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  1. Varnor
    Yes she can ^^

    Added ^^
    Post by: Varnor, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Varnor
    Added and yes some of them do use weapons to increase their strength
    Post by: Varnor, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Varnor
    People don't really know why or when the first Vampires appeared. Several theory's exists though. Some tell that the vampires are the offspring of the devil himself. And some say they might be the descendants of Cain the biblical figure who slayed his brother and was forced to walk the earth for all eternity. Though this doesn't really matter. Neither the vampires or the hunters care about where they came from.
    But what we know is that the vampires are a cursed race that has lived for several thousand years feeding upon mankind to satisfy their hunger for blood. Though there are those who wish to eliminate these cursed beasts, they are called hunters. They are a group of people that has sworn to protect the human race from the vampires as well as keep them secret from the rest of humanity. They are filled with several generations of hatred and has become stronger of it. The strongest of the hunters can fight a normal vampire without any enchanted weapons. Though most hunters use weapons made to kill the vampires.
    The vampires on the other hand has supernatural powers. The powers depend on which of the 7 clans they belong to.

    We begin in New York, and after a while we might travel around.

    When a vampire bites a human they can do two things. One feed. The other thing is to give the human some of their blood. If the vampire gives the human some of their blood they'll transform into a vampire themselves. And gain the power of the clan.

    Amens-These vampires have the power to affect the minds of their enemies, they make them see things that are not there, bring fort their worst nightmares. And if the person has a really weak mind the Amens can even take control of their body. They are known to play with the minds of their enemy until they go insane and kill themselves.

    Tantoper- The strong, even for vampires the Tantoper's physical strength is frightening. Its said that the strongest of them can destroy a diamonds with their bare hands.

    Navi- This clan is known for their power to manipulate gravity. They can control gravity around an object or themselves.

    Vario- The clans that is most connected with their inner beast. They have the power to transform into a giant bat which makes them able to fly. These vampires are as strong as a normal human when their not transformed. But almost as strong as the Tantoper when transformed.

    Vale- The strangest of the 7 clans. Their only power is to predict the future. The strongest of them can use this to foresee some of their opponents movements. Though this clan rarely fight since they prefer peace.

    Glaci- elemental manipulation is the trademark of the Glaci, each vampire can manipulate one of the 4 elements.

    Aodh- They don't only need blood to survive but to fight. They can manipulate the blood they have eaten, they create an Armour around their body, as well as shot it out as projectiles and create objects like swords of the blood. They drink a lot more than other vampires.

    Blood bonds:
    The vampire clans are all bounded by their blood. They are like a big family. And they will protect each other with their life, and all clan members can feel when one of their own has died. There are still some secrets about the blood bond that neither vampire or hunters know about

    All hunters are equipped with these items:
    • Some sort of meele weapon
    • crossbow
    • Bottles of a acid named “holy water”(this is not real holy water)
    • first-aid kit
    • Tracking devices
    The hunters has a great resistance against the vampire curse. Unless they willingly accepts it. But if they are infected they will not become vampires but something else. A mindless beast that dose nothing but feed. These are called fallen hunters. They are not near as strong as vampires but can be a pain to catch.

    there are some bloodlines in the hunter society that has sworn to fight the vampires until they are gone. These bloodlines are usual stronger than the other hunters. The most famus one is the bloodline of the great Van Helsing who defeated Dracula.

    Weapon(if you are a Glaci you sett your element here):
    Played by:

    • No Godmodding
    • No taking control over other peoples characters
    • No killing or making other peoples characters into vampires without permission
    • Your not allowed to make a ancient unless I give you permission
    Characters :

    Name:Lucian Manuel
    Clan\Bloodline: Descendant of Van Helsing
    Weapon:Sword named “Sol”
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality:He's fearless, and strong. Thought he's still cant fully understand the hate towards the ones he hunt.
    History:He belongs to one of the stronger bloodlines, and because of that much I expected from him. He's been trained since he was born, and killed his first vampire at the age of 6. he has a kind heart. He's favourite hobby is drawing and he's a skilled artist.
    Played by: Varnor

    Name:Victor Petre
    Age:19 real age 300
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality:He's a relaxed person who takes it easy. He almost never gets mad and uses time to think before he takes action
    History:was bitten almost 300 years ago, He is a respected member of the Navi clan as well as the vampire community.
    Played By: Varnor

    Name: Alice Stevens
    Age: 17 (107)
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Vale
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Nice and very bubbly.
    History: Was bitten to be protected.
    Played by: sorafangirl

    Name: Seth Maliton
    Age: 200
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Vale
    Weapon: Broadswords
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm anf friendly
    History: was bitten 200 years ago. He goes around fighting for peace and is an very powerful swordsman
    Played by: twilightblader

    Name: Isabella (Bella) Camp
    Age: 18 (126)
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Amens
    Weapon: Bow
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: A little quiet until she gets to know someone.
    History: Was turned into a vampire when one was about to attack her, but the attacker was killed right after he bit her.
    Played by: sorafangirl

    Name: Juste Belmont
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Clan\Bloodline: Belmont Clan
    Weapon: Vampire Killer (An ebony whip), Divinus et Lumen (Saber of light)
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm, collective.
    History: Like the Helsings, the Belmonts were one of the greatest vampire clans in all of history. Juste, born amongst the famous clan, lived up to the title. He now hunts for vampires, slaying them quickly with honor intact. The family heirloom, Vampire Killer, is now in his hands... He is an expert at dual-wielding both whip and sword.
    Played by:Sessamaru

    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: 22
    Race: Hunter
    Clan\Bloodline: Eraser bloodline (originaly a bloodline of assassins for the Japanese government)
    Weapon(if you are a Glaci you sett your element here): Nodachi
    Personality: Crude and arrogant
    History: After his family was killed by vampires at the age of 9 he swore to get his revenge, he was later put in an orphanige but he escaped at the age of 13 and grew up on the streets making money by killing vampires.
    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind

    Weapon(if you are a Glaci you sett your element here):Sword
    Personality:Pretty much a loner.
    History:Her dad was a human and her mom was a vampire. When she was younger, her parents were killed by a vampire hunter.
    Played by:Maria

    Name: Nathanael "Nate" Keel
    Age: 18 (Has lived for 150 years)
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Navi
    Weapon(if you are a Glaci you sett your element here): Arm blade
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Unsocial and childish. He is very sure of himself
    History: Born into the clan by two vampires, one of the few members of the clan to be brought into it that way.
    Played by: Noba

    Name: Zane
    Age: 25 (age unknown. First was actually seen by a human that lived to tell about it since the Salem Witch hunt)
    Race: vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Vario
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: A real mysterious figure. he only plays on the side which shall benefit himself. He has a bit of an awkward sense of humor, and sometimes, he can seem completely uncaring.
    History: A vampire since the early beginings of the Salem Witch hunt. He has gone around, assisting to only his personal needs, whether it involves slaying a vampire, or drinking on a human. For a vampire of his race, he already has quite a lot of strength, more then a normal humans. He even uses an enchanted weapon, claimed from an encounter with a powerful hunter. Though he is unable to use it for long periods of time without severaly burning his hand, none the less, he uses it as a sign to other hunters of his strength. He has left his clan, believing that they only hold him back, and travles across the world. He is a most gruesome of vampires indeed, and his true intentions, remain completely hidden of what he might possibly be after, or what his clan might possibly be 'holding him back' from. Besides that, he is highly respected, since he is a vampire of pure blood, not a cursed vampire. He has no memory of his life before the Salem Witch hunt though
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: The Ringmaster (most refer to him as ringmaster, but his true name is unknown)
    Age: 18
    Race: human
    Clan\Bloodline: McCartneen
    Weapon: He appears to carry a fencing sword with him, which is blessed by priests, but his true weapon is his whistle, which he holds around his neck
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: He appears polite, and perfectly civilized on the outside, though he has a sick sense of humor. He cares for money, and wishes mostly to appeal to the masses. He wants nothing more then to hold up his families reputation
    History: A member of the McCartneen family. That is all that is really known of him though, since he has taken on his fathers reputation as The Ringmaster, leeding a circus of freaks. Of course, if you want to know a bit more of the show, then please, step right up. Tickets only cost $5 to watch the ring master and his amazing VAMPIRE performers (will be explained in due time)
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Li
    Age: 17 (150)
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Tantoper
    Weapon: His cards (awkward weapons, though the material that they are made them is deadly, especially when adding on his strength)
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: He loves to watch people confused, and loves to manipulate their actions. He has a bad habit though of praising himself, believing that he is to 'beautiful' to live along side such petty beings.
    History: He has not been a vampire for to long, but, none the less, he has grown quite powerful. He had the potential of becoming a strong vampire, and when he did, he was taken under the wing of his master, who trained him. Now, he serves his master, in order to fullfill his debt. He believes that he should serve him to fullfill a second debt of his, which is to the world itself. He believes that by ridding it of humans, he would be doing it a favor
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Slade
    Age: 17 (19)
    Race: vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Masaki clan/Amens (ex hunter)
    Weapon: metalic strings
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is very kind, and at heart, is truelly pure, but when nescesary, he shall become brutal, and attack anyone that he must
    History: Used to be a great hunter known as the puppeteer, known for his ability to use such simple metal strings as such effective weapons. He used to work with a team of hunters, but then one day, when he had been surrounded by vampires, his team had abandond him, leaving him all alone. The vampires swarmed in upon him. He had almost died from the incident, until a strange vampire came in, and offered to turn him into anouther vampire. The strange being had offered him this second chance at life, telling him of a man who could purify the land. Not much information on the conversation can truelly be confirmed, though after the incident, he was later seen as a vampire gaurd. He then became a loyal servant of the one who had given him the chance to begin a new life, and has served him by the meer task of striking down those who dare uppose him. Also with his newly added on powers, he learned to truelly strike fear into all beings with the name "Puppeteer"
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Yang
    Age: 12 (true age is unknown, but he is much older then he appears to be)
    Race: vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Aodh
    Weapon: he manipulates his blood into weapons.
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Cold, ruthless, though he appears to be completely normal on the outside. He is a cold hearted killer though, and even slays people for hte fun of it. he is discusted with weak vampires and humans, and so he wishes to elliminate them all. He has taken a huge liking to the taste of blood, and treats it more like wine instead of a life scource
    History: His history is shrouded in mystery (hey, that rhymes!)
    Played by: deathsight44

    Weapon: his blood
    Pic:no pic just description short blond hair, tall, blue eyes
    Personality:nice but wquiet and his nice with younger vamps
    History:he has secretly been incontact with humans and not slain them
    Played by:sora117

    Name:Vincent De Genec
    Age:10 real age 2600
    Weapon: Fire
    Personality:Cruel, heartless cares only for himself
    History:The oldest vampire alive though most people don't know he is . he is what we call an ancient. and is the father of every glaci vampires.
    Played by:Varnor
    Thread by: Varnor, Jul 6, 2008, 338 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Varnor
    Name- Kuro Hayato
    Weapon-The Giant weapon on the pic
    History-Well he might have a history, but the fact that humanity lost thier memory 10 years ago had a strange effect on him.. he cant remember what happened for more than one week ago
    Alliance-Ehh he cant really remember so it doesn't matter
    Other-The only thing he can remember is how to do is speak, fight, move, see and hear.. yeah he needs help to remember how to eat.. and the other stuff
    Played By-Varnor
    Post by: Varnor, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Varnor


    Chi walked towards them yawning "Did I miss anything?"
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Varnor


    OOC: Recap please
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Varnor
    In New York. At the "Rock detective bureau" Rock was sitting in his chair playing his guitar. he only improvised but it was kinda good.

    A man entered the room he was wearing a military uniform, "Yo Mr sergeant sir"Rock said trying to be funny

    "Captain actually"The man said proud "yeah yeah, what do you want?"he said annoyed seeing that the Captain had no sens of humor

    "Have you ever heard of the reporter Yuu ?"The captain asked

    "Yeah he writes for the biggest Kira supporting magazine there is, so what about him?"Rock asked interested

    "Look at this"The Captain threw a file to him. Rock looked at them with a surprised face "He really did this?"He asked, the captain nodded "What a guy, he has talent but it looks like he's quite the mad man, what do you want me to do?"

    "Find him and capture him. he could be a great threat if he came in contact Kira"the captain said

    "Sure I've been looking for a challenge"Rock said happy
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Varnor
    Thought I'd make a good character to and not just a crazy one ^^

    Name:Rokuro Kichiro

    Alias: Rock
    Occupation:Private detective, former assassin
    Biography:Born in Japan and was raised by a secret order of assassins. but the org was taken down when someone leaked the names of the order to the first kira. Rokuro was lucky and was able to survive. He's quite the gunner as well as strategist. He now lives in New York as a private detective and has solved several big cases. he has a love for music and is often seen playing a guitar.
    Additional Inforamtion: Can play almost any instrument he picks up.
    Played By:Varnor
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Varnor


    OOC: I know:D He's allot like me actually
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Varnor


    Chi jumped into bed "Master is going to be so pissed when he finds out that I skipped my homework to help saving the world"Chi said to himself before falling to sleep
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Varnor


    OOC: Your lucky that you have the sun. haven't seen it in weeks :(

    bic: "Sleeping time, my favourite time of the day. except eating time"Chi shouted happy
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Varnor
    "So that's where"Yuu said to himself after translating the code "now i'm of to meet kira"

    Yuu called several friends of his who where in town. they all meet him in front of the hotel. and where all dressed the same. then one of them took a bus. one took a boat, one a train and one a plane. all heading to different places.
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Varnor


    "A serial killer"Chi said "he's been people in the city for the past 5 years. even policemen has been killed. so they sent me to defeat him"he said, he's tone made it clear that he didn't want to talk more about his work
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Varnor


    OOC:Chervalier is right you know. he was catching a random criminal
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Varnor
    OOC: a mad genius, he's tricked the spk two times already with ease. and placed a tracking device on Blondie. so quite the clever one^^
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Varnor


    "Hurray, in your face homework"Chi replied happily "Oh one thing before i can join you"Chi stood up and walked towards a man who had been staring at him sins he came "You my friend are under arrest" he said with a big smile. before knocking him out with a single punch to the stomach. the local authority quickly arrested the man after this

    "Now i can join you without any problems"Chi said smiling like it was the happiest day of his life
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Varnor
    OOC: right now he's waiting for an response. from kira. until that happens he try to keep a low profile
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Varnor
    OOC: and I'm back. Ill stay on for one and a half hour
    Post by: Varnor, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home