Lucian walked around looking for this "ringmaster". "where are you ringmaster"He said to himself
OOC: This will be my last post for today bic:Lucian went to the place where the man had told him to go
OOC: Crap.. I thought i wrote something down which i didn't do... Sorry my mistake I'll fix it right away "Of course not"Lucian said annoyed as he left, seconds later a gang of hunter came and arrested he man
"We do what's needed to keep them a secret like arresting you"Lucian said OOC: By the way vampires turn to dust when their dead so there is not much to see when their slain
"You know vampires aren't supposed to be common knowledge, see ya"he said as he walked of
"Yeah just a second" He grabbed a phone "Yeah, a man outside the west park. I'll leave it to you then"He put down the phone "now stay here a few minutes and some guys will come and pick you up"Lucian said as he walked away
"I've heard of them but what dose that have to do wit it?"Lucian asked curious
OOC: Oh sorry forgot yeah your in bic:"Yeah I'm quite interested, tell me who is this Ringmaster?"Lucian asked
"Excuse me, What are you talking about?"Lucian said to the man
Lucian cleaned of his sword before walking towards the exit
The Vampires jumped at him, trying to attack him. "so your just children after all"Lucian As he took out his sword chopped several down with one swing. before the rest tried to bite him. but he then grabbed two bottles and threw them at the remaining vampire. they cathed on fired and turned to dust
Several people began to surrender Lucian. "So they are finally here" Lucian thought
OOC:more or less
Lucian walked into the centre of the park and sat down, and began waiting.
OOC: Looks good except Slade must chose to become a vampire if he where a hunter before. if not his blood would either stop the transformation or change him into a fallen hunter, Just as you know.
OOC: Sorry there is much with this character that makes me unable to accept it, first its an ancient an that will give me some problems when the plot unfolds the other thing is his weapon. There are nothing like darkness powers in this rp. the only elements that can be controled are, fire, water, earth and air. If you change theese things I'll accept the characther. sorry ^^'
OOC: I'm here ^^
OOC: Added, and its good to be back ^^ bic: Lucian arrived at a park, it was dark and hard to see anything. it was the perfect place for vampires. and this place was one of the more popular places to hang put for both humans and vampires. He grabbed his sword and walked into the darkness of the park
Lucian got into the car, he sat down and watched a monitor of where there had been vampire spotting, he selected one at random and was ready to get going
Lucian read through the papers he had taken, "Great, so one of the Belmont's are here.. just four days after me. Well anyway the night is young I might as well get to work" he grabbed a few bottles of "Holy Water" and went outside to his to the car that had dropped him of