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  1. Majik
    you just need the 3/4 fix
    Post by: Majik, May 17, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Majik
    not that im accusing you of anything.
    but what you say sounds very "sketchy".

    just as a reminder, people were banned last time this happened.
    a certain someone made posts about a awesome code he made and he lied about it which threw the code vault into a flame fest.
    Post by: Majik, May 17, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Majik
    Profile Post

    hey ;O whats up

    hey ;O whats up
    Profile Post by Majik for Senbonzakura Kageoshi, May 16, 2009
  4. Majik
    I messed with this once.

    Only way i found that worked was to change the speed of the song, but that also ruins the amv. Just move to a different site.
    youtube is like the worst place for amv's these days.
    Post by: Majik, May 16, 2009 in forum: Technology
  5. Majik
  6. Majik
    i started messing around in photoshop again.



    Newer one

    Thread by: Majik, May 15, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Majik
    Post by: Majik, May 9, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Majik
  9. Majik
  10. Majik
    Profile Post

    sure :P sign online

    sure :P sign online
    Profile Post by Majik for Catch the Rain, May 8, 2009
  11. Majik
    Version 1.3

    -fixed crash if dump is not found.
    -fixed bug with donald and goofy's address'.
    -added open file support instead of renaming your dumps
    -added boss slot DMA position
    -added target mod DMA position
    -added transparecy mod DMA position
    -added HUD Icon/sound effects DMA position
    -added room DMA position

    a full dump is a 32mb copy of the ps2's ram.
    we use it to search for codes.

    just stick the program in the same directory as the dump you want to open. then once the program asks to open a file type in your dump (must not have spaces in filename!)

    DMA means the memory is dynamic (constantly moving)
    you can't find DMA cheat codes as simple as other codes because they are never in the same address twice xD
    Post by: Majik, May 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Majik
    there have been like 4 topics on this now...
    Post by: Majik, May 6, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  13. Majik
  14. Majik
    New program i started working on this morning.
    It hunts the models and movesets of slot 1, slot 2, and slot 3 that are DMA'd and gives you the address they are stored at. Can be useful and can save some time. Right now this only supports final mix, but i will add support to other KH2 versions later. Im still taking suggestions of other DMA codes to add to this that it will find.

    -Link Removed-
    i found a bad bug....

    How to Use:
    1) the exe and your KH2FM dump must be in the same directory.
    2) rename your KH2FM dump to "KH2FM.ram"
    3) run the exe
    Post by: Majik, May 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Majik
    1) magic memory stick (can be self made with regular mem stick, google it.)
    2) pandora battery (can be bought or self made, only make it your self if your good with wires and have a spare battery, google it.)
    3) phat psp or slim

    if your going for the homebrew scene i recommend the phat psp model.
    my friends slim CONSTANTELY crash's for him when he uses emulators (psx/popstation). But on my phat it works flawlessly.
    Post by: Majik, May 4, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  16. Majik
    but they get old quick once you beat it D;
    Post by: Majik, May 4, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  17. Majik
    all caps, but yes.
    KH2FM is not my main project atm.
    so i am not working on it as much. don't expect a patch or anything like that for quite a long while.
    Post by: Majik, May 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Majik
    game needs a variable width font hack for inserted fonts.
    i inserted ntsc kh2 lowercase font, but removed it because how horrible it looks because of VWF (only tested in cutscenes).
    VWF hacks are not possible to make on ps2 games as of now (no asm tracer)
    Post by: Majik, May 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Majik
  20. Majik
    if you can wait, im recording the KH1 and KH2 cutscenes in HD (1280x720) with no subtitles on.
    i'll probably donate them to the site when im finished.
    Post by: Majik, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: Technology