don't worry,i'm going to be so epic,your head will explode. *jk*
i'm close to finishing band of brothers.just two more parts.
if your sephiroth,then i'm spongebob
that hooch is crazy.
i know this is round five.and you can call me L,cause i'm luffy.
wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz upppppppppp
i'm curious as to where everybody is getting those avatars,i think there cool looking and i might want one.
*flips the chair that repliku is sitting in* only the captain can sit in the captains chair,and i'm the captain here.
i have to goes nows.bye-bye guys and girls.
i remember that too.
(pyro was the one doing all the crazy flips and stuff)
who cares about kira,it's all about misa-misa.
*drags pyro's drunk body into the octagon* *locks the door to the cage*
no,i was barely scratching the surface of my revenge.
that was barely scratching the surface of my revenge.
my power just went out for like 2 scared the crap out of me.
*pulls out a german luger from desk and shoots pyro in the buttocks*
*strangles chicken* money now or gtfo.
there is no picture that can describe on what i want to do to you right now.and if there was,kh-vids staff would perma-ban me.
who doesn't.that will be $100 plz.