Pretty good. I'm done babysitting, which is kinda sad. I also played in the arcade alot today. You do anything exciting?
You used your game? You player. ;-)
How is it going?
I still love it *kisses game*. :-D
Wait you looked up the sky??? Lol didn't know you needed a dictionary for it. :-p
Or use the link I love Bentley!! He is a overgrown walking dictionary!
I love the smexy boy with his sunglasses. I like the second version alot. I have one thing to ask: Why is there a cut up version of the boys face in version 2 of the sig?
[ I win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
You could play with mine get a strap-on wish upon a star for one.
It's a prediction that tommorow you will eat 5 tons of ice cream, and order 100 double cheese burgers from mcdonalds. Also your favorite show will be on tommorow. After that day you will no longer be able to move because a muchkin chopped of your legs.
Why doesn't Fearless just give people Swirlys instead? Wait if fearless is a girl, and 3M is a boy then what gender are you? :/gasp:
:--( That didn't help at all!!! I seriously lol'd.
I don't care what type of story it is. Comeon Wolife it's story time!
"oh no *rest of the lines are blocked out by screaming*" Me: *Takes snipers rifle. BANG Bang* Shush!!
You should sneak in. Fixed. Your welcome.
Lol. I'd sell my soul for this forum. How much is this place worth actually?
You should propose to it then!
When Dora says no swiping it means no swiping.
brb. gonna go walk them.
Daisy. She is mutt. Short haired carmel with a black snout. She stands about a foot tall on four legs. Her ears are small and always down, and she...