Shenanigans. And with that I bid you all good night.
EDIT: Sigh... Existential
OFT: I saw it for the first time on Netflix, the full movie is also on Youtube (for the time being). It's just amazing. The Twin and the Hobo Clown are tied for my favorites (with Twin in the lead). You are right, she is the Painted Doll. Also Alexa Vega (yes, Spy Kids) has a role in it. OT: Cure for the Itch - Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory.
EDIT: OH BLOODY.... >:[ Emancipate There, somebody else take the E
Spoiler Just in case you guys don't believe I went to China. Here's me on the Great Wall. Mutianyu Great Wall, that is.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUU....fine. E again. Ithinkyoudidthatonpurposegoddangit Elastic
I've been around since '07, I've seen 'em all at one point or another. I think I'm one of the oldest members on the forum, behind Sara.
No. You can't make me. *fades*
(frak enough with the e's already) Elphaba.
Not too soon for's 12/1.
Then I do remember you, man that was an old username. Now I really feel old.
I may or may not be suffering from a severe addiction to this movie/musical and a severe addiction/crush on The Twin's character.
Unbelievable. I only ever shopped there once while I was in China because they were the only place that sold clothes big enough for this laowai body and they were cheap. Nothing angora though. But never going in again. I feel just heartsick. I didn't even bother clicking for the video, I owned an angora rabbit while I was in China and loved her so much I don't think I could bear to see that.
I think I may remember you, folks change their usernames so much it makes me feel even older than I am.
Picante. As in spicy.
A mix of three: Skyrim (I'm slow shaddup), Dota 2 and revisiting Pokemon Diamond. Diamond mostly because I happened across my first shiny ( a Barboach) and accidently killed it.