OMG!!! I'm so sorry!!! No offense meant. Promise. I just thought with your name and sigs you were a girl. Sorry again!!! Okay, thats understandable. I made her eye like that because I thought her face angle was proportioned that way. Guess I should've made it the other way. And the lips were a pain in the a** for both of them so I don't like them anyway. lol. And thanks. I pride myself on hair detail. >w< Thanks for noticing a lowly artist. =3 Anyway, the eyelashes were originally bigger but I changed them for detail's sake. They were just too huge for me and I like a subtler lash if you see what I mean. And like I said above, lips are evil... Thanks ever so much. ^-^ Yeah, I can see the nose looking weird. It took me a while to even get it overlapped on Aeris's face. But, thanks for the comment anyway.
This is a request made by Bubble Master Califa (he had a different name before.... :/). Anyway, this is a slight newly-wed scene for Cloud and Aerith/Aeris, and it has been posted on my dA acount. Comment here or over there. Please. Thank ya thank ya.
Chapter 20 Wow....twenty chapters. I can't believe its this dang long. Anyway, guess it'll give me more fans right? XD Obviously, a bit longer than the other one. Enjoy. The Love of a Nobody... (section 20) “Hey there.” Nex raised her head an inch or two, just enough to see who had invaded her thoughts. Mafia stood in the doorway, a pair of keys swinging around her fingers. One key had the shape of a small heart but a dark ‘x’ was interlaced inside it. Nex knew it as the Heartless symbol. The other key resembled that of the Nobody; another heart with three jagged points lying underneath. “Want some freedom?” Mafia asked. Nex nodded, not sure if it was a good idea to say no. Mafia slipped the keys gracefully into the locks on the door, each of them finding their place. Nex watched the Heartless carefully. Her face was passive, her eyes blank. The young Nobody was at a loss; why would Mafia be letting her out? “Saix said it might be a good idea to let you get up and walk for a bit,” Mafia said in her smooth voice, answering Nex’s thoughts. “Since you’re going to be living with us soon, you might as well have a look at your future home.” And with an overly loud click, the locks were undone and the gated door was wide open. “I…I’m not sure what to say.” “Just follow me.” And Nex did. She watched Mafia closely as she moved away from the room of never-ending prison and walked onto a patterned balcony. Mafia gestured to the balcony and Nex strolled up to it as well. The view below was breathtaking; it was as if a massive black hole had inhabited itself within the Organization’s castle, leaving an empty space beneath the many walkways and rooms. Nex had never really noticed it before. “Cool, ain’t it?” Mafia stated. “Um…sure.” Nex knew ‘cool’ wasn’t exactly the right word for it. “I’ve only been to the eighth basement. Saix never let me go past that, but I’ll find a way around him sooner or later.” Mafia paused and watched her distinctive half gaze at the shafts of darkness that engulfed the castle far below. The Heartless half of her considered pushing her over the edge, but that would make Saix unhappy, so she avoided that thinking. Besides, it would’ve been no good to her if Nex died. “Come on. We’ve got a lot more to see.” It took them several hours but eventually Mafia had led Nex through nearly ever corner of the complicated castle. Nex was surprised the place was so big, but she guessed it was because she had never seen the outside. “You know why your powers are gone?” “What?” What did she just say? “Do you want to know?” “I, uh…I guess.” “My power, the reason why they keep me around,” started the Heartless in this seemingly light conversation, “is that I can absorb and stop the fluctuation of energy around me. The atoms and particles that seem to make our magic work can be stopped by a simple electric current. That’s what I can do. It’s like pulling the plug on a machine; the power is still there, it just can’t work without the source. You understand Nexydys?” “Yes.” “Good. I made a mistake in thinking you had a small brain,” taunted Mafia. Nex flustered, but said nothing. “But anyway, that’s the majority of my powers. I could also manipulate this energy if I wanted to, but I choose not too. Messing around with atoms is a disastrous business.” Nex nodded. She distinctly remembered studying these microscopic essences back in Ansem’s labs, when she was still human. It was a small memory, but a memory nonetheless. “The only downfall to this ability is that I can’t turn it on or off whenever I want to. It comes and goes, but for the most part remains in effect. On the upper hand, this keeps me safe from unwanted foes. But, on the latter, this talent of mine also incapacitates Saix and everyone else, along with yourself.” Nex pondered at this. Was this for real? If Mafia could step away, would she really regain her strength? “It is not something they will talk about, and if you ask, they will know that I told you. So keep your mouth shut. I won’t hesitate to kill you otherwise. I have ways of torture other than my powers.” Again, Nex bobbed her head in understanding. She wouldn’t underestimate her better half, even to save her life. “Why are you telling me this, then?” said Nex. “Why are you risking so much to tell me this little bit of information? Is it really that valuable?” Mafia turned, and let out a small sigh under her breath. She closed her pitch black eyes, and stopped the conversation for a moment. “Because…I want you to eliminate them Nexydys.” “Excuse me? I don’t think so.” “Don’t argue with me,” said Mafia, angered. “I am bound to them and I couldn’t destroy them, no matter how much I want too. You’re the only one capable of doing it besides the keyblade kid, and he’s already taken out five or six of them.” Mafia stared at Nexydys unflinchingly. “They have to be killed Nex, before they do any more damage to Kingdom Hearts.” “But I thought that Xemnas was-” “No. He may be gathering hearts, but in the end, Kingdom Hearts won’t return the favor. You’ll see if you live long enough. Xemnas won’t be able to withstand the otherworldly powers that he thinks he controls.” “And what about you and Saix? Are you just going to walk away from him?” “I will be sad to see Saix go, yes, but I still don’t know if my heart follows him or not. It has always been his amazing power that began my lust of him, but I’m not sure if that feeling is still there.” Mafia stopped and flipped back some stray pieces of hair that had fallen away from the bunch. She pushed them back in place, and sighed again. “I just can’t take a chance with him anymore.” “…Why me?” “Isn’t it obvious?” “No.” Mafia laughed. “You were one of the few to defy them, Nexydys. And it wasn’t just because of Axel either. You both still linger within the realm of light, and this is what makes you stand out. There was another one, a young boy, who did the same thing and rumor has it that his Somebody is actually the keybearer himself. So you see Nexydys, you and Axel are not normal Nobodies. Your hearts keep your emotions close to you, and help you see right from wrong. This is how you were able to go against the Organization in the first place. If it weren’t for that, you’d be with them down to this day and beyond.” “Mmm…I think I understand. Do you think our original hearts are as strong as the keybearers?” “Its very possible; doubtful, but still possible.” “Wow…I never thought to much about all this to be honest. Its very…” “Confusing?” “No…Interesting.” “Hmph. Well I’m glad you get it. It would’ve taken me a lot longer to explain to one of the other bozos.” “Thank you Mafia, for your help.” “Seriously, don’t mention it to anybody. I’d be in major trouble if they found out. They couldn’t do anything to me while my powers are in effect but when they’re not…” Mafia shuddered slightly. “Anyway, now you know just about everything. You ready?” “Ready for what?” “To leave.” “What?! You’re joking right?” “I never joke at times like these Nex. You and that keybearer are the only real hope we have of freedom.” Whipping her hand out, Mafia began the cycle of conjuring up a portal, an endless abyss of darkness that would lead Nexydys to the outside world. “Find Axel if you want, but keep that objective at the forefront. It’ll keep your mind on track. Now get going.” “Wait, what will you tell them once I’ve left?” “That you escaped. Simple as that. I’ll figure out the details later.” Mafia grinned. “Now hurry up before somebody notices.” But Nexydys was blank. Of all the people in this castle, her Heartless was releasing her? A trick. It had to be. “What if I don’t want to leave?” “Then I’ll make you. Now go!” Mafia’s hand landed roughly on Nex’s back and forced her into the portal. Powerless and weak, Nex had no choice but to fall into nothingness. A second later, the portal had disappeared. Mafia huffed out a heavy breath. She waited for a little while to move from her position. It was cruel, letting her Nobody leave without her. It felt like a piece of her life had just been ripped away. Mafia began walking towards a depressing hallway, letting her head hang. “You know you have just condemned your existence.” A slight gasp left Mafia’s dark lips. She knew that voice…. It haunted her everyday. And it was back again, but to destroy her. - - - - - - - - - - - -
Aw...thanks chicka. And don't worry; Demyx will get some more love in the next chapter. Promise. ^-^ Really?! Well, give it here girl! lol Well dur. lol. jk. I'll tell her. XD Thanks for the love! =D Thanks bunches. ^-^ I apperciate the love.
Chapter 9 This chapter didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, but it came very close. The next chapter will be a hell of a lot funner. I thank my awesome proofer for her hard work at scooping out all my stupid mistakes. THANKS! And I wanted to let her know that I decided to leave the supposed 'next part' till next time, cause otherwise the next chapter would be really short. :sweatdrop: And I'd like to dedicate this particular chapter to my friend Gravity, who I believe (I'm not sure of this, so please don't take this literally) I may have offended recently in a pm. Either that or she just didn't want to reply. In that case, ignore this completely. dA inspiration (Note: this is not a literal piece of art. Tis a cosplay this time, and the dude did great) Musical Inspiration ~ Foo Fighters - Best of You Better quality version at MTV here. MATURE VERSION (This chapter contains several pieces of language and gore that I'd rather not have on this site for young kids. PLEASE, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!) Roxas Has Returned Ch. 9, Mission Failure Roxas backed away from the shadowy figure as quickly as humanly possible. He started to scream, but instantly felt a strong hand covering his mouth. “Now, now, we’ll have none of that,†spoke the darkness. Roxas groaned and struggled against the force of the shadow, but he couldn’t prevail. It was too dark in the alley, and his opponent was too strong. To his foe, Roxas knew his eyes were wide with terror. Was this one of the Organization, come to finish the job they started? Or was it a robber, picking an innocent boy to take hostage? Roxas couldn’t comprehend either one, because either one would mean another near-death experience for him. The glossy voice of the stranger continued to shush him, yet Roxas couldn’t help but put up a fight. He’d been through too much just to have someone destroy his confidence now. With kicks, punches, a few scratches, and some muffled screaming, Roxas didn’t understand how this person could still be holding on. But none of that mattered. Roxas’s only objection was to gain the attention of someone on the street. They were at least twenty yards from the entrance of the bleak alleyway, but if he pushed and pulled enough, maybe he would be able to make it. “Roxas, quit hitting me!†the figure shrieked in frustration. Roxas froze. The shadow was speaking to him in a frightened tone, and the familiarity of it struck him suddenly and overwhelmingly. Perhaps he had heard the boy’s name from someone who had once known him? Was this someone from Roxas’s past, simply trying to find him? But Roxas decidedly continued kicking and screaming with all his might. If this person was someone he knew, they would have to let go of him first before he would ever give in. The dark outline of the stranger wrestled against the teen’s energy relentlessly. Roxas twisted around to try and catch a glimpse of whoever was doing this to him. “Hey!†A memorable voice entered the brawl. Roxas’s eyes widened even farther to see a spiky haired silhouette entering the alley. The sun fell behind the figure, enlightening him as he ran towards the scene. Roxas immediately felt that his guardian angel was there to save him from an imminent death. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!†screamed the angel. The light of the sun fell upon him, illuminating his face only to reveal a passionate, enraged Axel. Within several seconds, the light of the sun wouldn’t compare with the amount of fire Axel had rippling throughout the alley. Roxas’s captor backed away, leaving the boy bent over and choking out smoke. He looked up at the flames licking away the walls of surrounding buildings only to leave charcoal and ash. The dumpsters and metal objects began to melt away. It was only after Roxas noticed the destruction did he turn to see the cornered stranger. Axel knelt down beside his friend, and they both looked together, straining to see through the shadowy heat. “Demyx?†The fires around them ceased. The silence in the air was deafening. The intense warmth from the leftover flames humidified the air. Indeed, crouching behind a small pile of rubble and whimpering to himself, there sat Demyx, the Melodious Nocturne, wrapped up in a festering cloak that had singed away in some areas. None of them knew what to say. Demyx recovered faster than they thought possible, ignoring his burn marks and whipping out his sitar before any explanation could be given. Water-driven fingers laced over the instrument’s strings, beginning the battle of water versus fire. “Duck!†Axel yelled just as a wall of water flew at them at unimaginable speed. Axel grabbed Roxas and they tumbled together behind a melted stack of wreckage, just in time to avoid a jet of water cascading through the alley, knocking out a nearby brick wall. “Roxas, stay here. I got this.†Axel’s hands flashed and revealed the perilous pair of chakrams he used as weapons. Without hesitation, he entered the battle, leaving Roxas behind. Roxas cringed against the heap of cinders that was supposed to protect him. Demyx had done this? Of all the people who would come to capture them, it was Demyx! Roxas was still too surprised to even breathe. Musical notes resembling a concert pianist were forced onto the teen’s ears. It was hard to believe that music – that which was supposed to calm instead of kill – was now Axel’s enemy. Out of pure curiosity, Roxas could help but peak over the splinters and watch the melee from afar. He saw Axel slide backwards as another jet stream wailed at him, try as he might to block it. Bodies of water with human shapes fell over him as well, making him fight the same figure over and over again. “Face it, pyro! You can’t beat me!†cried Demyx triumphantly. Even from this far, Roxas could see Axel beginning to falter in his stances, loosen up his techniques, and exhausting his strength. He can’t do this alone, Roxas realized. Several ideas crossed his mind at the same time. It was risky, and the teen wasn’t even sure if he had the vigor fight. Was it too reckless on his part to participate so injured? Axel let out a small cry of annoyance as another wave came after him. With the speed of a cheetah, he jumped and began scaling a wall, seemingly running sideways across the bricks. Roxas gasped; he had never seen Axel use that move before, and apparently neither had Demyx. The water that had been chasing Axel fell to the ground as the lesser of the two broke his concentration. The musician only had to fail in his music once to let Axel take advantage of him. And that was exactly what he did. An extremely powerful eruption of flame surged after Demyx, intent on destroying anything in its path. He dropped his sitar as a look of horror crossed the poor boy’s face, making him look five years old again. “Oh shi-!†And then, nothing; not a single noise crossed the barrier of silence that emanated from the obvious battle arena. Axel panted heavily, chakrams still in hand. A patch of water had whipped across his back, ripping fabric and revealing a white and red welt. Other than that, Axel was unscathed. With another heavy breath, Axel turned back to his friend without a second glance to his defeated opponent. He closed his eyes, his face slathered with fury. A bright flash of light released his chakrams from existence. Roxas fell back against the brush, stunned by what he had just witnessed. “Rox, Rox! Wake up, man,†Axel said lightly as he shook Roxas by the shoulder. His friend looked as if he was in a lavish daydream. “Come on, we better get moving. They could be sending more.†“Axel…†“Yeah?†“You…you killed…†Roxas trailed off. He couldn’t bring himself to admit the sad truth of reality. The one person he relied on had just killed without a whim. Axel didn’t seem to enjoy it, but what made him take a life so easily? “He’s not dead Rox. He’ll be fine here. Some of the locals will find him sooner or later.†As if to emphasize Axel’s words, slight groans and coughs of pain emitted from the other end of the alley. “Axel! We’re not going to just leave him!†“Oh yes we are. He tried to capture you Rox. If he dies, he dies. We’ve got to move.†Axel pulled at the teen’s arm, trying to lead him away from the sight of death he had just created with his fireworks, but Roxas would not move. Axel looked down. Roxas stared in disbelief at his so-called friend; the one who had just days before saved his life. But now he would do nothing, not even to rescue a fellow companion. Roxas stood up and walked away from Axel, hating the decision the older man had just tried to make. He couldn’t understand Axel’s decrees of judgment and refused to leave an old friend here to die. It was obviously the same for Axel. He stared after Roxas, an accusing look in his eyes. The teen stood over the gruesome scene, enraged at the destruction that had been caused. A red liquid had spatted everywhere. Small flecks of a yellowy substance mingled with the rest; Roxas wasn’t sure, but he guessed that it was scorched skin. Blackened bricks had fallen apart in the surrounding area, making it difficult to walk without tripping. Careful blue eyes fell upon the worst of the scene, where a mangled body lay covered in dust, blood, and dirty water. Roxas shied away for a small second, having light flashbacks of his tortures. He could feel the nausea in his stomach beginning to escalate, but he held it down. Cautiously, Roxas kneeled down next to Demyx’s pale, frightened figure. The older man was holding desperately onto his sitar, which lay beside him at an odd angle; it was as if the instrument was Demyx’s only means of life, the only thing tying his spirit to the earth. Roxas looked over the damage, sympathy watering his eyes down. Light scratches fell over the musician’s arms, legs, and face. Demyx’s breathing was sparse and erratic; Roxas was surprised that he was still alive. Chunks of cloth had been stripped away from his coat, leaving hardly any left to cover his body. The majority of it lay over his waist and stomach, but the rest had been blown away by the flames. Roxas gingerly reached over Demyx’s chest, staring at a massive wound that stretched from one end of his torso to the other. Blood christened the outer edges, and Roxas cringed; he thought some of it might’ve easily been the underlying nerves and muscle. “Step back, Roxas,†Axel said. Roxas hadn’t even been aware of his comrade joining him by Demyx’s side. “No Axel! I told you, we’re not going to leave him.†Roxas was starting to cough as he inhaled the fumes left over by the fires. It made him feel even sicker. “I never said that, now did I? Now step back before you start to throw up all over him.†Axel gently pushed Roxas out of the way. Axel had begun to realize that guilt had overrun him, and now it was his job to fix the mess he had originally made. “What are you doing?†“Healing him.†“What?! You never even tried to heal me!†“Because we had no time! Now shut the hell up!†Roxas shrank back and said nothing. He only watched, closely, as Axel laid his hands tenderly over Demyx’s extensive injury, leaving the smaller ones alone. Axel shut his eyes, deeply set in concentration. The muscles in his arms rippled and tightened. Within mere seconds, a faint light, much like the rays that emanated from Kingdom Hearts, was released through the palms of Axel’s hands. Demyx’s eyelids began to flutter, his face grimacing with pain. Axel focused much harder than before as sweat began to drift down his forehead. Roxas observed the scenario, wavering every time he saw the injury wash back over and form newly brandished skin. The light gave way to nothing but a dim luster and, finally, Axel released his intensive meditation, exhaling greatly with the effort. Roxas glanced quickly from Demyx to Axel and back again. Wide eyes betrayed his suspense. The gash that had been bleeding incessantly earlier was now completely healed over. No trace of the mark had been left except for the leftover blood and dust, which was beginning to dry. Axel turned to Roxas and saw him gaping. “Roxas?†But the boy didn’t move. He was completely amazed. Demyx coughed lightly several times, moving their attention to the musician. Slowly, his eyes wafted open. They were completely blank for some time till he finally showed signs of consciousness. Demyx quickly froze under the glance of Axel and Roxas, frightened beyond belief. He raised his hands in front of his face, blocking their view. “No! Leave me alone! I didn’t want to!†“Demyx, Demyx! Calm down, we’re not going to hurt you,†replied Roxas, trying desperately to calm the anxious man. Gradually, Demyx lowered his arms, his face full of doubt. “…Wh…What?†It was then that the musician noticed his mutilation cured. He traced his fingers over the once broken ribs and dismantled skin, only to find nothing out of the ordinary. “How…?†“Zexion showed me a few tricks back at the castle,†said Axel. “Hope you don’t mind.†Demyx stared at Axel and steadily his expression grew into a startled rage. “You…†“Don’t even get into it with me,†Axel began. “You started it. Just because I finished it doesn’t mean you have to get *****y with me.†Demyx recoiled, and realized his mistake. “Yeah…You’re right. I just… I didn’t mean…†em, don’t worry about it,†said Roxas, his voice smooth despite it all. “Just tell us what happened. Why did you attack us?†“Well, I just…The Superior, he… He ordered me to take out the threat, and that was you two, so I…†Demyx had calmed down but his anguish was still evident. He gazed over at this sitar and finally released it from his hand. It vanished in a flash. Then, he turned back to Axel and Roxas. “I had no choice.†III~XxXxX~III
Well, I guess thats what it pretty much is; parallel. Its the KH2 story but with mwah's twist on it. ^-^ We all had better hate Sora....I really liked him in the first KH cause he was so innocent and not so in your face about his "good is better than evil attitude". Now he's just annoying... Oh, I have that pic in my favorites. ^-^ Thanks so much!
Thank ya thank ya. And don't worry, I haven't forgotten your request project. Its nearly done; just need to put a few finishing touches on it.
Chapter 19 I got bored so I thought I'd post the next chapter. Hope ya'll like. I know its really, really short, but the next one will be much longer. Promise. >w< And please forgive me for the distance between chapters. I just haven't had much time to work on them lately. The Love of a Nobody... (section 19) Axel wondered the streets of Hallow Bastion, desperately searching for some sort of clue. He wasn’t even sure what he was looking for, as long as it was something that could help Nex. Heartless stepped into his path every few minutes, but he would merely wave them off. He wasn’t in the mood for the impudent creatures. The Nobodies that crossed him, however, were ordered to help search. Axel was tempted to shoot down a few of them to temper his attitude, but he knew it wouldn’t help. He’d still be searching for Nexydys. Voices interrupted him. He turned to see Yuffie and Cloud taking down a bowling ball-like Heartless, about fifty yards away. He considered helping them, but knew he had better things to do. And he couldn’t risk being seen by anyone who would recognize his cloak. Didn’t he hear something about Sora being here? Maybe that’s what he was looking for… There! Axel swore to Kingdom Hearts that someone, or something, was watching him. He could feel a dark presence, but he would never admit it to himself. He decided to ignore it. Whoever, or whatever they were, they would show themselves eventually. He finally made the choice to find Sora. The kid could prove useful if he had any good information. Even if he didn’t have anything to give, Axel would enjoy roughing him up a bit. Several more Heartless jumped in front of him, blocking the way, but before Axel could send them away, a blonde man stepped in the way and cut them down with an enormous sword. “Don’t even try to thank me Ela,†Cloud said nonchalantly, speaking with his back turned. “I know you’re leaving.†“Yeah.†“So,†Cloud began, and then turned to face Axel. “I know you would’ve done the same in my position.†Axel smirked. Same old Cloud. With slow steps, he walked up to his old friend, his right hand held out. Cloud shook it, a look of recognition in his eyes. “Don’t do anything stupid this time Ela.†Axel laughed. “You know I will.†Cloud nodded, and leapt away, eager to join the rest of the fight. Axel could only look after him, wished he could help. But Sora was his main objective now. In the back of his mind, Axel could see nothing but the little brown-haired boy, the one who reminded him so much of the other one…. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hahaha! I love this darky. Absolutely hilarious!!!! Keep it up!!!
Very nice Darky! I like so far. ^-^ I think we all know what Riku and Kairi are up too. :poketoungeb:
"Mmm....Guess you're right Rox," Axel said as if Xigbar had said nothing at all. "But my wallet is all charcoal remember? They don't call me firelord for nuthin!!!" Then, Axel turned his attention to the crazed Xigbar. The lil dude looked like he was about to implode. "As for YOU, lil man," It was very apparent that the pyro was enjoying himself. " YOU listen to MWAH. Why? ..... CUZ I SAID SO THAT'S WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I can't believe Vexen's that friggin tall....I always thought Lex was the tallest.... :/ Shows you what I know. lol.
Axel watched Zexion and waited to see what to do. Apparently, everyone had gone absolute nuts. "Zexion! For Kingdom's sake, what the hellz are we supposed to do?!" Axel turned and skitted away from the tiny replicas of his friends as each one of them started crying in turn. "Xigbar!!! Off the ceiling!!! NOW!!!"
Thank ya thank ya. ^-^ Tifa might be in it, but it all depends on where the story goes from here. I can prolly find a spot for her somewhere. lol. XDDD Anyway, thanks for the love!!! I really appreciate it. And I remember that comic. Axe can never get rid of us can he? lol.
Omg....I have absolutely no idea. Its been really long hasn't it? I know it was a lil while after I signed up on this site....And that was like...last year maybe? ..... I really dunno. D= But it just proves that friends stick together!!!! XDDD (Lez see if you know this one) JINGLE BELLZ, MERMAIDMAN SMELLZ, BARNACLEBOY LAID AN EGG!!!!!!! (I'm in a christmas mood, can ya tell? lol.)
Seriously. And thanks for the hint. ^-^ We're manly men, okay?! Get over it. Football, guns, blood, and gore. You say it, and we men? We just want more! DUDE THAT RHYMED!!! GOTTa GO!
Oh really? Guess I never really paid attention to that. There's so many people on here who have the same avies I guess its no big deal.
Oh! Okay. No wonder I didn't recognize ya. Oops!
Nothing. Just checking.... Hey chicka, do you know how to take a picture of your desktop? I see lots of people doing it on their dA acounts, but I'm not sure how. DID YOU PUT THAT PIC OF ME BACK UP?!?!?! Um....No.... Don't feel bad man. It doesn't even have me in it. I ran out of ideas!!! Leave me alone! Yeesh. Men.
Hiya!!! I don't think we've met. Twi *holds out hand* Hows it going?