Oreo is the one I had to brush.
Lol, no that is my other dog Cinnamin. Oreo is a little bigger, and is black and white like a cow.
No I like dogs. My two dogs sleep on my bed all the time. I took them all for a walk yesterday near the creek, but one of the dogs got his feet...
Pretty bored here. My sisters alarm clock woke me up two hour earlier than usaul (EST time), so that's always fun. Plus my faimly is babysitting a...
Okay Axel. So how are you?
*rolls eyes* *sarcasm* Yes and your address too. *sarcasm* I was wondering if you wanted me to call you by a nick name other than your title name...
Just wondering cause you sent me a friend request. Name's ZC. You?
Hey, do I know you?
My response to the video. Spoiler
You came to the debate zone, where it was science versus creationism. Then you and other people pop up saying "Oh, evolution has no proof what so ever!". You pressed the big button saying evolution is a crazy idea from wonderland, so yes you were only asking for a debate. We evolutionists proceed to give you all the proof we could to debunk your inacurate accusations about evolution, yet you ignore every single shread of evidence for over three pages. Then you start getting pissy with the moderator for making accurate points that you can't debunk, so then you threaten the moderator. That type of behavior is not only unwanted it is actually demoting your cause. Your cause to prove that creationists are not stupid. It demotes everytime you ignore the evidence that we give you. It demotes everytime you lose an argument, but then deside to twist it around in an untruthal, and childish manner. The only reason I say any of this is because I used to be in your shoes, and that I don't want you to make the stupid mistakes that I to this day regret. For the first three posts the idea was to show some stupid things about creationism; however Gobolo entered the thread and wanted to hear what science knows about the world, and others like Bushido, and you fueled the heat for evolutionists to make our point across. What would be a simple proccess of explaining somthing to you has taken us over three pages, because you don't listen to anything that we say. Ah, yes now we are getting back on topic to the certain points of creationism that are utterly stupid. That was the main idea. Well at least we can agree on somthing. That's because you responded to his un-insulting example. That is your fault not mine. If he was insulting you then I did not see it for some reason. First off what is wrong for defending someone/somthing that you believe in? Is being a man to you mean being emotionless? A real man is someone who stands up for what they believe. I believe that anyone that starts spreading around BS just because they aren't getting there way need to be dealt with.
It is getting late Misty, so I'm gonna head off. Night.
Damnit that was my next guess. You should make robots. :D
Hmmmmm. Can I buy a vowel? :lolface:
Lol so what will you teach then? No, let me guess. Art?
I'm gonna be the greatest Pokémon master ever!!! Nah, not really. I'm going to college in month to study biology so I can become a wildlife...
House snatcher much? Well I know what I'm gonna be doing.
Swiper the fox: *sneaks up to your head*
You have any plans for after highschool yet?
Showers, smells, and boiling water. OH MY!!