that was sarcasm smart guy.(<---not)
wtf...........................WHAT THE BLOODY F***
O_O okay.
so this is round 5,who was kira in round 4 was what i was asking.i haven't been on all day.
yeah pretty much,thnkskbai.
hey,so were no longer undead pirates. *sad panda*
has kira been found out?
hey everybody.what's happening?
hey everybody,did i missing anything while i was away?
i'm scared right now guys.
i'm scared right now.
*comes out of cardboard box* FREEZE.
*hides under cardboard box*
shh,don't tell anybody.
*breaks into the vault and steals some cookies*
that wasn't my heart,that was will turners.
the only way to kill me is to stab my heart,but it is hidden,even from me.only i know where it is. so it seems we have reached an impase. well the only way to solve this is *points to deathsight* boot to head* *a boot came from nowhere hitting deathsight in the head with a note saying* i am declared the captain of the ship.
how bout we vote on who's captain.i vote for me.
no,this is my ship,i'm the captain,not you.
what?no no no,i'm the captain of this ship,me,the captain,you swab the deck.