jESUS THIS IS SO OLD NOW. @Calxiyn can we bring back full choruses
I don't think it counts as a costume if you wear it every day.
...Or alternatively, what you wish you could be for Halloween if you're not dressing up. I'm gonna be a cute werewolf <3 Spoiler: Aka Remus Lupin
If it was the Doctor doing the abducting, I would sign up in a heartbeat.
How does this keep happening.
Hey, bby! Just wanted to let you know that the pics you posted for the Costume Contest are all broken. Please fix them so the judges can see your...
Tonight at around 5 or 6 PM EST, I'll be streaming the first Halloweentown movie via Rabbit. Everyone is welcome to join in! There's a voice function, but you can keep it to text if you prefer. Just remember that even though we won't be on KHV, I will be running the stream and I will enforce basic etiquette rules if I feel like I need to. If we finish the first movie and people want to/we have time, I can also stream Halloweentown 2. C'mon in, party people. EDIT: Stream was fun! If people are up to it, I might stream the 3rd and 4th films tomorrow. Let me know!
Username: Fearless Name: Gwendolyn Merry Age: 19 Appearance: Cute, Duh Personality: A bit sheltered, but adaptable, dependable, and (lol name puns) fearless. However, she can be a little slow on the uptake, and has a tendency to curse up a storm. Has very few people skills, but tries hard and has a kind heart. Homeworld: High Fields Keyblade: Silver Storm What's most important to you? Friendship. What do you want outta life? To see rare sights. What are you afraid of? Being alone. Path Chosen: Power of the Warrior Path Sacrificed: Power of the Guardian KHSOS: Awakening
I think the Switch definitely has a lot of promise, more than the WiiU anyway, and I can see a lot of possibilities for it. But, it almost feels like Nintendo is going to try to replace handhelds entirely? Which I don't think is going to happen. The thing about the 3DS is that it's small and fits in pockets and purses really easily, and the Switch looks like it might be too big to do that? Tl;dr, it looks neat but I think I'd have to wait and see more before I put all my chickens into it.
Don't want any of the keys, but you have you tried some of the indie games out there for horror? Stuff like Ib and Mad Father and Ao Oni, or if you'd prefer 'light horror', stuff like Wadanohara and Grey Garden are also really good.
no, i blame you. <3
My point still stands about the pin, though, since i was first last week.
wHAT HOW I WASNT EVEN TRYING WHAT also what pin i have yet to see any pin.
I need some. But in all seriousness, my depression has been an on again/off again problem for the past ten years. I've had therapy in the past (though I'm not at the moment), and I've been on meds for the better part of two years (though I'm thinking of getting them changed). I'm definitely a hell of a lot better than I used to be, but sometimes I get into a funk where I can't do anything. Right at the moment, I've got a sink full of dishes, a planner full of homework, and a to-do list a mile long, and I can't be arsed to do any of it, despite the voice that's screaming at me in my head saying GET UP AND DO SOMETHING ASDFGHJKL;LKHGFDSA. The purpose of this thread is twofold; 1) I need some help. I'm hoping to go to a doctor over winter break and get looked at/get my prescription changed/whatever, but that's still a good two months away, and I can't wait that long. What I need is tips to help me pull myself up long enough to get through the semester, anything you can think of, even if it's just a quick fix. I wouldn't be posting this if I wasn't at least a little bit desperate. 2) I want to help others. I want this to be a thread people can look at to help them if they ever feel the way I do right now. Anything you can offer is good by me. Thanks~ <3
I remember getting points off for being too cautious. I still passed, but, like, wtf.
Red ring of death?
Yeah, this. fuck christopher columbus tbh
I just remember that I, like, never gave out rep. If I gave you rep, you must've done something I really, really liked.