ohdeargodnottheesagain. Elliptical.
If you're lucky they'll join you. It was probably a slow night up until then.
Uh oh..mm. Gabriel Iglesias is one of mine. Then John Pinette. Sometimes Dane Cook. And me. I'm the best damn comedian I know around here. It's all in the context and buildup, and delivery. Or if a situation just presents itself.
All I know is when gambling and lingerie are involved, you're gonna have a GREAT time.
I'll have to play with things some more but so far things look great to me.
(gods I'm slow) Neanderthal.
I didn't go to a dentist the entire time I was in China (but if you saw what I saw, you wouldn't either). I got seen in October and they found two teeny ones that will stay teeny if I take care of 'em right. My wisdom teeth on the other hand...eh heh heh... I swear by that ACT mouthwash, especially the restoring one.
eBay, Amazon Marketplace, Half.com. Those are the few I can name off the top of my head that I used. Never sell back to the school's bookstore if you can help it. I sold back a barely used science textbook and they only gave me $4 for it because a new edition was coming out (it didn't).
I know that feel all too well. Spoiler: Mom. Spoiler: Hey Mom. Spoiler: DAMMIT MOM LOOKIT ME. Sadly this fuzzbutt is no longer with me...her name was Bandit and I got her back in January but she passed away in August. She was my little China buddy. In a sad way her passing was a blessing because I had no clue how I would have handled taking her on a 15-hour flight.
19, if math serves me right. EDIT: Nope, 18. Hadn't had my 19th birthday yet when I joined.
Did you toggle "Enable uPnP" like suggested? Also, is it allowed through your firewall?
Can't get me to pick. I'm obsessing over the soundtrack for The Devil's Carnival but a friend's been slowly introducing me to deadmau5 as well.
Mine just hates if I have too much running at the same time. Skype? Okay. Firefox? Sure. Steam in the background? You got it. FireAlpaca too? AW HELL NAW. Maybe you have too many processes too?