Jelina Kytris. Gilia Quilia The game. Yewah (that's actualy very pretty.) Wow. *walk away with purse* :-p
Laquena Hyena :lolface: Perina. Ilena Delyla Jiwah What's her personality?
*looks up definition* Wow I feel stupid. My bad. I thought..... :sweatdrop:
Lol. Yeah I've seen it. The guy is like a robot from disney land with a perfect voice.
Lol I've beaten the second one. It is a tough long game, which is why it's one of my favorites. Alot harder than the third one.
Damn it didn't work. Seeya.
Which is why I am handcuffing you to the site*Click*.
Idk... It's just been a long time since we have talked.
I could have sworn you were older.
:O 9th?! Holy snikeys.....
So what grade are you in now?
It is. Believe me. It is one of my favorite games of all time. Hopefully I'll have time to play Halo. I have never played it before, but...
Anyway Beyond Good and evil is a sci-fi, conspiracy videogame for PS2, and PC too.
Sorry I meant to leave you a brb message
KOTOR I&II The empire at war Pokémon Ruby, Fire red, Diamond The Sims 2 KH related games. Beyond Good and Evil (One of my favorite games)....
Games I play: KOTOR I&II The empire at war Pokémon Ruby, Fire red, Diamond The Sims 2 ( What is the the sims 3 like?) KH related games....
Of course I am going to college. I'm gonna major in biology too. What games are you playing now? I just lost the game.