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  1. mindy lover

    Yes, in my experience that is true. You tell someone, and they tell u that u imagined it, or that it was ur fault.

    Personally, when i went through this, I told my god father after he saw what happened, and he threatened to tell my mother if it happened again. He made it seem like it was my fault about what happened. He didn't even put the blame on the guy that assaulted me. Things like that are the reason ppl don't tell other when they r sexually assaulted or raped. You think no one will care.

    It took me until my 8th grade year to tell someone, and it was my bf. Then it took me until 11th grade to come to terms with it. By then only 2 ppl knew. My family still doesn't know.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  2. mindy lover
    In my opinion: Rape is rape and the effects are different for everyone. So what might be traumatic to one person may not be as much to another. This is just me speaking from my personal experience.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 19, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  3. mindy lover
    I fixed it, thanks for notifying me. What do u think?
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 19, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. mindy lover
    From my personal experience, I wouldn't know about selfie addictions b/c I hate taking pictures; however, I do know ppl that r constantly taking pictures of themselves.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 15, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  5. mindy lover
    Anyone wanna role play? if so, here are my plots:

    plot 1:

    plot 2: All my life i have been fascinated by humans and their barren world. They died long ago when their earth was overtaken by us, the Marians, and this is our world now. For centuries we have been learning about what earth was like before the humans laid the land to waste. We know they were a people of many emotions, suffering, and death--smart, but never truly understanding the value of their lives or their planet's. In hopes of reviving the planet, we have once again foraged the oceans that used to be. For some time, I thought I had my entire life figured out, then I met her, Aysha, the human. Wanting to protect the last viable human family, I become an outlaw. Can I save their race, or are they doomed?

    plot 3: Imma and I have been friends since we were four, and as teens, we are inseparable. After my parents died, Imma's father, Leo, took me in as one of his own. He's the only father I know. With the Father-Daughter dance coming up soon, I feel more alone than I have ever been. Imma is my best friend and I tell her everything, even about my online boyfriend, Kyle. But if she's my best friend, why can't I tell her what her father did to me?[/FONT]

    I'm really dedicated to rping, so i will post everyday. And if u don't, I'll do whaever plots u want.
    Thread by: mindy lover, Aug 11, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. mindy lover
    Same here. I just wanted to see what I could d with it or if others shared my sentiment about black and white models being better.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 9, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. mindy lover
    The other day, I was watching Untold and they were talking about this guy that had a selfie addiction that started when he was 14 or 13. At first, I was like, “There’s no way this is real.” But after thinking about this, I could see how this “selfie addiction” thing is indeed real. In society, there is pressure (whether this effects you or not) to look “pretty” (whatever that is), and more often than not, you do see people that are obsessed with their looks or that are just never satisfied or even scrutinize every flaw they think they have. I’m sure some of you know at least one person that, if they could, they would probably get those “imperfections” fixed via surgery.

    During this show, it was stated that plastic surgery has become more popular in the last couple years. It was also stated that 15.1 million plastic surgery procedures occurred this year alone in America. They related the growing pressure to be and look perfect to being obsessed with celebrities.

    In general, I think it was more about how self-image issues relate to plastic surgery and the tabloid’s growing obsession with celebrities (which is something you can get treatment for).

    My questions to you guys are: Do think selfie addiction is real? Do you think there is pressure to look perfect? Do you think that pressure is becoming more of a problem for us as a society? Is it even a problem?
    Thread by: mindy lover, Aug 9, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  8. mindy lover
    Do you guys think the pictures improved from their original forms to the finished looks?

    Thread by: mindy lover, Aug 9, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. mindy lover
    More crime therefore more bad people. In a sense they mean ppl r worse.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. mindy lover
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. mindy lover
    It hasn't already? :(
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. mindy lover
    Thank god for people like you. :)
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. mindy lover
    Okay, so I’ve been working on this spring collection and so far, this is what I have. Do you guys like this? Any suggestions? Does this work as a spring line?

    Thread by: mindy lover, Aug 8, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. mindy lover
    Okay, so, as someone who is a 90’s child, I always here from older people from the 70’s or farther back that times have changed in the sense that “the world has become more dangerous.” Do you guys think this is true or do you think the tabloids just bring to light things that have always been going on and might not have been addressed as much as they were in the past?

    Do you disagree? If so, why?
    Thread by: mindy lover, Aug 8, 2014, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. mindy lover
    not I and not appropriate.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. mindy lover
    I'm aware.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. mindy lover
    Many beg to differ. Me being one. No offense of course.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. mindy lover
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. mindy lover
    understood and well said.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  20. mindy lover
    I happen to be a virgin and love being one.
    Post by: mindy lover, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone