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  1. twilit_shadow
    Ouch Zexion! That's harsh!!!
    Oh yeah? What's your excuse?
    Whatdya mean?
    Um...can I cut in?
    *jumps away*

    Whatya wanna talk about chicka? Guys?
    I dunno. Hey is that Renji?
    Dude. Another redhead. He's totally gonna steal my awesomeness!!! :tears:
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  2. twilit_shadow
    Well hello there!!! ^-^
    Hey Zex...your girl's obsessed too?
    Nah. Chicka's obsessed with me right? =3
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  3. twilit_shadow
    I can't wait to reread Twilight. This'll be my third time through....^-^

    Ew. How the heck do you end up liking a stupid vampire?
    Oh come on Axel you gotta admit the guy rocks!
    No. I'm not admitting anything. You can forget it.
    .... *puppy-dog-eyes*
    No. No. No. And NO!

    Um...Hi. <3
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  4. twilit_shadow
    (Whoopsie! Can't believe I missed almost 5 pages of posts!)

    Axel shuddered when he saw his best friend sitting on the floor, begging a she-Vexen to keep playing his video game.

    Now, it wasn't the fact that the musician was now a 5-year-old. Why is Axel surprised you ask?

    "You're playing my game?! You stupid little...."

    ....That's why.

    But before he could pounce on the Demyx chibi, Vexen spotted him out of the corner of her eye. Axel stopped dead.
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. twilit_shadow
    I'd make their eyes a little more realistic. They sort of look shoved off into the corner. Other than that, awesome job!!! Can't wait for the colors. ^-^
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. twilit_shadow
    Nupe. Not Axel. Try again chicka!!!


    Nononono!!! Don't sell yourself short Foxxie. I need all the help I can get. lol. I still give you mega-massive thanks for all the help you've given me since we first met. ^.^
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. twilit_shadow
    Aww...Tanks chicka!!! Lotsa love!!!

    Yeah, grounding and a hectic shedule can do that to ya. lol. Thanks!

    Really?...*never really liked soap-oprahs* XDDD

    That's okay. That means people shall notice da story!!!! >D

    Thanks Foxxie!!!

    I really, really, REALLY wanted to do that part. lol. *couldn't help herself* XDDD

    I've got the rest of the story completely planned out. (Okay, well, no not really. XDDD ) I hope it doesn't too long to get the next chappy out... >.>


    Haha. You'll get there! lol.
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. twilit_shadow
    Chapter 8

    Folks...I apologize 20million times over for being nearly two months late.

    I HATE LATE!!! D<

    I blame my busy schedule. I hate it. Period. To make up for lost time, I've gotten the next few chapters almost completely written. I just have to send them to my amazing editors/proofers. Without them, this story wouldn't be where it is today.

    And a note to my editors, I decided to go ahead and post this chapter since I was sick of looking at it. Hope you can forgive me? :cryinganime:

    This chapter has no mature content in it, so there is no 'Editing' needed in this chapter. There will, however, be mature ratings in the next chapter.

    DA inspiration

    Musical Inspiration ~ The Used - All that I've Got

    Roxas Has Returned
    Chapter 8, Trials

    Coffee; a sweet drive of blazing adrenaline washing down your throat, erasing the aches and pains of yesterday’s adventures and making hopeful promises for tomorrow. Roxas held a small cup of the amazing energy packed drink in his hand, the steam floating from out of the cap only to disappear into the multi-colored horizon. A feeling of peace embraced him every few seconds, accompanied by a sip of his almond joy latte.

    It was a strange feeling, settling back into his comfort zone. Roxas mingled with life and death yet still strained to keep a firm hold on reality. A blazing sunset rippled across the sky, coursing through the colors of its fiery gaze. Towering buildings sliced into the view but it all felt so comforting to Roxas. He hadn’t been in this city for such a long time; he had begun to forget what it had looked like.

    Old memories stirred as he jostled through the busy streets. A face here, a building there; it was all familiar, and yet it wasn’t. No one paid him any mind, but he could recognize just about every face that passed him. It all seemed to be from some distant past, years and years before Roxas’s time. None of it was right, but it still felt like home. It soothed him, keeping his mind at peace. He could rest easy while he was here. He would become one with this world, forever known as Twilight Town.

    A bustling train, colorfully painted and bright against the sun, swept over Roxas’s head going towards the station. A giant clock tower hung itself higher than any other building in the district. Twin bells, hanging from either side of the tower, swung gently back in forth on the wind’s gentle air currents. For some strange reason, Roxas’s mind inflicted him with the thought of ice cream.

    He groaned. His ribs began to ache. Pain rippled over the area, but stopped nearly as quickly as it came. Metal clicked against the concrete below. Roxas looked down to see a silvery wire lying on the ground, appearing pale and innocent. He grimaced. Something that had caused him so much pain was so small to look at. Lately, several stitches had fallen out of the boy’s skin only to fall to the earth and fly away in the breeze. Roxas was nearly used to the strange sensation of his nerves reattaching, skin repairing, and tendons binding.

    Earlier in the week, Axel had shopped around to get them both some comfortable outfits. Seeing as how the Organization had such a bad reputation, they couldn’t risk wearing their habitual cloak, gloves, and boots. Roxas, of course, had no clothes to speak of anyway. A coarse blanket and an over-sized spare cloak kept his body company while the teen eagerly awaited jeans and a t-shirt.

    Now, Roxas was fully clothed in some Twilight Town originals but he was still susceptible to the occasional poke and grinding of the wool against his frail wounds. Roxas was constantly aware of his motions, keeping in step and timing his footfalls so pain wouldn’t rack his body. Axel had run off in search of a job, something to keep the flow of munny going for the both of them. It wasn’t easy living on your own with nothing but several fresh orbs stolen clean from their Superior’s living quarters.

    Roxas chuckled lightly at Axel’s gesture of stealing from their acclaimed master. His friend’s story had lasted nearly an hour, telling all about the older man’s amazing adventures in pirating.


    Roxas had just called Axel his friend. Though it didn’t seem possible, it was indeed a friendship between the two of them yet again. Axel’s side of the story seemed plausible enough, and Roxas was willing to overlook a few mistakes on his part. The fact that Axel had risked his own life to save him awarded the man some extra points too. It was too much to ignore, and Roxas didn’t believe he had a choice in the matter. There was no one else out there that he knew, or that he was capable of going to and explaining his predicament. Therefore, the only one left to care for him was Axel. It seemed logical at the time, and before long, Roxas was grateful that he had decided to stick with the older man.

    The colossal bells above the teen’s head began to vibrate and chime to the noon hour. He could feel the pulse come through the soil into his feet and reverberating around inside his body. Roxas looked up to the bell tower and was amazed to see the cascading rays of the sunset still staining the sky; a timeless picture forever painted upon the world.


    The boy turned his fair-haired head to see his one and only companion racing down a tilted ramp. Long, black jeans and a scrappy looking black shirt adorned his tight figure accompanied by knee-high army boots and several spiked bracelets.

    “Check it out Rox! Some of the guys around town let me do some free-lance stuff, and look at all the munny I made!” Axel pulled out a handful of glowing orbs to prove his truthfulness. “Looks like I won’t have to put you to work after all,” he said with a laugh.

    “…Yeah. Good job Axel,” replied Roxas monotonously. Although the teen’s ears heard everything his friend had said, his gaze lingered on the setting sun, unable to switch views.

    “Hey, aren’t you happy for me? We’ll be able to get the skateboard you were eyeing the other day. Yo, earth to Roxas!” But it was no use. Roxas’s gaze was transfixed with sky above and sea below. Greens, blues, and positively brilliant yellows crowded into the picturesque scene. A number of gulls trilled out from the sea, beckoning the tourists to come and play. Axel followed Roxas’s eyes and finally noticed the sunset himself.

    They stood in silence, just taking it all in. There was so much to see that Roxas was afraid he’d miss something if he did so much as blink. He never realized just how much he missed this place, with its tiered landscape, lush inhabitants, and never-the-same scenery.

    “Rox, let’s go get some ice cream,” Axel said quietly, almost in a whisper. “We can head up to our favorite spot if you want.”

    A few seconds later, Roxas said, “Yeah. Sounds good to me.”


    “You remember when we first came up here?”


    “The boss told me there was a new guy in town. I figured I’d check it out, and there you were. I’d never met anybody who liked ice cream as much as I did.”

    Roxas stared down at the blue sea-salt slab of icy sugar in his hands. A favorite past-time of his was to sit up here on top of this clock tower with a few friends and savor the salty-sweet candy until there was none left. He had the same feeling being here with Axel. The sunset gleamed all around them, casting shadows right and left. Roxas let the blizzard of cold, milky sweetness slide into his mouth. He kept it there a few seconds before letting it dissipate, relishing every flavorful bite.

    “It’s strange,” Axel started.


    “That all this had to happen. It’s almost like fate has it in for us,” he said with a soft smirk.

    “…I know what you mean. There’s so many things that the Organization had to offer. It all looked good at the time… And I went willingly into their little club,” Roxas took a long pause to consider his next words. “I should’ve known better.”

    “Rox…” started Axel. But the teen was already on edge.

    “I am so stupid! I can’t believe I listened to that freak!” Roxas sighed, holding his free hand up to his forehead and massaging his temples.

    “It’s a good learning experience, Rox. The worlds are always changing, and we learn new things every day. Sometimes they’re good; sometimes they’re not. This one was just a bit harder on you, that’s all. Don’t blame yourself for what happened. Everything’ll turn out all right in the end. You’ll see. Just forget about it for now.”

    “Damnit Axel, I can’t just forget it!” Roxas stood up to his full height above the tower’s balcony, ignoring his companion’s surprised expression. “I’ve still got scars all over my body for Kingdom’s sake! And you expect me to forget everything that happened?” And with a quick spin of his heels, the boy headed right down the spiral staircase, out through the front door of central station, and out onto the bustling streets of his alleged home.

    “Roxas! Wait!” yelled Axel, but received the cold shoulder instead of a reply. Helpless in a crowd, he scanned the heads of numerous people, in search of a single blonde one. Axel moaned in frustration. He never expected any outburst from his young friend, and now that it had happened, he wasn’t too sure of what to do. “Damn that kid, where’d he go?”

    But Roxas didn’t want to be found; at least not for a while. The fragile teen hugged himself, careful to avoid as many wounds as possible. Though Axel didn’t know it, he had struck several nerves during their conversation as well as brought up painful memories. Roxas hoped they would never bring up that subject, and now that they had, he couldn’t get it out of his head. Everything that had happened in the past few weeks here in Twilight Town was washed clean and replaced with nightmares of the XIIIth Order. The slices of the cat-o-nine-tails were fresh in his mind, and Roxas thought he could feel a tingle of blood seeping out one of his scars. The teen cowered below the many peoples of this world, making sure not be seen by anyone as he crawled into an alley, plopped down behind a trash can, and let sticky, serene tears slide down his pale face.

    The void in Roxas’s chest grew wider. The spot where his heart should have been was nothing more than an ominous black void, reminiscent of the portals the Organization used. It was pure nothingness so deep that you’d lose yourself to it if you weren’t careful. The teen wondered if anything or anyone could ever fill that gaping hole. Now that he was by himself, Roxas sensed its presence even more. Would he ever be saved from this horrid feeling?

    With the back of his hand, Roxas wiped away a tear and stared at it. He had never been able to cry before; not even when he had endured his toughest trial. Nobodies weren’t supposed to have feelings, so how had this tiny shard of glass water run its course? Instead of thinking on the subject, Roxas cleaned off his hand, removing whatever trace there had been of the iridescent tear. He would think later. For now, he amused himself by drawing crude pictures in the dirt with a stick.

    “Well, well, well. Look what I found!”

    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. twilit_shadow
    Section 18




    People, please don't kill me for being so friggin late. I hate being late!!! D<

    This chapter took so much longer than I anticipated. I've just been so busy lately....It sucks to be busy. Trust me, I know. And Roxas Has Returned is being updated today as well.

    The Love of a Nobody... (section 18)

    “You were planning this all along! You joined our research team just so you could earn Ansem’s trust! And you let this happen to us; ALL OF US!!! Your selfish attitude did this Xehanort!â€

    Nex struggled against the strength of both Xaldin and Xigbar. In her time of need, she was helpless. The truth had come fighting out almost immediately. This traitor, this horror of a man standing in front of her was once the calm, quiet, cryptic Xehanort; a pastime she had once considered a friend. Nex hated him with all her mind and soul. She hated the world, she hated her life, but Xehanort was in the foremost of her mind as the most villainous and retched creature on the planet.

    Steadily, Nex regained strength, but nowhere near the amount she wanted.

    “Hmph. All true young one.â€

    Nex suppressed a scream of rage welling up inside her chest. “What?! You let us become Nobodies?â€

    “It was necessary in order to accomplish my goals.â€

    “You…you…traitor! You’re not the man I used to know!â€

    “No. I am not,†Xemnas smirked. “I am no longer a man.†Nex’s eyes watched the Nobody’s grin settle. Xigbar and Xaldin smiled along with him, as if everything they were doing were all a hideous joke.

    Xemnas let the smile drop. He wasn’t used to having so much fun with his prisoners and the overuse of emotions tired him. He walked away, his back to Nexydys. Saix took his cue and came forward, gesturing to the defeated woman on the floor.

    “Lock her up.â€

    - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Aerith leaned over Axel’s lithe figure, dabbing a warm rag on his sweaty forehead. The poor man seemed to be in so much pain.

    “Where do you hurt, Ela?†she whispered over his delicate face. “Where do your pains lie?†She sat back and looked at him for a brief moment. How can I heal what I do not see? Aerith replaced her dilemma with some gentle singing. Her voice filled the room, lighting up the mood. But how could she be so calm when a battle was right outside her front door?


    “What?†Aerith stirred as Axel’s expression twisted.



    “No!†With blazing eyes Axel wrenched himself awake, flying off his pillow and sitting up almost immediately. He panted heavily and rubbed his temples together, trying to erase the memory of the nightmare.

    “Ela! Oh thank goodness.†Aerith wrapped her arms tightly around Axel, but he pulled quickly away from her touch. Aerith was surprised by his actions and, looking into his eyes, saw an amazing amount of fear within them. She was taken aback just by the sight of them. Axel’s breathing slowed to a normal pace before he spoke.

    “Aerith…,†he began. “I’m sorry.â€

    “No, you don’t have to apologize.â€

    “I do. I didn’t mean to scare you like that,†Axel took a quick look around the room, wondering where he was until he realized it was Merlin’s house. “Where is everyone?â€

    “Ela,†Aerith sighed. “The Heartless have began their attack on the city. It won’t be long before Sora shows up to help.â€

    “What? Why didn’t anyone tell me!†But, slowly, Axel’s memories resurfaced; Nex was gone, his best friend was dead, and he had fallen unconscious with guilt and misery. And the Organization was plotting at that very moment to wipe all worlds of their innocent hearts.

    “You remember what happened?†Aerith said after Axel’s expression changed.

    “…Yes,†Axel looked at her, sadness resonating between them. “I have to go.â€

    “I don’t think so. You’re still hurt and under my care. You’re not going anywhere with your condition.â€

    “They need you out there Aerith. Not in here taking care of me. I’m leaving.†With his words, Axel wiped the blankets away from his body and walked towards his folded cloak, lying on a dresser a few feet away.

    “No Ela! I don’t know what happened to you those past few days, but they did nothing good for you! You’re still in pain; don’t think you can hide it from me.â€

    “Aerith!†Axel wined. She winced at his outcry. “I’m fine! Nex is with the Organization as we speak; who knows what they’re doing to her!†Aerith was speechless. Axel didn’t see her expression, but he knew she was upset. He looked at her, sighed, and wrapped his frail arms around her. Aerith took a moment to do the same. “I’m sorry. But you know I need to find her. No matter what it takes.â€

    “…I know.†Aerith stood back and stared deeply into her best friends amazing emerald eyes, knowing that look anywhere; she knew that once Ela set her mind on something, he was not easily swayed from it. “Go Ela. Go with all your friends thoughts and prayers.â€

    “Thank you.†Axel smirked at having won Aerith over, but he left the house in utter defeat. The battle was over, but the war had just begun.

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    The same cold, marble white cell Nex had been in earlier held her captive once again. Nex had nearly grown accustomed to its white-washed walls with nothing but a light cot to keep her company. Kingdom Hearts stared down at her from a nearby window, retelling her history in its moon-like appearance, shoving the fact that she was a Nobody right down her throat. Nexydys sighed heavily, awaiting her ominous defeat.

    It was strange; Nex now understood the difference between those with hearts and those without. She used to be completely against the thought of being a Nobody, but now, she seemed to accept it. She had no real way of gaining her heart back, especially if Kingdom Hearts had already swallowed it whole. This was her way of life now; the emotion-less state of non-existent, a Nobody. Perhaps it was better if….

    Nex shook the idea from her head. She would never join this pathetic Organization, even if it meant getting out of this cage, even though these were all her old friends. She had to accept her fate, no matter the costs. But, since their club seemed to be falling apart, maybe Nex could weave her way in…

    It was all so confusing but eventually, she would think of a plan.

    At least, she thought, Axel will be safe.

    A rattle of foot steps echoed down the stretch of hallway. Nex didn’t even bother to lift her gaze. She would know who it was soon enough.

    “You’re very puzzling. Do you understand that?â€

    Deep, yet the voice was completely free of any feeling. Nex recognized it all too easily.

    “You do not yet see the benefits of this Organization. We could save your heart, you know.â€

    Nex felt a flicker of hope bounce around in her chest but it was gone very quickly. Saix waited for a response, but Nex gave him nothing.

    “Your Heartless – Mafia is her name – has already received great privileges within our ranks. Why not do the same?â€

    Nex muttered under her breath.

    “Yes, Nexydys?â€

    “Saix….Can you….Can you honestly save my heart?†Nex raised her eyes from ground level up to the berserker’s matchless golden irises. Saix grinned slightly, but Nex barely noticed it.

    “Of course we can. Xemnas is in control of Kingdom Hearts; much more than you know. He knows how to retrieve hearts from its grasp.†Before Saix could begin another sentence, both he and Nexydys felt another presence in the room. Saix turned to see another cloaked figure heading in his direction. The figure lifted the hood from off of their face, revealing the raven-colored head of Mafia.

    “Well, hello there. Great minds think alike,†she said in a velvet tone. With the grace of a dancer she perched her arm on Saix’s shoulder, smiling at Nex the entire time.

    Saix was none too happy.

    “What are you doing?†Saix’s voice lowered to a growl.

    “Visiting my better half. What are you doing?â€

    “…Get out Mafia.â€


    Saix’s fiery eyes flickered to Nexydys for a brief second and then turned back to Mafia. The Heartless noticed it immediately.

    “Oh! She doesn’t know about us, does she? How interesting!†Mafia laughed melodiously, the lovely yet hated sound vaulting off the walls and the two Nobody’s ears. Nex didn’t say a word, but she secretly started devising a way to work this to her advantage.

    “I said, get out. Now.†Saix’s expression bemused rage of the worst kind and Mafia was no stranger to that look. She knew when it was time to let the berserker calm down.

    “Fine. But don’t be the bad guy. That’s Xemnas’s job.†And with that, the haunted Heartless girl skipped away down the hall, the light clicks of her boots being the only sound heard.

    Saix stared as Mafia left the room, making sure she was gone before ending the silence.

    “Stupid Heartless…†he said to no one in particular. He still didn’t look happy.

    “Saix…†The berserker turned his head to the other Nobody, her face reminding him so much of Mafia.


    “What you said earlier….about my heart. Is it true? Will I really be whole again?â€

    “Possibly. As I said, Xemnas has near complete control of Kingdom Hearts. That is the goal of this Organization; to regain our hearts and become whole again. You should know that by now Nexydys.â€

    Nex gazed down at the floor, as if to study her options. Perhaps she could join the Organization…then, when she was human again, she could find Axel and give him his heart too. They would live as a couple again, free from the war between good and bad. They could be normal.

    The offer was too tempting.


    “Excuse me?†asked Saix, lifting his temple in confusion.

    “I think….I want to join you.â€

    Saix stood silent for several seconds. His face was passive, revealing no distinct emotions that Nex could recognize. But, she did see the fire in his eyes increase; it was as if the predator had finally seduced the prey. Now they were just wai for the kill.

    “Fascinating,†he finally said. “Xemnas will enjoy this one.†Saix began to leave, but stopped to consider an afterthought.

    “I am heading to Hallow Bastion. To apprehend your little…,†Saix stumbled with the right words, “‘love interest’. He should be joining you soon.â€

    Nex gasped; she hadn’t thought about Axel’s reaction to her decision. Could she turn back after she had already made it?

    Saix finally left Nex alone, letting her ponder her newfound judgment, one that would effect the rest of her existence.

    - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. twilit_shadow
    Axel began following Lex and Zexion so they could find Vexen and end this mess.

    And it literally WAS a mess.

    Broken stuff everywhere, piles of dirty clothes, and some freaky yellow water on the floor. It had the worst smell in history.

    Axel decided not to ask questions. Maybe it was better he didn't get in trouble for this....

    Seriously, the pyro thought to himself, Why should I get screwed for something I didn't do?

    But before his question could be answered, Axel saw out of the corner of his eye two tiny pale bodies flying down the corridor, one with blonde hair and the other pure black.

    He blinked. Curious, AND confused.
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. twilit_shadow
    "Um....Wow," was all Axel managed to say.

    Several seconds had gone by. The pyro stared at Zexion and Lexaeus with his mouth wide open.

    "Um....just so everybody knows," Axel started, raising a hand in the air as if to swear in to a judge. "I had absolutely NOTHING to do with this."
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. twilit_shadow
    OoC:Tis Axel's turn!!! XDDD Yeah. I know. I've neglected this page already. :C Whoopsie. Okay! Time to make up for lost time! Hope ya don't mind if I keep Axel regular sized. I'll have much MUCH more fun being the babysitter. >D

    "Aaaaagh-ummmm," Axel yawned, scratching his back all the while. He took a quick look above his head, noticed a few strands of bed-ridden hair out of place, then ruffled them back to normal. "Mmmm," he mused to himself. "This might just end up being a slow day."

    Yeah, he thought, no one's yelled at me yet.

    As was Axel's thinking nearly every morning, what better to start the day than with a good bowl of his favorite cereal and a cold refreshing glass o' milk on the side? So, naturally, the kitchen was easy to find.

    But Axel almost immediately knew something was wrong.

    "Xemnas always yells at me by now.... This is so weird," Axel said to no one in particular as he walked the empty halls. "Man. Even Saix hasn't screamed yet. What's with this place?!"

    It was then, out of nowhere, the screaming started. Coming straight from the kitchen.

    Axel ran like a bat outta heck.
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. twilit_shadow
    These are so awesome!!!! I especially love the one with Xemnas at the very bottom. That is very proverbial (for lack of a better word).

    Everything in these pictures is amazing. You have a great talent for detail, and I give you major credit for that. I think your only problem is proportion. Some of your humans/hands/etc. are a little off in some places but they definately work. I adore your creations though. Each of these creatures and/or objects are absolutely gorgeous. Props to you. lol.
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. twilit_shadow
    ISH ME!!!! And you KNOW who I want. lol.

    Axel. Dur.

    Age: 21 (is it obvious that he's legal drinking age? XDDD)
    Hobbies: Beer, fights, sarcasm, beer, fire, being the ultimate ladies man, beer, pissing off Xemnas, pranking, complete and utter idiocy. And hanging out with Roxas and Demyx.
    Player: Muwah.

    pm me later if ya wantz.
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. twilit_shadow
    Lol. Ha on you Xemmy.

    'Sides, we could start calling you Mansex....:P

    So don't push it. lol.

    *sticks out tongue*

    Alright, if I don't come back in a while, ignore me. lol.
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  16. twilit_shadow

    OMG!!! A fellow Kadajian!!! lol.

    I hope the Demmy-story is as good as I think it is. lol. It's about him, the Org., and his new gf named Emiro. Her name is latin for 'wonder'.

    ZEXY!!! *hugs*
    Um...Off my lady. Like, Now.
    Seriously Zexion. Quit cheating on my senorita.
    Man...I feel bad for you Zex. Everyone's ganging up on you. @.@
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  17. twilit_shadow
    Good good good. I've really neglected both fics lately and the newest chapter will be up as soon as possible. I wrote the chappy for RhR but I hated it, trashed it, and I'm working on re-writing it. Hope everyone likes it...

    And I'm working on a quick story for Demmy. He's such a lil cutty!!!
    And I'm not cute?
    I never said that.
    I know chicka's cute...*raises eyebrows*
    *mumbles*...desperate loser...
    Nothing.... >.>

    Speaking of cuties, where's Zexy chicka? Haven't seen him in a while.
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  18. twilit_shadow

    Darn you dead people....O-O


    Hi. How's pretty lil chicka doin?
    Oh god not this crap again. *rolls eyes*
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  19. twilit_shadow
    Where is everyone?!

    OMG!!! What happened to this family!!!!!! Hardly anyone is on here!!! WHERE"S THE FAMILY AT?!?!?!?!

    Did I miss something?
    Me too.
    Me three.
    You shut-up!
    *scuffle* *punch*

    *ignores* Anyway, I ORDER ALL KADAJIANS TO GET THERE A**ES BACK HERE NOW!!!!! :yelling:
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  20. twilit_shadow
    Kayz, I'm glad you like it. I tried to keep his "emo" thing going and this is what I came up with. Dunno. Guess that's what happens when you're bored. lol. XD

    Thanks. I like Axel better cause his piccy just looks better (with the shading and stuff) so yeah. But I'm glad you like em. Thanks for posting!
    Post by: twilit_shadow, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics