"A young woman came running out of the club, she was crying behind her was a boy "Mai It was an accident don't go"he shouted, but the girl kept running "Perfect a wounded heart, it'll make a perfect meal for me"he said as he took of following the girl at a distance
Victor arrived at a club filled with rich people. he placed himself on the roof and watched people walk inn and out the doors
Lucian walked outside to a car and jumped in. Victor flew into the night searching for a fitting prey
"What a beautiful night"Victor said to himself "I feel for a little drink" as he said that he took to the sky
"Well anyway I got to go, and we have been ordered to keep a lookout for fallen hunters we need to capture every single one of them it seems they have discovered a way to cure them"Lucian said as he left
"Well that's good, by the way do you know what happened to that guy we brought with us?"Lucian asked
OOC: yeah its the next da.. I mean night ^^' bic:Lucian walked passed the bar lounge an noticed Rik, he walked towards him "Hey Rik how are you doing?"
after a few hours of sleep Lucian woke up again, he more relaxed now. He walked out of his room to find something to eat
OOC: I'll repost my recap from page 22 with some updates. well the only thing that have happend is that there where a circus with lots of vampires in it leaded by the ringmaster fellow. there where a battle and Juste was hurt and is now talking like a crazy person. all the humans in the circus dissapeared and Rik and Lucian whent to capture some fallen hunters. yeah and lucian failed to kill emma for some reason. Lucian and Rik captured the three fallen hunters. and Juste escaped from the hospital searching for something in the circus he passed out and was picked up by Emma who gave him to lucian after some thought. lucian brought him to hq where he's walkingaround looking for something again... bic: Lucian had returned to his room. as he sat down on the bed he furiusly punshed his hand at full speed into the wall. the wall colapsed and revealed his bathroom."What was that"He said anoyed "Why the heck she was only a vampire A VAMPIRE for Gods sake" He began walking in circels "Its easy chop and dead, thats all. seriusly I've done i million times. and sure she's a girl but i've killed many of them to, and look at me now I'm walking in circles like a Crazy person and I'm freeking talking to myself" In his frustraision he just laid down on his bed "But that smile, why the heck did i Smile to her?? Thats just weired.. I'm I going crazy or something?"he thought as he closed his eyes and fell asleep
OOC:I'll be leaving now an sadly I won't be back for Sunday :( see you guys then
A few minutes later a group of hunter came and picked them up. the fallen hunters was also captured and taken with them. a few minutes later Juste was put in room at the hunters HQ
Lucian took Juste "Now i suggest you leave, there are several hunters heading this way, so if you want to live i suggest that you get out of here"he said
"Sorry the only place you can take him is to our headquarters and i don't trust you enough to tell you where"he said trying to explain
Lucian walked towards her slowly keeping his head down. when he stood in front of her he raised his arm, and at the same time his head "I'll take him"he said and this time he was smiling
"Huh?"Lucian turned around and noticed the girl from before,he pulled out his blade just in case "What is it Vampire"His tone was cold though there was something in his voice that made it sound kinda forced OOC: well the only thing that have happend is that there where a circus with lots of vampires in it leaded by the ringmaster fellow. there where a battle and Juste was hurt and is now talking like a crazy person. all the humans in the circus dissapeared and Rik and Lucian whent to capture some fallen hunters. yeah and lucian failed to kill emma for some reason
OOC: hmm.. me two see ya all tomorrow^^ bic: "they only move on instinct"Lucian said as he watched the pitiful creatures trying to move
"Impressive"he said as he picked up his phone and sent a message. "Now we only need to wait till they pick them up"
Lucian nodded as he fired several arrows towards the creatures though they evaded everyone of them
He fired two arrows towards one of them. he hit each leg. the creature fell over and began screaming in pain. But now the two others had noticed the hunters and was running towards them ready to attack
as Lucian arrived he notice three creatures. they looked like a mix between a vampire a bat and some sort of tv monster. they where eating of a dog. "Okey we need to catch them not kill them"Lucian said to Rick as he took out his crossbow