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  1. Johnny Stooge
    Fox has the film rights to X-Men and all related characters.

    hurr durr i have an opinion but have no real idea what i am talking about.
    uh, Dick taking over as Batman has been a great read so far and to be honest, both companies have been doing really well recently with the books they've been putting out (even if I don't like Dark Reign).
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 5, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  2. Johnny Stooge
    Do you even read the comics?

    Because I do and this never worried me one bit. I don't know what you're freaking out about.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 5, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  3. Johnny Stooge
    when everyone agress, what's there to discuss?

    i post an inflammatory statement, people have something to rage about and make themselves feel good. if i don't have an argument, it's because those posts don't match my actual beliefs.
    would you believe that? a troll post that contains a statement that isn't accurate. wow.

    quit getting so goddamn butthurt.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  4. Johnny Stooge
    No one is going to rent their house out to a homeless man without a job.

    The English pound is worth double and a bit times the Australian dollar and I'm willing to bet the housing market where you live is cheaper than Sydney.
    What part of 'it's the most expensive city in Australia' doesn't get through to you?

    Look, it's all well and good to say what this man could do in theory. But in practice, life's a bit more harsh.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  5. Johnny Stooge
    you're all idiots.

    it quite clearly says in the article that he spends money on food and pays his friends bills.
    obviously he's spending this money or else he'd be dead.

    Centrelink does not offer that much money. I'm on Youth Allowance and I get $200 a fortnight.

    because a homeless and jobless man could afford $1000 a week let alone $300.
    christ, people.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  6. Johnny Stooge
    To get a job, he needs to be presentable. Reliable. He probably has no qualifications, so he'd be looking at bare minimum wage to begin with. That's around $30 000 a year.

    To get a house, he'd need a loan. To get a loan, they say you need to earn $100 000 a year (usually a combined income).

    To be presentable, he'd need clothes and access to facilities which would mean he'd need a house.

    He could rent, but in Sydney, rent probably costs anywhere from $300 to $700 per week. I doubt he'd make anywhere near enough to support himself.

    It's a vicious cycle unless he gets third party help.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  7. Johnny Stooge
    uhh, transport costs.

    it says he earns somewhere around $50 000 pa. it doesn't say how much he has saved in the bank account. he doesn't have a regular disposeable income, he can't commit to anything.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  8. Johnny Stooge
    pfft. not in sydney.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  9. Johnny Stooge
    so what exactly are you getting at?
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  10. Johnny Stooge
    yeah! that's my boy!
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Johnny Stooge
    legalising gay marriage...

    what's next? getting married to fictional characters, animals, making it legal for children to be sexualised...

    ****ing liberals.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 16, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  12. Johnny Stooge

    Dear Boys,

    Get back to the kitchen, slut.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Johnny Stooge
    Being the raddest cunt on this forum.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Johnny Stooge
    you guys are all really corny fucks.

    he's a grandad. so he's old. it can't be that much of a surprise that he's going to die.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 7, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  15. Johnny Stooge
    The Tasmanian Tiger went extinct during the 20th Century.
    I'm pretty sure the claim is that more species of animals become extinct in Australia than anywhere else in the world.

    Does that give you a clue to how reactionary our government has been?
    In situations like the kangaroo culling, they only did that because they were threatening our water supply.
    At least they're doing something.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 6, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  16. Johnny Stooge
    The crocodiles live in rivers and wetlands.
    The camels live in the deserts.

    Look, the camels will still become carrion. Birds of prey, dingoes, foxes and other animals will help dispose of the bodies.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 6, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  17. Johnny Stooge
    Man. And here I was hoping my inflammatory title would be responded to with common sense like it usually has been.

    I take it you guys aren't Australian? Camels are pests. They were introduced decades ago and then left to roam free in the outback where they survived. Unfortunately, the lack of foresight has caused damage to the ecology and a lot of natural species have reduced in population to dangerous levels and the camel is partly blame.

    The outback, as the name implies, is big and vast. Strafe runs are more effective in this situation. They camels bodies may be going to waste or whatever, but who gives a ****.
    You can't move them around or transport them because they're in the middle of ****ing nowhere and the cost is too much for something so pointless. Shoot them and be done with it, it's not that big an issue.

    We've done the same with kangaroos in the past. Cullings are necessary sometimes.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 5, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  18. Johnny Stooge

    Watch that, three minutes in.
    Thread by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 5, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. Johnny Stooge
    Again, would have been better had they stuck with the analogue's of famous supervillians.

    The character that Morgan Freeman played, was actually meant to be a Lex Luthor homage.
    Wesley, the Killer, was based on Deadshot or Bullseye.
    Angelina Jolie as the Fox, that was meant to be Catwoman.

    not assassin's.

    That scene where Wesley breaks up with his girlfriend? He prefaces it by telling her he just killed his best friend and stashed his body in a dumpster.

    The scene where Wesley first meets Fox? It actually happens in fast food restraurant and she kills everybody inside just because she can.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Johnny Stooge
    The comic also had supervillians instead of assassin's.
    As an adaption of a comic, this movie fails horribly.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media