you need a ASM tracer to fix it and the only people on the internet that are smart enough to make it are the PCSX2 team and pSX Author
this game is DMA galore there isn't much that can be done without it being a DMA code
lol wow i didn't think anyone had these i'll add a description to each (the ones i remember)
this level yay hooray ......yea ;O
haha sure feel free to IM me with questions etc
we have MSN icons (that give you our email address) you can click on to contact any of us
do you understand C programming? if so maybe we can work together on some stuff
data forms are not in this version of KH2 so giving you the code is useless
there DMA so none of us want to
KH1 = different game the coding is nothing alike
auto makes the CPU control you i personally like semi-auto
what did you do besides using the copy byte function?
no, im saying if someone took the time to make that code it would be a DMA so 9/10 no one here will make it
thats a DMA code
i don't keep DMA codes ask someone else for one of them
no, it works on PS2 but its stuck in a DMA a DMA fix code is needed before it can work perfectly but that code is extremely difficult to make without the proper tools
yes, but a perfect method hasn't been made yet
boss roxas is a DMA code so no
He means that armax doesn't support the copy byte function that code uses
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