I go to school
Youd be surprised at how many answers I found when I looked just for What happens if you blowtorch water
I KNOW GODZILLA DOESNT BREATHE ACTUAL FIRE, I KNOW ITS RADIATION, ITS JUST-- 2014 Godzilla Atomic Breath. DEF looked like blue fire for a moment, and its probably as close as humans will ever get to breathing an atomic breath.
You can breathe red fire using a small fire and some corn starch, but what about using a blowtorch? Would you become Godzilla?
This is why we cant have nice things
Sorry, but I'm neont interested.
no not you
Pokemon Gijinka: Spiritomb Nickname: Dark[LOL @Iksander] Favorite Moves: Dark Pulse, Hypnosis, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam Nature: His actual nature itself is hardy, but personality wise, he's pretty lonely, too. Age: ??? (He's VERY old) Bio: Technically, Dark is 108 entities crammed in to a single body. Though its taken some time, they've all eventually 'faded' in to one single consciousness, or person. And he's very glad for that. The first few years of his life were a living hell. Each spirit was screaming for control, and fighting to take the handle and destroy anything unfortunate enough to come its way. He held no regrets for the actions he took, and he enjoyed every single moment of it. It was the only way to stave off the pain from the screaming in his head. Time went on, and so did he, moving past every death. Then...Something just changed. He'd lost his taste for blood, and he had suddenly grown tired. Once in a while, there'd be enough spirits that would force their vessel to attack someone or something, but eventually, they'd all weakened. With not enough conflict to keep themselves all split apart, they eventually all fused in to one single entity. A Spiritomb that was tired of violence, and tired of the voices that kept plaguing his head. Image: The sclera of his eyes are of his eyes are black, and the iris is purple. The pupil turns from a light green to a dark green towards the center. [WIP(Probably going to draw my own image)] Other: First off, I just want to confirm some things before I can finish this sheet. Is there a limit on how old our muses can be? And when you say moves that they can actually learn, youre not including HM/TM moves, right?
Because... Eye made it
My icon it doesnt have a pupil
...I taste tasty to myself? Wtf someone please explain this to me
Get that bull **** light outta my face, that aint no black, that purple
...isnt visible?
...be black light?
Because Im planning on writing a book about fantasy And Theres a species called Gods and in their blood vessels there are also a different type of "cell" if thats even what it is Its basically like the concept of chakra from Naruto or ki from DBZ except it comes in small bits But when a God is wounded and starts bleeding, they can use that energy inside their own blood to heal the wound or use it as a weapon So I had a thought What if, without a heart, they could keep their own blood circulating using those small bits of energy?
...without some sort of pump/heart? Magical solutions are welcomed
You don't know that.