run the VM version, it better if you have less than 512mb of RAM if its just running slow its because your computer lacks a powerful processor square re-released the same versions of the game but modified the ELF to fix bugs/glitches along with slightly other errors. because they modified the ELF the codes must be ported to that version. they did this with each region NTSC/UC + PAL + NTSC/J x 2 = 6 versions Final Mix + Final Mix ultimate hits + platinum version + 6 = 9 versions those are the only versions im aware of that exist i made some stuff for final mix
you can find codes such as that through google. although i cannot assure you they have been ported to whichever version of KH1 you have (since KH1 has about 5-10 versions). if you post the codes up when i have the time i will port them if no one else has. as for allies... playing as anyone other than sora in this game is DMA. ps2 does not have the proper tools to fix a DMA, doing it manually is far to much work. so they will never be made till the tools are created. but those tools will more than likely not be created for a very very long time since no one has the proper knowledge to program them. the only alternative to playing as different characters always is to modify you KH1 ISO. if anyone here is still planning on KH1 hacking to continue to the point its in the same condition as KH2 you need to stop waiting. its just not possible with this game. square used clever programming tricks for this game that made the game load/play easier. but in terms of hacking its a nightmare for a console this complex
because those simple codes were made about 5 years ago
from what i heard the only reason it is illegal is because the goverment cannot tax it and make a profit from it. tabacco and alchohol have to go throw a factory before you can smoke/drink it. weed you can just grow it and smoke it. also tabacco and alchohol are far more dangerous than marijuana. they both each kill 250,000+ a year. there has never been anyone died from smoking to much marijuana (because its not possible to OD on it). marijuana is also given to cancer patients to help suppress the cancer for abit (this im not 100% on). so in my eyes i see nothing wrong with it, and on the other side i see many things wrong with what is legal (tobacco mainly) so im my opinion, yes,i believe it should be legalized, and tabacco should be illegal :0
these need to be ported from the ntsc version codes by me Code: Master/Enabler code 9010d5d0 0c04351c character width modifier 203f0800 40400000 character height modifier (increases size) 203f0814 40400000 camera modifer 203f0828 40400000 character size modifier (decreses size) 203f083c 40400000 makes enemy/player 2 fat 20400938 40400000 makes player 1 fat 20400940 40400000 menu moveset modifier (player 1) NOTE: DO NOT CLICK ON RANDOM, THE GAME WILL CRASH 008DE068 000000xx 00 = goku (adult) 01 = goku (kid) 02 = gohan (kid) 03 = gohan (teen) 04 = gohan (adult) 05 = great sayin man 06 = goten 07 = vegeta 08 = trunks (adult) 09 = trunks (kid) 0A = krillin 0B = piccolo 0C = 0D = 0E = 0F = 25 character modifier (player 1) NOTE: works in battle 00496220 000000xx character modifier (enemy/player 2) NOTE: works in battle 00496270 000000xx 00 = Goku 01 = Kid Goku 02 = Kid Gohan 03 = Teen Gohan 04 = Adult Gohan 05 = Great Sayin Man 06 = Goten 07 = Vegeta 08 = Future Trunks 09 = Kid Trunks 0A = Krillin 0B = Piccolo 0C = Tien 0D = Yancha 0E = Hercule 0F = Videl 10 = Supreme Kai 11 = Uub 12 = Raditz 13 = Nappa 14 = Captain Ginyu 15 = Recoome 16 = FREEZE 17 = FREEZE 18 = FREEZE 19 = FREEZE 1A = FREEZE 1B = Freza 1C = Android 16 1D = Android 17 1E = Android 18 1F = FREEZE 20 = Dr Gero 21 = Cell 22 = Majin Buu 23 = Super Buu 24 = Kid Buu 25 = Dabura 26 = Cooler 27 = Bardock 28 = Broly 29 = Omega Shenron 2A = Saiba Men 2B = Cell Jr 2C = FREEZE 2D = FREEZE 2E = FREEZE 2F = FREEZE 30 = FREEZE stage modifier 00496354 000000xx 00 = World Tournament 01 = Hyperbolic Time Chamber 02 = Archipelago 03 = Urban Area 04 = Mountains 05 = Plain 06 = Grandpa Gohan's House 07 = Planet Namek 08 = Cell Ring 09 = Supreme Kai's World 0A = Inside Buu 0B = Archipelgo Destroyed 0C = 0D = 0E = Namek Destroyed 0F = Supreme Kai's World 10 = Red Ribbon Base stage modifier (alternative) NOTE: seems to always make me goku 004B4B5B 000000xx
Master/Enabler code 9010d5d0 0c04351c character width modifier 203f0800 40400000 character height modifier (increases size) 203f0814 40400000 camera modifer 203f0828 40400000 character size modifier (decreses size) 203f083c 40400000 makes enemy/player 2 fat 20400938 40400000 makes player 1 fat 20400940 40400000 menu moveset modifier (player 1) NOTE: DO NOT CLICK ON RANDOM, THE GAME WILL CRASH 008DE068 000000xx 00 = goku (adult) 01 = goku (kid) 02 = gohan (kid) 03 = gohan (teen) 04 = gohan (adult) 05 = great sayin man 06 = goten 07 = vegeta 08 = trunks (adult) 09 = trunks (kid) 0A = krillin 0B = piccolo 0C = 0D = 0E = 0F = 25 character modifier (player 1) NOTE: works in battle 00496220 000000xx character modifier (enemy/player 2) NOTE: works in battle 00496270 000000xx 00 = Goku 01 = Kid Goku 02 = Kid Gohan 03 = Teen Gohan 04 = Adult Gohan 05 = Great Sayin Man 06 = Goten 07 = Vegeta 08 = Future Trunks 09 = Kid Trunks 0A = Krillin 0B = Piccolo 0C = Tien 0D = Yancha 0E = Hercule 0F = Videl 10 = Supreme Kai 11 = Uub 12 = Raditz 13 = Nappa 14 = Captain Ginyu 15 = Recoome 16 = FREEZE 17 = FREEZE 18 = FREEZE 19 = FREEZE 1A = FREEZE 1B = Freza 1C = Android 16 1D = Android 17 1E = Android 18 1F = FREEZE 20 = Dr Gero 21 = Cell 22 = Majin Buu 23 = Super Buu 24 = Kid Buu 25 = Dabura 26 = Cooler 27 = Bardock 28 = Broly 29 = Omega Shenron 2A = Saiba Men 2B = Cell Jr 2C = FREEZE 2D = FREEZE 2E = FREEZE 2F = FREEZE 30 = FREEZE stage modifier 00496354 000000xx 00 = World Tournament 01 = Hyperbolic Time Chamber 02 = Archipelago 03 = Urban Area 04 = Mountains 05 = Plain 06 = Grandpa Gohan's House 07 = Planet Namek 08 = Cell Ring 09 = Supreme Kai's World 0A = Inside Buu 0B = Archipelgo Destroyed 0C = 0D = 0E = Namek Destroyed 0F = Supreme Kai's World 10 = Red Ribbon Base stage modifier (alternative) NOTE: seems to always make me goku 004B4B5B 000000xx
ARMAX doesn't support copy byte codes you need the long version of that code
it only works in the limit cut marluxia battle its a DMA code so it cannot be used with limit cut marluxia via UCM mod
you can't, admin's can if i remember correctly they can see the IP address of whoever was in your account either when they post or when they sign in
were in the world have you been? haven't talked to you in quite awhile.
w-w-what!? im behind then, last time we talked you were happily engaged. but i agree with the person above me
haha luckly i don't have to do that xD
english as in school-work? haha why
hi =O whats up
err....this is a tie for me between SNES and PSX Edit: i'll go with PSX ;o since i play it way to damn much
cheat devices are actually ps2 homebrew (except there made by professional unlicensed software developers) the software (cheat device) was only meant to be used on the actual ps2 and not a different machine (that machine being the PS3). although they share the same name, playstation 3 is very different in terms of hardware compared to the ps2, thus the program will behave differently and in most cases that ends with a crash. ever since firmware 2.42 cheat devices have had a very hard time working properly on the ps3. the solution to your problem is simple: use a ps2 as that is what the software was made for
i play PSX games more than i play ps2/psp games lately i've been playing ergheiz and persona 2 innocent sin (i recommend those games to all psx lovers here btw ;o)
i like the background but a higher quality stock would be better along with removing the blur on the left side of his body
its where a code only work till the game loads again, then the memory changes alot. in KH1 it means till you leave the room (since thats when the game loads)
add 40400000 as the value in that code if you do this and it doesn't work then whoever ported my codes did it wrong
i don't think so my 60gig has never overheated and i play it sometimes for hours on end you should be fine