partner? Uhh--

    He looked over to see how his partner was doing. Seeing the shadow of another attack coming, he barely managed to dodge it this time. However, he didn't see the golem sliding its arm towards him. On pure instinct, he jumped back, lessening the effect of the blow as it still made contact. Poke was sent skidding across the ground, his hands tightened on the cube as he held it above him, remembering the words, do not let it touch the ground.
    Slamming his remaining arm on to the ground to slow himself, he finally stopped sliding, clambering on to his feet. He didn't gain much serious or impeding injuries, thanks to his quick reaction.

    "Uhh--How're you doing?" he yelled to his partner, his eyes and ears trained on the golem in front of him.
    Post by: jackdaniel0, Aug 2, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home