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  1. mindy lover

    In truth, avoiding subjects does nothing to help. You've already made up ur mind, so why not talk about it. Actually avoiding it results in ignorance. I mean, if we stopped talking about things in history, we'd never learn from our mistakes and who needs that?
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  2. mindy lover
    Yeah, I feel the same way.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  3. mindy lover
    Yeah, being a person who experienced this when I was younger, I took great offense to what they both said. Obviously, she doesn't know that I went through that or that I had suppressed the memories for so long that it caused me to have anxiety attacks recently when I decided to face what happened to me. I understand people not knowing about it, but at least educate urself so u don't offend others.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  4. mindy lover
    i like the show. but i prefer ppl with their clothes on.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. mindy lover
    funny :)
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. mindy lover
    Okay, so the other day, one of my associates told me she almost got into a fight with a boy because he said rape wasn’t rape for girls because they “enjoy it.” Now, when I heard this, I was disgusted at this person’s ignorance, but before I even got to address it, she made a point to say that the boy said rape for guys was more traumatic than it was for girls, because for boys you have to manipulate their hormones (in this case I think he meant when it’s the same sex). I was appalled.

    As someone that knows women and men that have experienced this, I don’t think this subject is anything to be played with.

    Personally, I think rape is always a touchy subject; however, I just wanted to know you guys’ opinion on this matter whether it’s about how you feel on the subject, what you think about what this guy said, sharing your experience, or even if you’re just willing to share any similar experiences.
    Thread by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014, 16 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. mindy lover
    sorry life sucks
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. mindy lover
    I was watching this show the other day when the host said there’s no reason to be friends with an ex unless you have a child together. While I agree, I do also think that there are plenty of reasons someone could still be friends with their ex. I mean, if the relationship was great, and you guys still get along, I see no reason to not stay friends if that’s what you want to do. Personally, if me and my current bf were to break up, I’d still be friends with him because we have a lot of history together, he used to be, and still is, a good friend to me, and I honestly just couldn’t see my life without him in it.

    What’s you guys’ opinion on staying friends with an ex? Is it for you? Is it not for you? Are you friends with an ex? If so, why? Why not? Are there rules?
    Thread by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014, 18 replies, in forum: Discussion
  9. mindy lover
    The other day, I watched Virgin Territory on MTV, and it was amazing. I instantly connected with 75% of the people in it (3/4 people).

    I loved Lisa because she was really straight forward about how awkward things were for her in terms of her questions and thoughts on intimacy. I also empathized a lot with her story, because I shared a lot her sentiments when it came to her and her fiancé’s vow of celibacy.

    I also loved Domonique, because she was blunt, really fun, and not afraid to say that being a virgin didn’t stop her from living her life. I loved that she addressed some of the struggles she faced as someone who just wanted to experience love, marriage, and commitment before giving that part of herself to people because (and I quote), “These boys ain’t loyal.” (And also it was funny when she said she thought people “tossed sex around like a ball.”) I also empathized with her severed relationship with her parents and their divorce.

    I thought Kyle was really interesting. He was a great guy who was just saying he wanted to be in a committed relationship before he just gave himself to someone and that he thought others thought of that as a weird notion. I also thought the struggle he had with telling his friends he was still a twenty-something year old virgin after so long was interesting. (I also loved the point he made that he and Dominique made about people telling them they didn’t look or act like virgins—what does a virgin act or look like?

    I guess the thing I loved most about the way the show was presented was that they focused on the people’s lives at hand, and that it wasn’t just about their being virgins, and that it was more about their journey as individuals. I also thought the people were very relatable.

    If you watched it, tell me what you liked or didn’t like about it. If you didn’t like it, feel free to comment about that too.
    Thread by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. mindy lover
    yeah but its more about avoiding the issues kid deal with these days rather than not being influenced by shows.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. mindy lover
    still only talking about disney
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. mindy lover
    I agree. It is. I think as time goes on, people are less willing to address certain topics on kid friendly channels, b/c they society frowns upon it. Or they think that they may be making the wrong decision by addressing it, as far as raising children goes.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. mindy lover
    not talking about the cartoons, this isn't cartoon network, correct?[DOUBLEPOST=1406422224][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. mindy lover
    So, I was watching The Color of Friendship on Disney the other day and it made me realize just how underrated some Disney movies really are. What it also made me realize was just how different Disney is now. There used to be shows like Boy Meets World and Lizzie McGuire that weren’t afraid to address those awkward or tough subjects like puberty, self-image issues, sex, eating disorders, and growing into a mature, responsible adult. Now, even the language used is different.

    In my personal opinion, children’s shows on Disney, like on other channels that target adolescents, now sugar code or avoid a lot of topics they didn’t used to (not that I discredit the shows they do have that address a few of those problems). I also feel, sometimes they focus on things that aren’t all that important in life, or at least they don’t address many problems adolescents do face today like they used to with older shows and movies and I know some of that has to do with times changing, however adolescents do still face many of the problems they did then. Why do you think that is? Do you agree? Do you disagree? If so, why?
    Thread by: mindy lover, Jul 26, 2014, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. mindy lover
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: Forum Families
  16. mindy lover
    I'm sorry my life sucks enough for me to have just read that article.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. mindy lover
    Sorry your avatar looks like my friend.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. mindy lover

    I'm sorry I hate my life.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. mindy lover


    Once when i was in the car with an associate, she and her mother were saying they didn't understand how ppl cut themselves. Being a former cutter myself, it made me very uncomfortable to be around them. I know they meant no offense, but I just took offense to it. She was saying how she didn't understand how people could be unhappy enough to cut themselves, because it hurts.

    The point of cutting is to be able to control the pain you feel. It also has a lot to do with the inability to cope. while I wanted to tell her that, I was too embarrassed to do so which only mad me feel worse.
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 20, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  20. mindy lover
    do you know who the creator is?
    Post by: mindy lover, Jul 20, 2014 in forum: Forum Families