i accuse light yagami of beinging kira.
*hugs and glomps* THANKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/9/9c/Fft-zalbaag-beoulve.jpg
if i gave you link to the pic,you think you can make one for me amber,pretty plz *puppy dog eyes*
how do i get my name on the avatar? band of brothers.
i have finished it.
hahahahaha lol,
nothing important.
I'm 17,going to be 18 in about 8 weeks.
I'm the oldest one here,dang it all.
i have two daughters and three sons.
sure,keep telling yourself that.
sitting in a tree................
omg kthnxbai
*shoots grammar nazi*
*shoots grammar natzi*
that's a threat. *tackles h_v* we have kira.
*shoots haseo in the butt* *shoots emma in the butt* *shoots jojoj in the butt* *shoots dxm in the butt*
*gets into sniper position*
i want to hug the tiger.
*sneaks into vault*