All I know is that the first time I started getting them was around the same time I started putting corn in my dinner.
i post one serious question--
Just puttin' it out there, I'm interested in a character with superspeed. Like The Flash, or Quicksilver.
Username: jackdaniel0 Character Name: Poke Age: 10 (Physically 15) Level: 8 Appearance: He has black hair, red irises and green sclera. He wears a red coat, blue jeans, black-white sneakers. Weapons/Items/Abilities: Normal Orb - Grants him access to all Normal-type moves Flame Orb - Grants him access to all Fire-type moves Zap Orb - Grants him access to all Electricity-type moves Earth Orb - Grants him access to all Ground-type moves There ARE sets of rules regarding the usage of these orbs. Poke can only use one Type-orb at a time, and he has a time limit before he is able to switch to another(2-3 posts) The first four moves that Poke chooses to use will the ones he'll be stuck with for the rest of the duration he uses the Orb(e.g. If he activates the Fire orb, and he uses Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Ember, Fire punch, then he'll only be able to use those four moves until he changes his type) The orbs are all stored within Poke's body. He is able to separate an orb from him and give it to someone else, which will amplify any move they have where it's element corresponds with the Orb's by 20%, and/or give them control over that specific type. For example, giving Tessa his Earth orb would power up her Geokinetic abilities, and giving Ze Operator an Ice Orb would give him cryokinesis. Special Ability: Wrath of the Elements - Poke has complete control over 5 random orbs as long as he has energy in his TAC bar. His attack increases, but his defense zeroes completely, and the turn the effect wears off, he is stunned. Short History: Arceus wanted to save the Earth, but creating a portal to leave his realm was always an incredibly risky move. So he decided to create a being that would live out their life on Earth, dedicating themself to helping Mankind and Pokemon. The being that came to was Poke. Born in the form of a physically 15-year old boy, Arceus instilled into him as much knowledge on the humans as he could, including how to speak their language and act as them. This wasn't the only thing he gave him. Arceus had the ability to change his Type using special plates, which also allowed him to use any Attack that had that plate's type. He gave the same ability to Poke, but instead of using the shape of plates, he used orbs. For most of his life, Poke had been doing a pretty good job. But then a group of extremists decided to go after Arceus. Forced down to the mountain Spear Pillar, he was captured, but only temporarily; he escaped, though injured. The group had gotten what they needed; a drop of his blood. A tense few years of silence, and then Belzades was unleashed. Created through a combination of different genes of Pokemon, including Arceus, it was made to be the perfect weapon. Wreaking havoc across the Earth, Poke confronted it in a duel to the death. Knowing he would have to go all-out, he called out to Arceus' realm, to borrow the ethereal energy that resided in them. With it, he was now able to use every single Pokemon move in existence, and was finally able to match Belzades in power. Unfortunately, he had a new problem to deal with. The risk of travelling between dimensions was the creation of a black hole. Even something small, such as the energy Poke had absorbed, would be enough to rip a hole in space-time. And a tear would grow bigger as more objects passed through it. Their battle had taken them across the landscape, so the black hole had plenty of things to absorb as it rose into the sky. It swallowed up Belzades, but Poke was able to escape. Though it didn't matter; If he didn't stop it, it'd destroy the entire Earth. Poke flew into the black hole, and darkness was the last thing he remembered before finding himself at the Tower of Power, with only four of his seventeen Type-orbs. Other: While being created, Arceus didn't really 'code' anything into Poke about love, so he's aromantic asexual. I wonder if that affects a certain ability of a certain character? *coughwinknudge* not "crazy". In fact, it's actually really important because it's related to my health. Also, if you're squeamish you're probably not going to want to read this. Can corn cause green stool?
Theoretically speaking of course, could you reach a speed so slow that you accomplish the same thing?
Count me in(again) if this ever picks up some speed
Count me in if this ever gets rolling. Been enjoying all your RP's, this one's got the most interest from me so far!
if you boiled blood
Dude, when I saw this a few days ago, I almost screamed. That show was my childhood, it was the highest level of cool and badass and everything awesome. To see it come back, with a complete new start, with complete updated graphics and a new range of skills Alvin has learned over the years, it makes me giddy. I can't wait to see this new masterpiece.
...and gas gets hot when you compress it... What if you could supercompress gas between your palms? Could you create plasma and/or lightning? Could you create lightning by making water droplets bounce against each other?
No, I was expecting an off-the-wall question thread that I didn't make.
I was expecting something different when I saw the title
and you wanted to stop the tornado, would you run around it in the opposite direction or run right through it and punch a hole straight through it? Also would you hear a Sonic Boom if you created one? How loud would a human-created sonic boom be? Apparently, for Sonic the Hedgehog, you'd have to be within 5 meters to be able to hear it.
Well, then Flattery will get you people no where -w- Though I am curious, who wins Strangest User 'cause I checked, and apparently I have the most votes(Wow, insaneest AND strangest) but I didn't get a pin? Or did I miss something
Just checked Nope, didn't hear it in any of the soundtrack
25:05 - 25:35
Using the instance where Pikachu's jumping to the rocks as a "reference", I pasted Pikachu until I got like a Pikachu centipede spanning the length between the two rocks. Pikachu's height is .4 meters. I got about 9 Pikachu's as the length, so that's 3.2 meters. It took about .4(I timed it and this was rounded up) seconds to go from one rock to the next. .4 x 5 = 2 / 2 = 1. 3.2 x 5 = 16 / 2 = 8. That's 8 meters per second, which is 17.8955 mph.