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  1. mindy lover
    me too!!!!

    God what did you think about the last one?
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. mindy lover
    Addictive isn't it? Also, did u see the last episode?
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. mindy lover
    Actually, there are many reasons ppl turn to a life of crime. People go through things in life. A lavished life w/ no problems can be a problem for a person if they feel like they;re expected to be perfect all the time. A life in poverty can convince a person to do what they need to survive, but that doesn't go to say that everyone having either lifestyle will turn to a life of crime. For example, 2 ppl exposed to the same conditions doesn't mean they'll both be criminals. It's really all about the mind set of a person. I mean my sister and i have the same lives, but i don't steal, unlike her.

    Mental illnesses can also lead to a life of crime.
    also, you can be forced into it, especially if you allow others to make decisions for you. Ppl's families are also usually the driving forces behind their crimes. If it means a better life you know you can't get otherwise, would you do anything too?
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  4. mindy lover

    OMG Teen Wolf for life.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. mindy lover
    "Misery Buisness"
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. mindy lover
    i think it was more of a disagreement.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. mindy lover

    Respectfully, i'm using avatars from meez, i can pick a lot of things about them, in fact there are hundreds of avatars on the site and rarely any of them look alike. I could have a different face, multiple tattoos or look like an alien if i wanted, i actually take hours to dress and customize my avatars. If you'd like to see some ppl's pages on the website i go to, u can, and there you'll see, none are alike. On the site u can custom make ur own pieces if u collab w/ the company and nearly everything comes in a different color. I do think that it's an expressive way to do something, in fact lot of ppl there spend lots of time customizing their avatars. Mines a character i made and no one else has, so i guess in a's like making a sims character, I could post pics i made of characters i made comic books for.

    Sorry if i sounded condescending, I'm not good at wording and it translates as condescending. I wasn't trying to down anyone's choice to use a 2d pic or a character that exists. I was just saying i personally want my avatar to reflect who i am as a person so i make them.

    There isn't really a difference, nor was i trying to imply that there was.

    Thanks for informing me of how it sounded.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  8. mindy lover
    People's avatars show a lot about them, for example i make my avatars on another site. Maybe it means i'm creative and sure enough, i am. I also realize that some ppl are who they want to be online which may not be their selves in real life. In all honesty, and personalty, I like my avatars to reflect my creativeness. Meaning, you'll never catch my avatar being a picture u can find online not made by me. Your avatar pic can effect your mood quite often w/o u even knowing it. In real life, I would never be able to speak to ppl so openly if i didn't know them, still on sites where i have no avatar, I'm more reluctant to communicate w/ others, but when i have an avatar, as i noticed yesterday, I'm more willing to talk. So yeah, your avatar may accuratly say who you are or it may not.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  9. mindy lover
    Personally, i believe she did great, in a couple of years, she can come back and could possibly win. Like the woman said, it should make her want it more. She should really take the judge's advice. I think they definitely let her down easy and in a way that she can definitely understand when she's young now and a bit older. I think that she is a bit young for the show though and with how the program's run, a 12 year old cannot handle the pressure that comes with that. Maybe when she's older she'll have the capacity to deal with the things that come along with that.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  10. mindy lover
    Thanks for settling that, i meant to say a combination, but never quite got around to it
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. mindy lover

    that's fine, i can't take u seriously either with no sources, it's all ur opinion. I have mine, u have urs. Agree to disagree.[DOUBLEPOST=1404893178][/DOUBLEPOST]hints the gif signature
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. mindy lover
    it's not really, studies show that if u p-expose a child to certain things, they can develop it, for example the numbers of cases have increased from year to year, my bf works w/ kids ans says as does one of my teacher friends, they do see it happening increasingly. like u said u can teach a child with it to better manage

    also my brother's autistic, and exposing urself to certain things increases chances for mental illnesses to happen to occur, bipolar ppl weren't born that way, but certain factors contribute to u getting an illness

    also, the same way u cab drive someone insane is the same way they can get help to recover
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. mindy lover
    I mean predisposing ur child to circumstances that increase their chances of having it also, i can tell if a child is or isn't that, parents allow love to blind them and most people don't seek help for their kids these days, sitting them in front of tvs and electronics only helps, hints the slenderman incident
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. mindy lover
    Pills and Potions Nicki Minaj
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. mindy lover
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. mindy lover
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. mindy lover
  18. mindy lover
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 8, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. mindy lover
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 8, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. mindy lover
    Sam Smith "Money on My Mind"
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 8, 2014 in forum: The Playground