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  1. Johnny Stooge
    didn't they already remake Karate Kid with Never Back Down?

    seems kinda pointless.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Jan 6, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Johnny Stooge
    ehh, believe what you want. i couldn't give a ****. no skin off my back. but so you know - not everyone on khv is a socially ******ed loser.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Jan 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Johnny Stooge
    spending new years on khv? just end it now. you'll be doing yourself a favour.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Jan 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Johnny Stooge
    fyi: that's desperate and pathetic. don't look for it, just let it happen.

    **** yeah new years.

    i got WASTED. six pack of beer, tequila and lime shot, half a bottle of passion pop, a vodka redbull and many many vodka lemon lime & bitters. went to the Met. gave my girlfriend a pash on the countdown. had fat chats with randoms about **** i don't remember. hugged and kissed a random girl because it was her birthday and she couldn't find her friends. had a kebab (it was awesome). went to Birdie's. drank some more. said hello to my friend who was working, don't know what i really said though. had a fat chat with this guy who was hooking in my girlfriend's friend.

    don't remember much after 1AM. don't even remember walking back to my girlfriend's house. just woke up naked, and then i had sex.
    FANTASTIC new years, all in all. considering my bros bailed on me.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Jan 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Johnny Stooge



    Thread by: Johnny Stooge, Dec 21, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Johnny Stooge
    That's far from true. Damien's 10 and he'd fit just fine.

    So would Tim since he's more detective orientated.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  7. Johnny Stooge
    Robin has not been around for 70 years because of nostalgia or respect. Robin would work fine. Rocksteady have no need to reinvent the wheel, because the wheel is already perfect. But they can fine tune for their design.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Dec 17, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  8. Johnny Stooge
    Ok, so there's been more casting news:

    Natalie Portman is playing Jane Foster (aka the love interest of Donald Blake/Thor).
    Anthony Hopkins is confirmed to play the lead Norse god, Odin.
    Jaimie Alexander is playing the beautiful Norse god, Sif.
    Ray Stevenson is playing Volstagg the Valiant.
    Tadanobu Asano is playing Hogun the Grim.
    and Stuart Townsend is playing Fandral, rounding out the Warriors Three.
    Samuel Jackson is also reprising the role of Nick Fury.

    Colm Feore and Stellen Skarsgard have also mentioned that they've been cast, but their roles are unknown.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Nov 17, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Johnny Stooge
    He signed on to play Wade Wilson in Wolverine, and the Deadpool spin-off came about due to popularity from Wolverine. It was announced, it's in pre-production but there is no script, no director and only one or two producers. The only reason Reynolds is listed on IMDb is because of Wolverine and him repeatedly expressing his interest for a Deadpool spin-off. He has no contract for the movie (because it doesn't really exist) and there's no set filming date.
    So either Ryan will work some wonder magic and film both Green Lantern and Deadpool at the same time, or it will be delayed. OR if Fox is assholish enough they'll make the producers recast.

    Geoff Johns met Ryan Reynolds when he was on the Jimmy Kimmel show a few weeks back. He knows the oath and he's done serious roles before (Smokin' Aces, Amityville Horror, The Nines). Johns gave his approval and it's good enough for me. Plus with the guy who directed Casino Royale and GoldenEye behind this, I can't see a problem.

    I'd much rather see a Green Lantern film than a Deadpool movie. One will be good, the other will be ****.

    EDIT: also, the title for this thread is incorrect. You're not "Comic Book Fans" (because I doubt any of you actually read comics), you're "Superhero fans". Comic books =/= superheroes.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Johnny Stooge

    lol fail

    why is your name Jasper Cullen? did you lift it from the Twilight character? if so you're a ***. Twilight is bad and you should feel bad. ***.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Johnny Stooge
    No matter what Ryan Reynolds says, no matter how much he expresses interest and involvement, he has no contract for a Deadpool movie and it's only in the VERY EARLY stages of development.

    Whereas he does have a contract to play Hal Jordan in the Green Lantern movie, which has a script, a director and is in the final stages of casting. Guess when the Green Lantern movie is set for release: 2011.

    Deadpool's a pretty **** character anyway. He relies too much on the "LOL SO RANDOM XDDDDDDD" factor. He's really just a gimmick character.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Johnny Stooge
    ohhh what the ****.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 29, 2009 in forum: Literature
  13. Johnny Stooge
    Just trying to inspire some activity...

    I want everyone to tell me what books they're picking up on a regular basis and books they might be reading in trade format. Be it Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, IDW, Boom! etc. Make recommendations, tell us about interesting books you might have seen on the shelf or storylines you're really interested in right now.

    Me? I'll break down what I'm reading for you:

    Captain America (Reborn)
    Invincible Iron Man
    Thor (dropping when JMS exits)
    Uncanny X-Men
    Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
    Ultimate Comics Avengers

    I also picked up the X-Men and Daredevil "The List" one-shots this week, even though I just want Dark Reign to end.

    DC Comics
    Superman: Secret Origin (mini-series)
    Action Comics
    Adventure Comics
    Superman: World of New Krypton (maxi-series)
    Batman and Robin
    Red Robin
    Detective Comics
    Green Lantern
    Green Lantern Corps
    Blackest Night (mini)
    Blackest Night: Batman; Superman; Titans (mini's)
    Flash: Rebirth (mini)
    Justice League of America (as of #38)
    The Brave & the Bold

    I've also been looking into Power Girl, R.E.B.E.L.S. and Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth (published under Vertigo).

    As everyone knows Geoff Johns is one of my favourite writers (isn't he everyones?) and Green Lantern has been one of my favourite reads for the past couple of years. But Superman holds the place as my favourite character and I really enjoy the New Krypton storyline and just can't get enough of it all.
    I'm still yet to read Sweet Tooth, but I've wanted to try my hand at a Vertigo ongoing for a while and the first issue got great reviews and since it's just started I think this might be good.

    And when I get the money, I want to buy Darwyn Cooke's adaptation of Richard Stark's Parker: The Hunter (IDW). Darwyn Cooke's art looks absolutely fantastic like always and the book itself feels like a novel from the era. Not like a normal graphic novel. I've also heard that I should look into Jeff Lemire's other work, so I think I'd like to take a look at his Essex County Trilogy (Top Shelf Productions). I have no idea what it's about, but I've heard it's a very touching book and that's good enough to me.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 28, 2009 in forum: Literature
  14. Johnny Stooge
    This is a brand new comic I picked up the other day. It's published by DC under the Vertigo brand, so this isn't an all ages book. And it's not superheroes.

    The elevator pitch is the book is "Bambi meets Mad Max". It's the story of Gus, a human/animal hybrid who is left to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. It's by Jeff Lemire, a rising indie creator who was popularised by his Essex County Trilogy. I haven't read it, but I would like to when I can find it.

    The first issue was released two weeks ago, for the simple price of $1. Everyone has $1. Pick the book up, give it a try, and hopefully you'll like it. I thoroughly enjoyed it even though not a lot was revealed, but the tone is set up for the series. And Lemire's art is wonderful.

    So if you're interested, head into your local comic shop and pick up the first issue. And if you like it, you'll know what to expect from the rest of the series.

    Here are some informative links:
    Thread by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 28, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Literature
  15. Johnny Stooge
    hey you.

    take your self-righteousness and stick it in your ass.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 27, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Johnny Stooge
    doesn't work. raising taxes does not cut useage. it never has. something you need to understand is that people will do whatever it takes to get what they want, and the harder you make it the more danger you put them in.

    make it illegal, people will make their own unregulated alcohol. make it too pricey, they'll do the same thing.
    for instance, here in australia they raised taxes on pre-mixed drinks in order to curb teen binge drinking. it worked in the sense that they stopped spending $30 on a six pack of lemon, lime and vodka. but what they did instead was spend $30 on a bottle vodka and bought their own soft-drink which gave them MORE alcohol to consume.

    and you can't raise prices all along the board because then you're going to start pissing people off.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 26, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  17. Johnny Stooge
    shut up, dumbass.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Johnny Stooge
    **** yeah, man. the other week i got drunk at a mates house and threw up in the bed. i blacked out 3 hours prior to this and didn't know what the **** had happened until i woke up the next morning.

    good night.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 25, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  19. Johnny Stooge
    alcohol is the sweet, sweet nectar of the gods. i was 15 when i was first got shitfaced, and i've been getting drunk at parties every since. i've never learnt when to stop, so i usually just keep drinking and drinking until i blackout.
    one time i blacked out and ended up breaking into the local school pool and went skinny dipping. then walked home.
    i don't remember any of it. ****ing awesome.

    probably the worst time was when i went to a party and drank a bag of $10 cask wine. **** tasted aweful, but it does the trick. anyway, i drank the whole 33 standard drinks in the bag and then woke up in my bed. got no idea how i got home, but the party was 2 suburbs away. does sound sick or what?

    now i'm 18 i can drink whenever i want. i love it. i'll take a good night over a bad morning anyday.
    alcohol is great kiddies, and the sooner you drink the better.
    you're not cool until you do.

    EDIT: stopping is for PUSSIES.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 23, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  20. Johnny Stooge
    There were voices before him. There will be voices after him.

    Disney trains replacements.
    Post by: Johnny Stooge, Sep 14, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates