I don't have a problem with the console itself. I don't own one, but played one a few times at a friends, and it has some great games :) I just don't like the controller at all, its basically a really big tablet with buttons, and I found using one really awkward and weird. In my last post I wasn't really bashing the console, just replying to one (presumably) sarcastic comment with another. Its all a matter of opinion after all :)
I know right! Its great buying a home console intended for 1080p televisions, then decide to not play on such a television, but to use the tiny screen on a clunky, heavy, ugly looking controller which makes an already expensive console, you know, cuz there are no other rooms in the house I can play in without bothering anyone! (Two can play at this game mister ;) )
I would get one, just for Bayonetta 2 and Zelda Wii U, but alas, I has no money. The gamepad is a load of crap tho, thing is a brick!
From what I heard, it's only a timed exclusive, meaning after a year or two it'll come to PS4 pretty soon :) his is the article I read that said so, hopefully its pretty accurate :3 http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...er&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialoomph
Welcome! I'm fairly new here too, and so far I've had a brilliant time creeping around here! Hopefully you enjoy yer stay. I see you're a tomb raider fan :D What do you think of the reboot? I'm super hyped for the sequel myself ^_^
echochrome - Prime #5 I really need to buy the full version of this game, provided the rest of the soundtrack is as good as this piece.
Ugh, I have bad luck as it is! At least now I know which days to not leave the house (if I ever actually decide to do that lol).
Lucky! The only one I never played was 3D, it looks sooo good! ^_^ And I bet that Keyblade looks fantastic! Don't go around wacking people with it ;)
Hey, thanks for the follow! ^_^
Do I still get the pin if I joined like... 2 days before new years? :D
On the topic of new years resolutions, I agree that you shouldn't wait till the new year to make them, because if you were really committed to change, wouldn't you do it straight away? But at the same time I think you can use the new year to, like you all said, look back on what has happened to you and how you responded to those events the past year. Which is why this year I'm making an effort to be a more positive and social/talkative person. (How successful I'll be... that's another story lol) Also, the idea of recording an entire episode by doing impressions of the other podcast members sounds hilarious! You should totally do that Misty :3
Mitsuru-senpai is best girl :3
I generally prefer release order, especially in video games. For example I started playing the Metal Gear Solid series, and I feel if I started with 3: Snake Eater, I'd find it more difficult to play the original MGS seeing as it has such a drastic change in gameplay. Tho I've had exceptions. I played Crisis Core before playing FFVII, and enjoyed VII more in the process. It really depends on the series for me I guess.
Donno of this I the best place to post this but I might as well start here. I started smoking when I was 16 after going through a rough patch. Its been about two years since then, and while my smoking got worse for a while, I managed to cut down to 6-7 a day now, but I wanna get that down to 0. I tried quitting a few times before, bit the longest I got to was 17 days, and that was because I was so sick I couldn't actually smoke, it'd make me throw up lol. I want to know if anyone has any tips on how to help with cravings? Either from experience or from someone you know who quit? Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)
I haven't watched the show, but those characters do not look like they're in their early teens at all, more like yet average 16-18 year olds Odd art direction methinks. :3
I was thinking that when I seen the new trailers to FFXV, then found out it was Yoko composing that game too xD
Then I'll have to give them a go when I finish BbS... and the MGS collection... and Ni no Kuni... Might take me a wee while to get around to it haha
Hmm... think I'm gonna have to borrow my nieces 3DS for a while, she got both versions recently and wanted me to play one :3 My main gripe with G6 tho was the camera, I played a wee bit of X and found one of the surfing routes to be almost unplayable because, while going forward was fine, but backwards you were going blind. Also, on topic, but Canalava City has the best town theme in the entire series :3
Against Pollution - the Mountain Goats
I think Gen 4 and 5 have the best OSTs in the series, so many tracks I can just stick on repeat and get lost in. Can't say anything bout Gen 6 cuz I haven't played it, but I'm sure its just as good.