Is it Hey Zeus?
The awnser is obviously fish.
Terrible, 30 June 2010 Author: Partofthevoid from NY, NY Just saw this, I don't know what to call it. It was the only movie I've seen where everyone in the theater booed at the end and threw things at the screen. I feel like it was written by someone who can't read, write or care about their or anyone else's work. How do you take something that seemed like such a good idea and make it so terrible. I hope that the man or men responsible for this never get work again. This is what I would hope qualifies as a career killer, because I wish I had slept instead of going to this movie. I want my money, time, and expectations back. As in I expected at least good fun with the 'bending' or fight/dance scenes. I feel like I just got served... Do not watch or let ANYONE YOU KNOW GO TO THIS MOVIE, AND SOMEONE SHOULD PETITION TO CANCEL THE OTHER TWO(three?). Are you crazy?! RUN AWAY!!!
It is a real let down. I know I wanted this to be a good movie, but after reading reviews on racebending, and some common sense I knew it was going to be bad. I just hope Night does not make the damn sequal, or else >_<
Yeah but this piece of chicken had mold, poisonous fungi on it, and AIDS.
I think you mean cock... -_-' Do not summon him.
The movie is a piece of C***!!!!
Unless you don't have a brain like the director. This review gives me more of a reason not to see it beside the white washing done to Aang, Sokka, and Katara. I was already aware of the changing of everyones names, but how can you get monk Kyatsu ****ed up?!
Very few earth benders can bend metal, and sand bending is another specialized form of earth bending I believe. You should make earthquakes.
Ussually I try to stay out of arguments like this, but for once I will make an exception. It is true. First of all looking at this through a biological stand point : We first have to ask what are the possibilities of White_Rook's father's sperm matching up with the egg to make what we call White_Rook (minutley slim)? Then we must also ask what is the possibilitie that White_Rook's parents would ever meet up? Then we start all over again asking about the fertilization of his parents. Biologicly we partake in sexual reproduction, which is one of the most random forms there is. You never know who will mate, and what will be the end result. So as White_Rook said it is surley plausable that he will not exist if there are other Universes.
Rissy I am glad that your parents ****ed. :-D
Swamp benders are the coolest water benders, so I pick water.
I love the noodlyness of this piece. Especialy the twirly tail. It is like a green-noodley-macaré-wolf. Which is why I would not eat it.
Shhh be quite IDK before the video game company sends out it's bounty hunters on you for knowing that the game sucks!
It gets old after awhile.
Nah, not at all. I have seen videos like that on youtube all the time. ALL THE TIME.
I haven't the slightest idea. But the point is that I found the video annoying.
It means that your video had a skirt on. :-p ha
*stops the video at 0:30* Ummmmmm. I thinks this beats the pants of that video, but thats just me....