i have always been a comedian.
i love my new avvy.i haven't transformed yet,so your safe.................for now.
sweetnes *huggles you* thank you very much.
i'm to lazy to go look,you'll have to tell me what it says. 10.33 kb
*hugging tiger* so cute and soft. were you saying something emma?
i accuse me of being watari.
but,look at that cute little tiger face,how can you resist that.
i don't know,i chose zalbag from tactics.
oh no,i'm going to eat you all.
*hugs tiger* it's so warm,who could resist.
tonight i change again,so........................yeah,i'm going to eat you all.
drunk little girl,alcohol is for adults.
well apparently misa-misa found him to dangerous to be left alive.
final fantasy dark knight avvys.
........and that way points to the women's lockeroom.
i decree that kira shouldn't be called kira anymore,and we should call kira,misa-misa.
yeah,that's cool,i knew it wouldn't fit anyways.
*zooms around castle*
i also accuse al gore of global warming.
i shouldn't count on that score,i killed my self out of boredom.